Chapter 115, Growing Stronger

"What is the Banquet of Blood?" Theo asked.

"It's has been known by many names but I'm sure the most common is the Tragedy of Blood." Zander answered. "In other words, a pointless war that will claim the lives of thousands of innocent people."

"A vain war sparked by pure greed and stupidity." Zander said. "I'm sure it's common no matter which world you go to."

The Tragedy of Blood, it has been part of humanity's past. From the point of view of someone from another world, humanity has been repeating an endless cycel of creation and destruction which is part of evolution but also a foolish cycle of wars and peace. They begin wars speaking of noble purposes but all leading to the same path, bloodshed. How many people are die, how many innocent lives are taken, how many people live with fear throughout their lives, how many wish for peace. Though this cycle has stopped now thanks to the Chimeras but... when the Chimeras are defeated and humanity begins it's foolish cycle of wars once again, who will fight in it? Of course, it is those who have power, in other words, Braves against Braves. This is a grim truth that many Braves are averting their eyes from.

"What good would it do them if a Banquet of Blood is held?" Leon asked.

"I don't know but we can't let that happen." I answered.

"But we can't just go after them blindly." Theo stated and I nodded.

"We'll gather information." Zander said and I nodded.

"Everyone spend more time training, we don't know what they might have up their sleeve." I stated.

After this, the others spend time training but since I can't use Vi in my current state I simply standby and watch. We spend the days training, practicing and gathering information. It takes three days for my hair to start turning back to normal and as I spend time talking to the Azure Dragon I manage to learn a few things.

One afternoon, as we all took a break underneath the Perennial Cherry Blossom, everyone talked about hopes and dreams and what life would've been like if the Chimeras never came into our world. I'm sure many things we have today wouldn't be here, like the technology that is powered by Vi and this school as well.

"I think... if the Chimeras hadn't arrived at this world, Braves wouldn't have existed here, we wouldn't have gained powers and we wouldn't have met." I answered. "I wouldn't be here now either. The encounters we've made, the people we've met, the bonds we've formed, if the Chimeras didn't come to this world, we wouldn't have made any of them."

"I guess you have a point." Touya said.

"I don't think it's necessary to talk about what could've happened, instead I think we should think about what could happen." Van said. "To those who walk towards the light, no matter how faint it may be, you are walking towards the future you want."

As we were enjoying our time relaxing under the tree and as the hot summer breeze blowed, I smiled as the melody of the brids dances in the air. Gentle days I wish would continue, a peaceful era I wish to make, the future I want to create, they're all waiting for me.


"Saint, are you here?" The voice of Sir Allen called out to me.

"Yes. I'm here." I answered coming out of the corner.

At the moment, I'm inside the library of the school. I'm trying to learn new spells and skills in order to help Sir Arata.

"Do you need me for anything?" I asked.

"I heard that you were trying to learm about Gravitational Magic and Spatial Magic." He answered. "I can help you."

"Really? Thank you!" I smiled.

Sir Allen and Sir Sunny help me learn Spatial Magic from scratch. It takes time but after three days, I finally manage to create a decent gravitation field. I want to learn more, I want to be stronger. To stand on equal footing as that person.

I spend the next days practicing my spells, sword fighting and practicing with other weapons. I can't be the onoy one who doesn't grow. To be stronger, to catch up to that person, to be strength for that person, I have to grow. My timid and weak self, the me taht was spoiled by Sir Allen, I'm ashamed of myself that it took Sir Arata's help to make me realize it.

To be able to help Sir Arata as the Le Navire, I must stronger. I must work harded, I mustn't stop here.


"They're all working hard aren't they." Elias said as he sat on his chair gazing at the hard work of Saint, Arata and his fellow Braves.

"Yes. They are growing." Ivy smiled.

"I'm certain, this time they won't fail." Evergreen said.

"Arata, you are the strongest Le Fleur to have been born. I'm sure you can do it." Julius said. "Go beyond this despair and grant your wish."

"However, without a doubt, this darkness is growing, it has already begun to creep out of the shadows." Erika said.

"And each passing day, it only grows hungrier and hungrier for blood." Emilia said.

"I'm sure he can handle it." Gregory said.

"Indeed. Let's have faith in Arata and his friends." Aster said.

"I'm certain, he will surely be able to reach it." Hazel smiled. "The answer to his questions all lie beyond that darkness."

"Onward, Arata, towards the light of hope that awaits you. I'm certain, with your strength and resolve, you can reach it." Elias smiled.

"We, the past Fleurs, will help you and we pray, that for someone as kind as you, a happy ending awaits." Emilia said.

The previous generations of Fleurs all wished for Arata to have a happy ending. Unlike them, who each died a tragic and painful death, their sole wish was for the young Arata to have a happy life after his role is completed. The fate that awaited Arata, was it happy or cruel? Only time will tell.