Chapter 94, The Essence of Winter

What do I do now... even thoigh I can use Growth, what will happen if I attack the Black Turtle? I know for sure that we can't lose anymore Guardians. We've lost the White Tiger, if we lose the Black Turtle, the number will fall to half and the barrier that protects this world will be in grave danger. But... the Black Turtle has gone into a fit of rage. It aimlessly shoots out rays of light that seem to destroy everything in the way.

"Choose, Initium or Finis." A voice whispered in my head. This is... a voice of a man but I've never heard this voice before.

"Who are you?!" I asked.

"The fate rests in your hands. Choose, Initium or Finis?" The voice answered. "What awaits, will it be Hope or Despair? See for yourself as you dance upon the stage of Fatum."

"Who are you!!" I demanded but the voice did not respond.

"Arata! Look out!" Will's voice snaps me back to reality and I maneuver Growth to move out of the way from the beam of light.

This is bad, I have to choose, whether I kill the Black Turtle or let it live. I can't let it continue to destroy the north but if I kill it the balance of the world's barrier will halven.

"Le Fleur, please kill the Black Turtle, I know of a way to save it!" Snow exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. I can only do it once but it should work!" Snow answered.

"Alright then." I answered and before me a great sword appeared.

I charge at the Black Turtle with it while the others finish off the remaining members of the Phantom Troupe. I don't care what happens to tbem, whether they'll live past this day or not but the Black Turtle must be stopped.

I attack with all my weapons but the Black Turtle is very strong and it's hide is difficult to pierce. The shell is no good either. It is far too sturdy that the legs and tail are very strong. I can't even land a blow on the shell without flying back.

"Growth!" I activate Growth's full output.

This drains a lot of Vi but if I can stop the Black Turtle with this then I'll do it. I'm concentrating all the Vi into the core when a light glows bright and before me the Sacred Flower Crest emerges and shines bright. Limit Over. I'll put I have into this one attack and take it down.

"Hyaa!" I slashed the head off in one go.

It rolls off and the Obsidian Jade falls off and shatters. A light emerges from the severed neck and a waterway opens causing a river of colorfull liquids to flow out of the severed head.

"What is that?!" Angie asked as they escaped the rising water.

"Essence, it is a source of life in a sense." Snow answered. "It is rich in Vi and is very potent. However, it is also a very powerful aphrodisiac and alcohol as well."

"Ehh?" Adele asked.

"It is in no way harmful to us and I often use it to create potions." He answered. "But what's important is what comes next. After the water clears, please set us near the severed head."

"Okay then." I answered as I manuevered Growth to the ground. "Is everyone alright?"

"We'll live." Adonis answered.

"What about the rest of the Phantom Troupe?" Alistar asked and Alexis pointed to the incoherent people around us.

"Ugh. I don't even wanna know what's going through their heads." Zhen stated.

"Now then, what do we do about the Black Turtle?" I asked.

"Leave that to me." Snow said as he walked towards the severed head.

"What will you do?" Angie asked.

"Le Fleur, I leave the rest to you." Snow answered and smiled as he walked towards the neck.

He smiles again time as he turns to us and I can't help but wonder what kind of spell or magic he'll use to bring back the Black Turtle.

"Black Turtle, I hereby return the life you have given my family for generations." He said and his body began to glow bright.

"That is!!" I exclaimed when I realized what he did. "Snow!"

"I leave sealing the Black Turtle to everyone." He said and bowed his head before he began to become transparent.

The head of the Black Turtle begins to regrow and as a golden wave spreads outward, the Black Turtle awakens and Snow disappears. Snow...

"Farewell, our friend." I said as teras dripped down my face.

"Can't you use Le Relance?" Theo asked and I shook my head.

"Le Relance... cannot bring back what has no bonds." I answered.

"Le Fluer, it has been a long time since I've seen you." The Black Turtle says.

"It can talk?!" The others exclaimed.

"It has been a while, my old friend." I answered whipping my tears.

Suddenly, a golden light flashes and the Black Turtle takes on a humanoid form. A woman with black hair and white skin with a silver snake around her body.

"That is... the Black Turtle's humanoid form?" Liam asked as she flaoted towards us.

"My Magician has given his life for mine." She saiid with a sad expression as she approached me. "Please dry your tears, my master."

I look and she smiles at me and offers her hand. I take it and stand back up and she hands me a marble with a snowflake inside it. The Essence of Winter.

"My dear friend, Snow White, won't be lost." She smiled. "By the power I bear, you who has given his life for mine, you who has crossed the great river, once more return to this land."

Suddenly, lights began to glow and life sprouted up from where we stood. A beautiful scene played before our eyes as new life sprouted from our very feet. And the lights began to cluster together and spin tilk they become a tornado and when it clears, Snow stood before us.

"Snow!" We all exclaimed and hugged him.

"How?!" I exclaimed.

"I rule over life, it is only natural that I can tamper with it a little." The Black Turtle smiled.

I couldn't help but smile and then snow began to fall. We all gazed at the falling snow as they danced in the air.