Chapter 116, Visit From Monica

The days pass by and one day, at lunch, I get a call from Monica. Apparently she wants to meet us and is asking if we're free today. She's apparently coming with Seiji, Hatori and one more Zodiacs apparently. The Ox and the second Zodiac, Alessia Romano. I answer that were free and she says she'll be here in around an hour or half. I wonder what brought this visit, could they be having trouble or is it something else entirely.

"It seems that the Zodiacs have taken an interest on Arata." Pres. Mayumi smiled as she sat down beside me while I wodnered on the reason why Monica would come here. "Well, I don't blame them. You're adorable and powerful. Our little Arata has grown up quickly."

"Of course they would. After all, such a power sleeps within him." Moyu stated flatly as she sat down and fixed her glasses. "If they try anything can I kill them?"

"Of course you can't." Hiro hit her head, well doubt they'd do anything but... "You can shoot them though. Just don't kill them."

"Ahahaha..." I laughed it away. Monica and her friends are trustworthy in my opinion.

There's been something bothering lately. The other day, I spoke with to the Azure Dragon who stated that there was something wrong with his power when he fought with their assailants. His ability to use healing spells was apparently negated by his enemies. Though it wouldn't be uncommon, what caught my attention was the fact that even his ability to cast Order and activate his Authority as a Guardian. As far as I know, there's no way a person can do so. What are they using, the power bestowed by Fleur, they could easily cancel and negate it. How was that possible?

The more I learn, the deeper I fall into the rabbit's hole. I must learn the truth behind this person's identity. According to the Azure Dragon, the man was wearing a fox mask that was commonly found here in the East. The fox... it had many stories, some say it brings blessings, some are said to be messengers and others... are believed to bring disasters. This Fox, will it bring us fortune or calamity?

"Oi, Arata, are you listening?" Zhen poked my face.

"Huh? Sorry, what were we talking about?" I asked.

"We said, do you wanna do something after this to relax?" Angie said. "So?"

"Hmm... I might pass on the offer. There are some things I wanna check out." I answered.

"Okay then." Theo patted my head.

Later that day, Monica arrives with Hatori, Seiji and Alessia. Alessia has black hair with silver tips and white skin with brown eyes. She smiled as she sat down beside us in the cafeteria. We decided to do it here as many wanted to hear about this conversation. There was no harm in having it heard by other people in our school anyway.

"So, what can we help you with?" Lucas asked.

"We wanted to know more about the Le Fleur's power." Alessia stated. "We were wondering if we could reproduce said power."

"I doubt it." Liam said and suddenly I felt a spike in my Vi.

Ivy got angry, well I can't blame her. They're trying to learn about the power of the Le Fleur but no matter what kind of research they do they won't learm anything. They'll only end up causing problems for us.

"I suggest you choose your next words carefully." Theo said with a cold expression. "You next words may just decide whether this city willl be turned into a sea of flames."

"We're sorry about that." Seiji apologized. "We meant could we possibly learn it's mechanics and try to replicate it?"

"I'm very sorry. But it can't be replicated no matter what you try." I answered. "Why are you interested in it anyway?"

"It's not us but the government in general." Hatori stated.

"I see. But it's better if they give up on that." I answered. "They'll kill hundreds of lives before they can even come close to replicating my power."

"Okay then. Now, for the second reason we came here." Seiji said. "Take a look at this."

He showed us a video, a man with a fox mask is attacking a city with two people alone. They manage to fend if the Braves and easily turn the city into a sea of flames. Just then, I see nine tails emerge behind the masked man and the sea is destroyed completely.

"This man and his accomplices have destroyed five cities already. We've lost count of the how many are dead." Hatori stated. "We know they must be related to the Banquet of Blood but... what are they exactly?"

"The nine-tailed fox of destruction, said to appear once every thousand years." Vans stated. "I've read about them before. A nine-tailed fox is said to appear once every thousand years but.. no one knows whether it will bring fortune or destruction."

"Is there a way we can stop them?" Monica asked.

"As far as I know... none." Van answered. "Arata what about you?"

"I might be able to subdue it." I answered, my hair has already returned to normal and my control over Vi has returned. "I might be able to stop them if I use all that I have."

"Why can't we just kill it then?" Karin spat out. "We're Braves and it's just one fox, cut of its head, done."

"Can you see how many tails it has?" Zander sighed. "Nine. Meaning it has lived for over a thousand years and has power equal to that. Do you think you could get close?"

"Calm down. Now isn't the time to fight amongst ourselves." I stated. "Let me check the Chronicle."

I take out the Chronicle from shadow and open it pages and search for the nine-tailed fox when suddenly the earth quakes and the alarm goes off. Just then, I felt an unbelievable amount of Vi outside. What ever it is, it isn't something weak that we can lower our gaurd around