Chapter 103, Unwanted Pieces

As we walked down the streets looking for more information, I accidentally bump into a girl with bright orange hair.

"I'm sorry." I apilogized.

"No, I'm sorry." She answered and I notoced her bright orange eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm fine." I answered

I apologize once more and she does too before leaving in a rush as if she's looking for someone.

"Is something wrong?" Will asked a I turned to my side.

"No. It's was probably just my imagination." I answered.

Was it though? For an instant I though I felt a Vi presence equal to mine when we bumped into each other. I turn to Van who nodded his head. So there was someone here who had the same Vi as us.

'Do you think that the girl was...?' I talked to him via telepathy privately.

'I can't say for sure, she couldn't be the Magician of Relentless Heat so it's also possible that it was a Called One.'

'There are only two left. The Hero and Beacon.' I answered.

'Yeah. The Beacon who serves as the one who marks and guides your path and the hero who serves as the Hero for the people.' He answered. 'Among the five of us, the strongest is you followed by the Hero then the Beacon, then the me and finally the Guide.'

'Wait, Saint is the weakest?' I asked. 'That's surprising, his power really helped with the battle at Galactic Gates.'

'Aside form his ship, the Guide has no other power. I have the power to rule over time and space to mend the stories that have gone off course so I am stonger than him.' He answered. 'His power is to guide the Fluer and any who come before him, that's all. He cannot tamper with fate or the natural laws of the world.'

'What about the Beacon?' I asked.

'He is the most mysterious among the five of us, from what I know, the Beacon holds high powers, he can tamper with fate itself if necessary but most of the time he serves as someone to help you grow and make sure you're on the destined path.' He answered. 'The Hero serves as the one closest to the people. He acts as a symbol of strength and justice for the people. Just as you serves as the symbol of hope for the worlds.'

'Are they like you or more like Saint in regards to my mission?' I asked.

'More like the the Guide.' He answered. 'The Hero has been known to actively seek out the Flower in order to help them, the Beacon serves as a signpost for you on your journey.'

'I see.' I answered. 'Should we scope out what was that presence just now?'

'I leave the decision to you.' He answered and I nodded and had Growth seek out the source of the Vi I felt.

If it's the Hero or the Beacon, then we'd be taking one big step towards our goal. But right now, we need to find out where the Cloud Nine is coming from and the reason why it's being produced. Accoridng the info Will just found, the source is a shop in the plaza that sells sweets to people. So, we're heading to the plaza to see for ourselves the sweet shop that is the source of the Could Nine.


"Master, the Le Fleur has begun to move." Eddy reported. "Also, it was only for an instant but we felt the presence of the Hero."

"Hmm... the Hero of this generation... I wonder what they're like." I smiled. "What about the Vermillion Bird and the Magician of Relentless Heat?"

"Yes. We have captured the Magician of Relentless Heat." Addy answered. "What do we do with the Magician of Relentless Heat?"

"Hand him over to them. Let them decide his fate." I answered.

"Understood." He answered. "As for the pawn that Master has set, it's ready to stand on the stage soon"

"Very well. The stage has yet to be completed, but soon, my dear flower, you shall dance once again." I smiled as I gazed at the crystal before me.

The stage is nearly set, the pieces are in place, but... why is it that I feel as if there's an unwanted piece on the board as of this moment.

"Both of you, go search the town for any unwanted peices." I ordered them and they nodded


"Hey, what's mister's name?" Clover asked me as we walked through the streets together.

"Lysander." I answered.

"Where's Lysander from?" He asked.

"That's a secret." I patted his head.

I'm from Tetra-Topia, however, my hometown was devoured by Chimeras along with my family and friends. The one that saved me... was the Hero. He gave me a home, a new life and a second chance. Since I was given this second chance, I decided to use it to help others.

As we walked down the streets I kept my eyes peeled for his older brother but to no avail. Where could he be? My power can't even detect his presence nor can Truth find him.

"Clover, can you tell me where you live?" I asked him.

"I live with big brother, a big bird and big sister." He answered

"That isn't really an answer but, what is the big bird?" I asked him.

"It's big big bird with bright orange feathers and some raindow colors!" He answered.

could it be the Vermillion Bird?! Then is his big brother or sister the Magician of Relentless Heat?! If so then I have to protect him even more now.

The Magician of Relentless Heat, I should seek him via Vi instead. That's a quicker way of finding him. I switch to Vi and when I do I see a large concentration of Vi near the plaza. The Vi is bright red, with ormage as if resembling a flame. To my far south, a bright golden one but it resembles an yet to bloom flower.

The Magician of Relentless Heat must be the one giving off the one that resembles flames. As for the bright golden one, could it be the Le Fleur?