Chapter 93, The Black Turtle

The Black Turtle awakens in a fit of rage destroying everything around it. It shoots out rays of light that destroy the mountain. The forest, it's being destroyed. I can't let this go on but I can't harm the Black Turtle, it's better to destroy the Obsidian Jade instead.

"Hahahaha! Yes! Yes!!" The man was extremely pleased with the fact that he had awakened the Black Turtle and has turned away from the Obsidian Jade. Nows my chance!

"Growth! Get the Obsidian Jade!" I ordered him and he immediately dashed towards the gem.

"Boss!" The man who was fighting with Snow shouted and the man turned and retrieve the Obsidian Jade then turned it to Growth.

"Hahaha! This little pet of yours is mine now!" He said as he used the Obsidian Jade on Growth simply flies upward and begins to attaxk again. "What?!"

"Growth, Division! Attack him and retrieve the Obsidian Jade!" I ordered it and it divided and attacked the man aiming for the Obsidian Jade with its claws and beak. It attacks, scarching, pecking and even shots small rays of light from its mouth.

"Black Turtle, I order you! Destroy them!" He ordered and the Black Turtle began firing at us. "Die!!"

"Tch. I need to hold it down. Snow, is there anything I should know about the Black Turtle?!" I exclaimed. "Like places I shouldn't hit or things I shouldn't use against it?"

"The head must never be severed from the body or else it'll attack from a distance." He answered. "It can withstand any for of magic. It will however absord magic related to light and dark aspects and wind and water are not effective against if!"

"Got it!" I answered with a grin.

"What are you going to do? This is the Black Turtle! The Cardinal Beast of the North!" The man laughed.

"I, Arata order thee, by the power of the Le Fleur, respond to my call, ye who doth rule over time and space, bend time to my will and become chains!" I chanted. "Chronologia, if you will."

Behind me, Chronologia appears, and then gears appear around the Black Turtle and they become chains and hold it down.

"That is... Guardian Summoning. The Le Fleur's power to call a Guardian to his side." Van stated. "You've mastered it to the extent that you can summon a Guardian from another world?"

"I can only do it once. While I keep the Black Turtle undercontrol someone get the Obsidian Jade!" I exclaimed as I kept the Black Turtle under my control.

"On it!" Zhen exclaimed and his knives began to dance in the air.

"The snow glows white, the ice is deep blue, the winds howl loudly, the frost creeps and embraces, bind all in your embrace, Frozen Embrace!" Half of the enemy is trapped in frost and unable to move. "Please hurry, my power will not last long!"

"On it!" Zhen said as he charged at the man but he is punched away and Zhen gets serious.

"Hyaa!" I turned to see a tunnel of air rising to the sky and realize that must've been Reinhardt.

"Growth!" I ordered Growth to attack the man and as it does the man orders the Black Turtle tl attack again.

I reach for my shadow and pull out a silver ring, I only get one shot of this, I need to make it count.

"Growth!" I exclaimed.

Growth moves out of the way and above me, a golden ray shines, it rushes for the man and his arms and legs are held tightly. Medusa's Embrace.

I approach the man and take the Obsidian Jade but before I could, my hold on the Black Turtle breaks.

"Destroy them! I order you!!" He laughed.

I jump away as the Black Turtle attacks me, the man is killed by the attack and the Obsidian Jade flies towards the Black Turtle and fastens itself unto its head. The man's greed was deeply carved into the Obsidian Jade, so much that it sought out the Black Turtle in its desire for power, this is bad.

"Le... Fleur..." I turn to see Snow collapsing. Tch. The Obsidian Jade has taken over the Black Turtle and is affecting him as well.

"What do we do now?" Theo asked.

"I'm going to have to take the Obsidian Jade out of the Black Turtle's head." I answered.

"How? We can't even get close to it." Adele answered.

"That's what I don't know either. But... unless we get the Obsidian Jade out od the Black Turtle's head, it won't stop." I answered.

"Tch. Don't you have any Spirits that can do that?" Adonis asked.

"I can't summon any Sprits for the rest of the day." I answered pointing to the red strands of my hair. "I still have one last ace up my sleeve but... you guys have to take care of the rest."

"You got it." Alexis answered.

"Growth; Rider!" I called out and growth began to grow large and in the next instant, it becomes a giant knight light figure.

If I had to say it, ut looks like a robot. This takes up a lot of Vi though. I can only do this once so I have to make it count.

I'm immediately teleported inside the Growth and my outfit changes to that of my combat attire. The Sacred Flower's Regalia. On my fingers string connect to what appear to be controlers for the arms.

"Here we go, Growth!" I shouted as I activated it.


"Hmm... he activated Rider." I smiled as I watched from a distance. "This will be very interesting."

"What should I do next, master?" A voice in the shadows asked.

"Prepare the next stage." I answered and he left. "Now then Le Fleur, the stage before is set. Choose, initium or finis?" I smiled as I looked down on the battlefield.

The peices are still missing but the game is getting more interesting. Won't you show me, my precious flower, the power you hold? The power of Fate!"