Chapter 108, Gluttony

Now then, Lyzander has taken care of the Crimson Diamond, our next issue is the Black Quartz. I have to get it back and destroy it. Meaning, we'll have to raid their base of operations, Gula Desidia's Gold Tower. We were positioned out their base now, it was a ten story tower that was their base of operations.

"So, how do we do this?" Will asked.

"We go in, gun blazing." I answered.

"That seems unlike you." Liam said.

"Anyone with better ideas?" I asked.

Without any other ideas, we agree to go in, so the others take out their weapons. I touch my shadow to pull out the cloak of invisibility again. We all charge into the front door, the first thing I thought was that their'd atleast be people but their are only armed gaurds. Will starts us off by firing his gun at them and Mitan throwing bombs in every direction.

"Go on to the second floor." Will said and we proceeded to the second floor.

We climb the stairs till we reach the second floor where a crowd of hypnotized people awaited. We can't exactly hurt them so Adonis with his flute and Angie with her Mirror take care of them and the rest of us go higher.

The third floor was guarded by a group of people carrying blasters so Leon and Rachel deal with them and we proceeded to the fourth floors where a group of giabt goons gaurded the door up, Lucas and Adele dealed with them while we pressed on to the fifth floor where they had armed guards again. I leave them to Alistar and Zhen and we proceed higher. They've left the sixth to robotic gaurds so Reinhardt and Theo take care of them. On the seventh floor, a group of what appears to be drones guard the way, Alexis and Lia deal with them and we proceed to the eight floor. It was guarded by a group of robots and drones with armed gaurds, Ethan and Andrew deak with them as we moved to fifth floor. Tch, only Liam, Van and I made it to the ninth floor. I break open the door to reveal a group of amred guards, larger bots and drones. Van and Liam deal with them as I oriceeded to the door.

I opened the door oto the last room on the tenth floor and what greats me is a fat man so big that he seems like he'll explode, sitting on his desk and eating food. I notice that inside his stomach the faint glow of the Gem of Gluttony can be seen. He devoured it?! Such insanity!!

I'm taken by surprise at the fact that someone thought to devour one of the Gems of Sin but I regain my bearings and carefull try to figure out how he will throw up the gem. Could I get it back by making him throw up I wonder? Just then, a man comes in, he is the one from the underground lab.

"Master, I've finally managed to get the Magician of Relentless Heat to produce us more of the drug." He reported.

"Well done... now, go get me more food!!" He ordered. "I want more!!"

"Yes sir." He answered and with a snap of his fingers, humans came inside.

Young women and men and one by one they came before the fat man. The fat man was happy and laughed and... suddenly he began to suck away at the air but he wasn't sucking air, he was training their life force?! This is, the power of the Gem of Gluttony. I can't beleive he'd do something like this using it.

"Enough!" I angrily shouted as he sucked away the life firce of the young men and women.

"Who are you?!" The fat man exclaimed. "Gaurds!!"

"Kneel!" I ordered the gaurds the moment they came in and they fell on their knees.

"H-h-how!!" He exclaimed.

"You pigs, you only know about gluttony greed, your lust for money and food is no longer that of a human. Return the Crimson Diamond!!" I exclaimed.

"You can't have it, it already inside my stomach." The fat man laughed.

"I order you, heed my words, oh order, oh chaos, bend and severed your bonds!" In a single chant the man throws up the Crimson Diamond and I immediately destroy it.

"Noo!! What have you done!!!" They exclaimed and the life forced drained from the young men and women is returned and just as it does, the door opens to the others.

"You pigs!!! You know nothing aisde from your gluttony, in that case, be the oigs you are!!!" I exclaimed and the two became pigs.

I stormed out the door in rage and let the two pigs wander about the room. Unforgivable, how dare they try to tamper with the natural order of the worlds!!!


Arata stormed out the door and it seems he's been angered. It's the first time I've seen him like this. I can't believe it.

"How's Arata?" I asked.

"Still fuming." Theo answered.

"Everyone who was under the effects of Cloud Nine has been freed, the people who wer kept as 'food' for their boss has been freed." Reinhardt reported. "But... the two people who were turned into pigs have yet to be restored to their human self. I believe Arata's magic alone can undo this."

"I can't believe Arata had this kind of power." I answered.

"It must've been his Order." Van said. "Arata's pwoer governs over life, order and balance, he has complete rule over the worlds."

"Therefore, all are bound by his words. Even us." Lyzander said. "Give him time to calm down. He must've been enraged by what he saw."

"Yeah." I answered.

As we gazed at the setting sun, a day of fightings and pain has ended at last. However, Arata's rage towards what he saw... I know it wasn't everything. I think he might've also been angry at humanity's gluttony and greed.