Chapter 86, Essence of Fall

"What do you have planned now? The White Tiger is gone and with it the Essence of Fall is gone." Van said as we were all standing outside.

"Essence of Fall?" Albert asked.

"The Elemental Keys, The Sacred Articles, Petals and... the Essence of the Four Seasons, when all are gathered they reveal the path towards the Stage of Fatum where the Le Fleur will choose his fate." Van answered. "What are you planning now, Le Fleur?"

"The Essence of Fall is gone, there's nothing I can do about it." He answered. "For now at least."

"Oh, do you have something up your sleeve?" Van asked.

"Something like that." Arata answered.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.

"The Essence of Fall hasn't been lost yet, it's inside of Autumn." He answered. "Inside her resides the Essence of Fall, I just need to find a way to seperate her and the Essence of Fall."

"Can you do something like that?" Rachel asked.

"Who knows. I'll have to research it but for now it's much safer in Autumn's hands." He answered. "Besides, we should start moving soon. Winter's coming."

"Winter?" Zhen asked.

"We're heading North. To the Black Turtle." I stated. "Isn't that right?"

"You got it, Alistar." He smiled. "I'll leave the rest to here to Autumn. We need to head North and check on the Black Turtle."

"You're leaving already?" Autumn asked as Rosemary and Hildegard helped her walk.

"We have to, we have things to do." Arata answered her with a gentle smile.

"What about you, Monica, Dustin?" Ethan asked the two.

"We'll be staying here for a while." Monica stated. "There are still some things we need to take care of."

"Okay then." Arata answered when Autumn tugged at the sleeve of his shirt.

"Um... can I have a word in private?" She asked and he smiled and nodded.


"What did you want to talk about in private?" I asked her.

"This... when I woke up this was in my hands." She answered and presented me with a glass marble with a crimson leaf inside it. "I... don't know what it is but I feel that I should give this to Arata."

"The Essence of Fallen!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Can I really have it?"

"Yes. I believe the White Tiger wanted you to have it." She smiled and looked down.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save the White Tiger." I apologized as I sat beside her.

"No, please don't worry about it. It's just, I'm worried about who will protect our continent now." She answered with a gentle but sad smile.

"Who knows, you may that person." I told her and patted her head and she looks up to me. "The White Tiger may be gone but the Title of Magician of the Fallen Leaves remains and the power that comes along with it."

"Such as task... can I really handle it by myself?" She asked.

"It sure you can. Besides, you aren't alone." I told her. "You have Chase, Milo, Hildegard, Rosemary and Albert who are willing to cooperate with you."

"Will they really?" She asked a bit doubtful of herself.

"They will. After all, you are a rriend to Milo and Chase and an ally to the others. To be honest, Hildegard and Albert might be regretting their choice right now."

"Regretting?" She asked as she looked at me.

"Well, I think that's better for you to discuss amongst each other. But just don't forget taht you've got people behind your back." I told her. "If you stumble, stagger or get lost along the way, I'm sure they'll always be there to help you and if you ever need help, I'll be there too."

"Thank you." She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"We should head back now, I'm sure Chase is getting anxious with us being alone and away from them." I smiled and she giggled.

We return to a somewhat funny sight, Albert and Milo were looking down while Hildegard scolded them and Chase was crying. Rosemary was ignoring them and Theo and Dustin were fighting. The others were in somewhat similar situations so I turn to the most reasonable and calm person in the group to find that Liam was fuming behind his glasses.


"How did this happen?" Arata asked me.

"It started like this." I explained everything that happened after he left.

Firstly, about ten minuets after they left, Theo, Will and Chase started worrying. Hildegard said it was nothing to worry about and Albert jokingly said that maybe the two of them were flirting to which Milo seconded as a way of teasing Chase. After that, Van and Monica started inciting a fight and when Theo had enough he threw a ball at Dustin and Dustin retaliated and eventually lead to the two fighting and getting the otehrs involved. Rosemary escaped before things got hectic.

Chase was desperately hugging his knees after he got the idea that Autumn might be in love with Arata which was stated by Van. This is further incited by Albert and Milo till Chase caved and simply cried and Hildegard punished the two. It was very amusing to watch to be honest.

"Okay, enough. Silence!" Arata shouted and suddenly my body was frozen. Not just mine, the others who all beared the Sacred Flower were frozen.

"Oh, so this is Absolute Word of Binding." Van stated. "The power to bind those connected to you. Well, just let them go this time. Besides, shouldn't we hurry to the North?"

"Ah! That's right!" He exclaimed and we could move again when he suddenly stops.

"Is something wrong?" Will asked.

"Something's not right north. You lots, let's hurry!" He stated but I could feel a bit of fear in his voice.

Arata rushes and before a proper farewell, summons Growth and the ship over head. He smiles and we say our goodbye before leaving. I can't blame Arata for rushing us though. After saying our goodbyes and hugging each other, we all board the ship and head North but not before they can all shout theri tabks and wave at us before we depart north.