Chapter 107, The Fog of Despair

We watch as a man administers the drug to the people before giving orders to spread the drug even more. Before he stops, he says a phrase that scares even me.

"All for Gula Desidia!"

So, the ring leader really is the leader of Gula Desidia. The best course of action would be to storm their base here in Coral Island but what about the mainland? Could they also be producing the nedicine there?

"Arata, what do we do?" Leon asked.

"We'll attack their base of operation. Gula Desidia Incorporated." I answered and they nodded.

We head for the Gula Desidia's factory and split up. It's a large company but the first thing we need to do is destroy the factories here on Coral Island.

"But before that, everyone take one." I tapped my shadow to pull out masks. "No one must know our identities."

They nod and each take one and their hair colors are changed and we all dispatch. Thank goodbess our clothes are common here in the south so we don't have to change. We begin our attack when the sun rises above the horizon completely in about five minutes. Enough time to investigate the factory which uses machines, in fact I don't sense a single human inside.

As the sun clears the horizon, an explosion to the east signals the beginning of our plan. I begin with the plant before my eyes.

"I, Argent, order the wind and flames burst in a grandeur of crimson stars!" I chanted an the factory before my eyes is engulfed in flames.

All around me, explosions begin to erupt and as we spread the flames along the entire complex owned by Gula Desidia, the crimson sea of flames begins to destroy the facilities used by this corrupted company. Disappear from this world for good.

As we all regroup, I tunr and find a man standing a feet meters away from us. He is the man from earlier, if he is here to stop us there's no point, we've succeeded in our plan, is what I'd like to say but there's something about this man that makes my skin crawl and the hair on my neck stand. Something unsettling, something that makes me sure he has something up his sleeve.

"Oh great power, I emplore you, find what has been lost, retrieve what has been destroyed and return to me that which was taken!" He chanted and slowly the sea of flames began to die down and the buildings were restored. "Capture them!"

"Tch." I clicked my togue as people began to surround us. The man, with his nasty smile, laughed.

"What did he do?!" Andrew asked.

"That was without a doubt, the power of another Hem of Sin." I answered. "He gives off the same energy as the leader of the Phantom Troupe."

"The Gem of Gluttony, the Crimson Diamond which tampers with time!" Van said as Ethan erected a barrier around us.

"What do we do?" Theo asked.

"Can you leave him to me?" Lyzander asked.

"Are you sure?" I asked him and he nodded.

"This man, he is likely the owner of Gula Desidia. Leave him to me." He answered and we nodded. "You guys handle the other one."

"Alright then. Be careful." I told him as Ethan disabled his barrier and we ran while Lyzander confornted the man by himself.

While Lyzander fights the man, the rest of us move and Mitan drops bombs along the way as we run above the walls of the complex. Finally, when we've finished, we run to the plaza. I open the portal to laboratory where Ardor is and we all jump in.


"Oh-ho, will you be fine on your own?" The man asked.

"Yeah. I'm more worried about you." I told him.

"What can you do exactly?" He snickered.

"Why don't I show you then!" I came cahrging at him and cut of his right hand.

"It's futile, you useless maggot." He said as his arm just regrew itself.

Where the Gem of Gluttony right now on his body is all I need to learn everything else will follow. I don't need to hold back either, he has strong healing abilities.

"Truth, Le Sabre." I said and a thousand slugs fell from the sky, my sword is drawn, let's see how strong this guy is.

I charge at him, not bothering to see where and what part of him my blade cuts. He seems to think that I'll true myself out before I can defeat him but I'm not trying to kill him, just stall him while I find the Crimson Diamond.

After a while, Truth managed to find where the gem is. What a sneaky bastard, he placed in it a difficult place. Tch.

"Truth, Saga." I ordered it and from they began to grow merge into larger ones and eventually stick to him.

"Hahahaha! It is futile!" He laughed. "I can heal myself all I want!"

"Truth, Release." I ordered and they split themselves up and began to enter the man's body and his grin disappeared.

"N-n-noo!!!" He exclaimed as he tried to get the slugs off of him. "Get them off! No!!!"

The slugs began to enter his mouth and after a couple minutes, he stops moving and a slug comes out his mouth carrying the gem.

"Arata, can I just destroy the gem?" I asked him over the communicators.

"Yeah." He answered.

I place the gem on the ground and drive my blade into it and it shatters. My slugs have completely exited the man's body when the wounds I have inflicted on him return and the complex is retruend into a sea of flames. I heal the man's wounds and have Truth swallow him and send him into the Prison. For his crimes, he shall be sentenced to life imprisonment.

I go off and regroup with Arata in the underground lab after I erase any sign of our presemce in the area. The sun is well up the horizon, what I thing to see so early in the morning. Coeal Island known as Paradise locally is no where near it. A sea of flames, a corrupted company, a dark fog of despair that looms over it, I wonder what fate awaits it.