Chapter 84, Choice

We were all faced with a tough decision right now. Everyone was frozen, judging by what I've observed so far, Chase, Milo and Rosemary will go with not killing Autumn. Monica will likely remain nuetral and at the moment she seems to be interested in what has happened to Arata. I'm not sure about Dustin but Hildegard and Albert will likely go with killing Autumn.

"So it's a draw." Van stated and took out his Article. "Wonderland."

Our surrounding wavers for a second before returning to normal. I can't tell what that was but... it was likely a barrier-type spell.

"Since we can't have you destroying the city where people are scattered, I've brought us into my Article till we come to a decision." Van stated. "I'll remain nuetral in this but... I doubt that the rest of you will come to an agreement soon."

"I agree." Hildegard said and reached for her sword. "I suggest we end this quickly. Hand her over and we'll execute her."

"Not a chance." Chase said as he reached for his gun.

"Think about it rationally please, for just one girl you're all willing to sacrifice thousands of lives?" Albert asked but for some reason there was no venom in his words. That even he was hesitant to do so. "Then let's hold a vote. All those in favour with killing her, raise your hands."

The ones that raise their hands are him and Hildegard alone.

"All opposed." Rosemary says and only she and Milo raise their hands. The eyes fall on Monica and Dustin. "What about you two?"

"Sorry to say that I'm with it." Dustin said.

"I'm against it." Monica answered and turend to us. "So, that leaves you guys since Van is nuetral."

"What is your opinion?" Hildegard asked. "Do we kill her or not?"

We all look at each other and nod then push Liam to do the talking. We already know whivh side we belong to you.

"We won't say anything until Arata wakes up." Liam says and they are all surprised.

"Arata is our leader, whatever he chooses, we will support." I answered.

"Though we already know." Will says as Zhen holds Arata in his arms and begins to transfer Vi into him.

"The answer is..." We all began in union.

"No!" Arata says as he wakes up from his sleep.

"So, what do we do exactly?" Milo asks when Autumn who had been silent for quite some time falls to her knees.

"Are you alright?" Chase offers her his hand only to be slapped away and as Autumn raises her head, we see her eyes changing color.

"Van, get us out of here!" Arata orders him and he undoes the spell freeing us. "Everyone! Run to the surface!!"

We all run for the entrance, Chase was stubborn so Mitan pucked him up and as we reached the surface, Autumn has chased us, but he body is no longer completely humanoid. It has parts that aren't human, she has become half human and the other half resembles the White Tiger. Before we can even do anything, a gun is fired at Autumn and we see her fall into the abyss.

"Autumn!" Chase tries to jump after her but Milo stops him. "Let go!"

"Calm down!" Milo tells him.

Just then, the ground begins to quake and from the hole, the White Tiger emerges. It's huge with pure white fur that is covered in black stripes.

"Shoot it down!" Hildegard ordered her troops.

"Sink it now!" Albert ordered his.

"Stop!!" Chase exclaimed as the soldiers began firibg at the White Tiger. However, their attacks were futile. "Autumn!"

For a single second, the White Tiger pauses it's movements and turns to Chase. It recognizes his voice. Chase calls her bame out again snd this time it stops moving altogether.

"Stop firing!" Hildegard ordered and the gun fire stopped.

"It's me, Autumn." Chase approached the White Tiger and as he did the White Tiger lowers itself and allows Chase to touch it. "Autumn, I know you're in there, fight it!"

"C-Chase..." Autumn's voice comes out of its mouth. "K.. Kill me... hurry... while I'm... still myself."

For a minute Chase says nothing and simply presses his head against it's the White Tiger's fur. Then, he turns his back and draws his gun.

"Autumn... this is my show of respect to you and the White Tiger." He says as he pulls the trigger and fires the bullet.

"Resume fire!" Hildegard orders the moment Chase's bullet pierces the White Tiger's flesh.

The soldiers fire away attacking the non-resisting White Tiger but the four representatives didn't touch their weapons and instead, along with Chase looks at the White Tiger and sends it off with their respect.

"Is it alright?" Adele asks Arata but he remains silent, so we immediately understand. There's nothing he can do.

Slowly, the White Tiger then falls to the ground as it weakens and Autumn emerges from its body.

"Autumn!" Milo rushes for her with Chase and the four and so do we.

She's very weak, her body is covered in wounds but she is conscious and she reaches her hand out to Chase.

"Autumn! Hang in there, we'll get you patched up real quickly!" Albert tells her as he calls for a doctor but she stops him.

"T... To killl... the White... T-Tiger... you must... kill the familiar... that... acts... as the... heart..." She says as she gasos for air, like a fish out of water. "D...don't hesitate."

Her bloody hands reach for Milo and Chase and smiles and the other three nod their heads. The four ofbthem step back and Chase nods, he holds his gun steady and pulls the trigger after saying 'thank you' with a smile on his face and sends her off.

The White Tiger vanishes in orbs of light to the sky and along with it, the familoars which Autumn held down. Autumn's body beginsbto glow and Chase hold her in his hands as teras stream down his face.

"Our hero, Autumn." Is all Hildegard says as she salutes Autumn.

"With the White Tiger gone, there is no Guardian for the West." Monica says as the last bits of the White Tiger's light fades away and Autumn disappears leaving behind only an roange leaf.

"Autumn..." Milo's voice trembles as he holds the leaf.

"Autumn!!" Chase cries out to the skies as the the day falls into darkness.

"Oh ye who no voice can reach, I emplore you to wait, oh hand which no one can reach, I order you to reach out." Arata suddenly begins chanting and we all turn to his direction. "The tears shed in lamentation, the heart that cries out to the other shore which no one may cross."

"What kind of chant is that?" Leon asked.

"Wounds no magic may heal, scars that shall never fade, the past which has gone, the present before our very eyes, the future which no one knows." Arata's chant is so long. "Oh string of fate that no longer connects, reach out once more to ye who has been lost, of path that has been left behind, once again be restored."

Arata's body begins to glow bright and his Crest hovers above the battlefield. On the leaf that Autumn leaves behind, Arata's crest emrges as it glows.

"Let the served bonds reunite and allow the frozen gears to move once more, Le Relance!" A tower of light rises to the skies and when it clears, we see Autumn, sleeping in Chase's arms.