Chapter 129, Evolution

As the two stood there, the winds blew past them with the midday sun shining above. The sound of the leaves of the trees echoed, and finally, Beryl makes the move.

Crystals rise from the earth and they attempt to impale Pierrot. Pierrot jumps up and shoots orbs of light towards Beryl. They attack each other weapons and tools clash in the air. Many things fly in the air creating a show of lights, similar to those of fireworks but as they were in daylight it went unnoticed.

The face off between the two grew louder and louder but it goes unnoticed as back at the school, the students stood before Karin. Arata was searching for a way to stop her in his mind when she smiles and reveals the Gem of Wrath.

The Gem of Wrath holds the power to engulf anything the user hates in flames. However, the effects do not apply to those who belong to the genealogy of the Sacred Flower, so they are unaffected by it. This also means that those who have received their powers directly from Arata are immune to her attacks.

"Burn! Burn!!" She exclaimed and Arata was engulfed by flames that to him only tickled.

"Will, Zhen." Arata called their names and the two held their guns and knives at Karin's direction.

While the two bombarded her with knives and guns, Alexis aimed his bow for the Gem of Wrath and fired his arrow.

Karin notices and hides the gem canceling the flames around Arata. Arata takes up his sword and with Mayumi's signal teleports everyone present outside.

"Now we won't have to worry." Arata said.

They were teleported a good distance from the school. Sakura remained with the other students and the Principal who delt with securing the school. Sakura had casted a barrier over the school with the help of the Azure Dragon to defend it.

"Then, it's high time you die." Karin said and creatures began to creep in the ground.

"What are those?!" Lia exclaimed.

"Shadows." Arata answered. "Don't let any get close to you, they are the insecurities, darkness and literally the voice of doubt within our heads."

"Tch." Andrew signed his scythe trying to cit them bit they just kept coming. "How do we eliminate them?!"

"Alistar, burn them away!" Arata shouted.

"Salamander!" Alistar's sword burned away the Shadows. His sword, which had gained the blessings of Salamander was a blade made of fire.

Whilst they battle with Karin and the Shadows, a certain battle was held elsewhere. Pierrot and Beryl fought with each other. Balls of Energy, blades of light and more were fired in their attempt to subdue and evidently kill each other.

"Tch. This is taking too much of my precious time." Pierrot said. "Play with these for a while! Marionette Madness."

Suddenly, in the ground, marionettes began to rise. They attacked Beryl who stood there. With a click of his tongue he began to fend off each of the marrionettes.

"Bloom, Morganite." In an instant, a crystal rose bloomed to the sky. It was made of morganite and shined a beautiful hue of pink.

It could be seen all the way towards Arata's battlefield which made him wonder what it was. To which, Dino answered.

"It's likely that another Crest has come here." He stated. "Ryl Beryl."

Meanwhile, the battle before them was getting difficult as everything begun to tilt towards Karin's favour. Much to Arata's dismay. The others were beginnong to lose breath when Mayumi suggested that they fight but Arata told them it would be pointless and a dangerous crusade.

"Why?" Kimie asked.

"For now, Karin isn't using them, but if she were to take out the gems of sin, then the only ones immune to them would be me, Will and Theo's teams, Van, Zander, Dino and the Quasi-Braves." He answered. "Please understand. I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Okay then." Shizu answered.

The battle had turned to much to Karin's favour that Arata decided to cast a Level Boost on Theo and Will's teams.

"Don't." Will shouted. "Use something else, if you collapse we'll be in trouble!"

'Another spell? Well he is right that Level Boost in my current state would drain my power but what other way do I have to help them?' Arata thought to himself.

It was then that something dawned on him. Instead of boosting their pwoer, he should heal them and grant the others a Level Boost. He smiled and the moral of the others were greatly boosted when they saw it.

"I plead to you, light of healing, oh comfort, oh warmth. Drive away the pain and heal all wounds, Soul Light!" A golden light shines and all their wounds were healed. "Keep them busy!"

"Alright then!" Van answered.

Arata turned to the others, he knew he could only do give it to five people people so he had to ask who.

"Everyone, I have a spell capable of giving you powers equal to the others however, you have to abandon your current Titles." Arata shouted to them. "I can only give it to five people right now. Please choose."

After carefully thinking about it, Mayumi, Hiro, Hayato, Moyu and Yuuki decided to do it.

"Are you sure, Yuuki, Pres. Mayumi, Hiro? You'll lose the titles your family gave you." He said.

"We don't mind. Do it, Arata." Hiro said and he nodded.

"Le Fleur, the mother of all Braves, I present to you Braves who seek to change, with your might, grant them a power anew in exchange for their current Titles!" He chanted and the crest of the Sacred Flowrr appears over their heads. A golden light engulfs the five and they charge into the battle field.

Their Titles were changed, each gaining a new power in excahnge for their previous power. Whilst they battle Karin, Beryl fought with the marrionettes, Licht Rays watched them from afar inside of the Nine tailed Calamity. Eddy and Addy stood by his side as the omnious wind blowed.

"It's nearly time, Le Fleur." He said as the sun began to set.