Chapter 85, Orpheus

"How's Autumn?" Lia asks as we were all gathered in the medical tent. The slldiers were all being treated and we were trying to wrap our heads aroind what just happened.

"She's fine." Chase answered as he came out of the room Autumn was placed in.

"Arata, that chant, what was it?" Monica asked intrigued and afraid.

"Le Relance, also known as Orpheus." Van answered. "An Original Spell that can bring a person back to life. However... there shouldn't be any users of the spell in this world."

"Aster taught me the spell." Arata answered. "Did you get to talk to Ivy?"

"You really made us worry earlier." Theo scolded.

"Arata! Fill me in on the spell and everything that has just happened so far!!" Monica shook him.

"Okay, okay!" He answered. "But... where do I start?"

"From when we crossed over the bridge and you changed please." Hildegard said.

"When I crossed the bridge, I felt like I had seen the scenery before. That it was all too familiar when I heard a voice calling out to me, then, I heard Ivy's voice calling out." He answered. "After which, I was pulled into the Dream Castle and temporarily switched places with Ivy. After that Ivy had control of my body so I knew nothing about what came after that. As for the spell, it's an ancient spell created by Fleur to restore a certain person to life."

"Okay, you lost me at the Dream Castle." Dustin stated. "What is it exactly?"

"The Dream Castle is a space where I can communicate with the other Fleurs before me. There are ten of us in all. Elias, Julius, Aster, Erika, Emilia, Hazel, Gregory, Evergreen, Ivy and me. Ivy is the ninth generation and one of the frist Braves of our world. She... for reasons, was unable to return to her home." He answered. "When she saw the scenery I saw, I felt her desperate cry to see her home just once more so I decided to let her switch places with me for now. After which, I spent most of the whole time with Elias and the others when Hazel suggested I learned Le Relance. At the time I had no idea why but I realized why when I saw Autumn dying in Chase's arms."

"What do you mean?" Milo asked.

"Le Relance is also called Orpheus, because there is one requirement for the spell to be activated." Van stated. "That is... to share a fate similar to that of Orpheus."

"Orpheus... that is a story about a forsaken love." Lia stated.

Orpheus is part of Greek Mythology and the constellation Lyra is affiliated to it. Orpheus received the celestial harp that was crafted by the Greek god Hermes from the Greek god Apollo. Whenever he played love songs for his beloved bride Eurydice, it would captivate both human and animals. When Eurydice died suddenly, Orpheus' enchanting lyre music was what allowed him to convince the Greek god Hades to release Eurydice at the condition he wouldn't look back at her as she followed her back. However, unable to bear the idea of her no longer following he turned back to see her fade back into Hades' domain. After Orpheus died, the Greek god Zeus placed his harp among the stars in remembrance of his beautiful music and forsaken love.

Orpheus' love story is a tragic one indeed but what does that mean for the spell exactly?

"What do you mean a fate similar to Orpheus?" Rosemary asked.

"It just as I said. Forsaken Love." Arata stated. "That is the core for this spell, lovers that were brought together but not meant to be together."

"What do you mean exactly?!" Chase blushed. "L-l-lovers?!"

"Orpheus' love was one where they loved each other and wished to be together, however, fate was cruel and seperated them." He answered. "That was how I could cast that spell. You two love each other, but the cruel hands of fate and the paths of destiny wouldn't allow you to stay together."

"So, how did you overcome such a problem?" Lucas asked.

"He casted Re Lance to revive her and used a different to spell to change her fate." Van stated. "Le Relance is special in the way it can only revive special cases."

"Le Relance, is the spell that can overturn the power of fate. Autumn's fate was to disappear there but I used Le Relance to bring her back and changed the fate design." Arata stated. "Of course it doesn't work for all but... even if it's just one out of a hundred, this spell can change the twisted fate."

"Speaking of which, Ivy said that we had to choose, let her live or die." Leon stated. "What was the point if Arata could just bring them back?"

"If I could bring them back would you have let Autumn die? Even if you knew, the spell may not have worked. Ivy was guiding you, to make a decision that could've changed the whole world." He answered. "Let's just say that the decision made there had a purpose. I'm guessing you've already realized it, Reinhardt."

"The point was that one day we'll have to make decisions similar to that. Ones that way life against love and survival against humanity." I answered and he nodded.

"Every Brave on the battlefield may one day have to face a trial like that, as we continue down this path the choices we make may affect our fates." Arata stated. "So, we have to be careful about them. Luckily this time the others taught me another path so I could change it with my power."

"The Authority of Choice." Van sighed. "All Called Ones have a special power. You used your Authority to changed their fates."

"Yup." Arata smiled and just then we could hear groans from Autumn's room.

Chase went inside and after five minutes came out with a big smile on his face. She's awake and she's all better. We all go in and smiled as Autumn had regained her strength.