Chapter 104, Le Sabre

There seems to be unwanted pieces on ny game baord, however, I'll leave them be. For now, I must have Addy and Eddy finished the game board. The Gem of Gluttony, the Crimson Diamond and the Gem of Sloth, the Black Quartz are ready, now, then, dance my Le Fluer.

"Master, it seems that the unwanted game pieces are the siblings of the Magicians of Relentless Heat and the Called One who bears the Role of Hero." Addy stated. "What shall we do?"

"Proceed as planned." I answered.

"Are you sure?" Eddy asked.

"Yes. They shall also be useful in entertaining me." I answered.

"Very well." The two answered and disappeared into the shadows.


"So, the informant said this was the shop." Theo said as we stood before a sweets shop that sold a variety of sweets.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen my younger brpther and older brother?" A young lady with ormage hair, she's the one I bumped into earlier asked us.

"Ah, you're the one I bumped into earlier." I said.

"Ah, yes. I'm so sorry about earlier, I was searching for my brothers." She said.

'Arata, this girl...' Van's voice telepathically called out.

'I know.' I answered.

"What do they look like?" I asked.

"My older brother has bright orange hair with purple eyes while my younger brother has black hair with brown eyes." She answered. "We were shopping when we got seperated."

"Hmm... what do we do, Argent?" Adonis asked.

"Let's help her search for her brothers." I answered an they nodded.

Just as we were about to move a child came running to her side. A balck haired child that was sobbing.

"Clover! Thank goodness!" She cried as she hugged him. "What about Ard?"

"Summer!!" The younger brother simply cried.

"Are you her older sister? I found him crying a few alleys away, are you with your older brother?" A man asked, he had ashen hair with silver eyes and white skin. "Oh! Le Fleur!"

"Eh? Do you know him, Arata?" Alexis asked.

"Oh, the Le Livre as well. Lucky." He answered.

"No way! The Le Sabre!" I exclaimed.

"Ehh?!" The others exclaimed and suddenly I heard a scream.

"What was that?" Angie asked and they wnet on gaurd when I smelt, without a doubt, this is the scent... of blood.

"On guard, all of yoh, I definitely smelt blood just now!" I exclaimed.

"Tch. They're moving already." Theo said.

Then, slowly, the streets began to fill with people, all brainwashed without doubt. We can't hurt them, so we can't fight back.

"Retreat into my shadow!" I ordered them as I opened a portal.

We all rush into the portal and I close it the moment we pass into it safely. Inside, the girls who were amking the antidote for the Cloud Nine were surprised when we came in.

"Is everyone alright?" Angie asked.

"Yeah. We're fine." Van answered. "So, let's get things settled first."

"Give me a minute." I answered as I held out my hand to the sky.

"What are you doing?" Alistar asked.

"Creatibg a house." I answered as a house materialized itself before us. "Let's go inside. I can serve eveyone tea and treats."

We all go inside the house and the siblings, Clover and Summer tell us what happened to them. Apparently, the trio were together shipping for their needs when they were seperated by a crowd of people, they lost contact with each other and Summer went to the plaza as they planned to meet there but neither one of the two returned. Clover tells us taht he got tossed aside into the alleway and was struggling when this man, Lysander found him.

"That settles one issue. Now on to pressing matters." I stated. "You two, are the siblings of the Magician of Relentless Heat aren't you?" .

"Yes." The girl answered. "Our odler brother is the Magician of Relentless Heat. But he disappeared."

"I see. Do you have any idea where he might be right now after you three were seperated?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't." She answered. "But... he had mentioned Cloud Nine the morning we went shopping."

"Could he have had something to do with the production of Cloud Nine?" Reinhardt asked.

"That's possible. After all, one of the ingrediemts for Cloud Nine is the feathers of the Vermillion Bird." Van stated but I immediately discarded his idea. "Why?"

"Because, it's likely that the Magician of Relentless Heat and these two, are similar to Autumn." I answered. "They were made by the Vermillion Bird."

"I see. Then, he was taken captive them." Lysander said.

"Yeah. If so, then we need to find him." Theo said.

"Summer, we'll find your brother for you, but you two must remain here and get some rest." I told her. "Let's go. Our priority is finding the Magician of Relentless Heat."

"Yeah." The others answered.

"Lysander, you coming?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He answered.

The moment we're out of my shadow, I turn to Lysander and raise an eyebrow. He nods and tells us his story as we begin our search.

"I was travelling the worlds searching for the Le Fleur. I heard you were at the Garden so I headed there but apparently you had left for a journey." He stated. "I chased after you from world to world but you were always ahead of me so I eventually gave up cahsing you and came to this world. After which, I heard you were searchibg for the Cardinal Beasts."

"So, you came to the South hoping we'd come here." Van said and he nodded.

"So, why were you seeking Arata out?" Andrew asked.

"Simple. To help him." He answered. "The Le Fleur and the Le Sabre have always been side by side."

"We'll hear more later, Growth just found something." I answered.

We all stood before the shop that we came to today when it was still light out but now that it's night we can get in without being noticed. Something is bothering me, there are no sounds of people, the houses are all dark, the disappearance of the Magician of Relentless Heat, the Cloud Nine, the attack this morning, the answers all lie within this shop.