Chapter 130, Chaos Descends

Arata has just finished casting the spell when they all charge towards the enemy. May, Lina and Diana were waiting at the school to keep it protected as Arata had asked them to do so. The three at first refused but later gave into Arata's wishes. While their, the trio were talking when Diana suddenly entered a Trance.

"The scales have begun to tilt." Diana said as they were all gathered together.

"Scales? You mean the tide of the battle?" Lina asked.

"Report! Towers of light were seen at the battlefield!" A Course 2 student announced.

"A new hope shines, a new power, whilst the blanket of darkness spreads." She stated.

While they all stood there, protecting the place Arata vowed to return to, Pierrot and Beryl's fight was growing more and more rampant. Beryl charged at Pierrot without reserve creating crystal as he attacked Pierrot who simply jumped down onto the ground where Beryl pursued. He would not let his target escape when it was within his grasps.

On the ground, they clashed, repeatedly exchanging blows but both were very much even in terms of power. Beryl realized that the battle wouldn't end at this rate and the damage to their surroundings was already great. Knowing that doing this would be pointless, Beryl decides to take off his limiter and use his true power.

"It seems I may need to get serious after all." He said and took off his bracelet and tosses it to the ground.

Suddenly, Beryl's hair began to turn red, his eyes turned an even deeper crimson and he charged towards Pierrot. This time, Pierrot was unable to flee and was caught. Beryl immediately slammed him into the ground and repeatedly beat him. Beryl eventually throws Pierrot and begisn punching him the sky however... Pierrot, who crashes into the hardpacked earth is still alright and very much alive. He didn't show any sign of being injued, no blood or any sign of broekn limbs. So, Beryl repeated the process again and again.

Meanwhile, in the battle field, the five who had been given new power by Arata, namely Mayumi, Hiro, Yuuki, Hayato and Moyu began their counter attack. The five of them were changed into Regal Braves by Arata and as such have gained new power that they were now using to fight the enemy before them.

"Hyaa!" Hayato's bear fists punch the Shadows infront of him.

"Please leave the rest to us, William-senpai." Yuuki smiled as he helped them up. "Aegis."

"This is... a high level defensive spell." Ethan said as a veil of light covered them from the Shadows.

"I see, they've been turned into Regal Braves." Van said as he helped Zander up.

They were rather beaten up despite Arata' s healing spell. Thankfully, no one was gravely injured during their fight and they all began to pick themselves up and regroup.

"What Braves?" Theo asked.

"There are five types of Braves, Braves; the common braves, Quasi-Braves, like Touya and Mao, Vassal or Psuedo-Braves like Theo and his team." Zander stated. "Sacred Braves like your team and the last are Regal Braves. They are Braves that rank as second in the structure of Braves."

"Meaning they're stonger than us?" Lia asked.

"Not quite..." Arata, who was propped up by Growth and his Petals said. "Vassal Braves that serve me are different from common Vassal Braves and Psuedo-Braves, so, in a sense, you are equal in power."

"You okay?" Alistar asked and he nodded.

"Now then, it's time for a counter attack!" Andrew exclaimed and they shouted in agreement.

The battle from here turns towards their side, with the help of Hiro and the others, they turn the table and manage to remove all the Shadows from the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the battle with Pierrot and Beryl has taken a turn for the worst when Beryl was able to stab Pierrot with crystals. Pierrot, now badly wounded is in a pinch.

"Master, what shall we do?" Addy asked.

"I can't lose such valuable pieces just yet." He answered.

"What shall we do then?" Eddy asked. "Shall we attack?"

"Hmm... it's a little early however, I suppose I could use it." Licht says and takes out a black crystal ball from his pocket and raises it to the sky. "Break past the restrains of different realms and call forth a different phenomena, Broken Barrier."

In the skies, cracks begin to emerge and from the Chimerss swarm in. Though they are simply the old type, there are so many that they may overrun the Braves.

"Was it for the best?" Addy asked.

"Go and retrieve the Clown and the Witch." He said and the two jumped down.

Meanwhile, Arata and the Braves were about to subdue Karin when the Ophiuchus came in their way. It was a giant snake and it didn't seem to display the usual behaviour of the Ophiuchus. Instead it attacked them, guarding Karin.

As the Chimeras descended on the battlefield, chaos fell, no one knew where to go or what to do, they simply stayed together, protecting each other.

"Tch. There are so many of them!" Lucas shouted.

"Look out!" Theo pushed Will out of the way as the tail of a Leo flung their way.

Arata, who stood their frozen was unsure of what to do when suddenly a woman appeared before Karin's side. It was the one who was with the Nine Tailed Calamity.

"I have come to bring you back, milady." Addy said and Karin, who was silent smiled.

"Very well. Let me meet your master." Karin smiled and the two disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Meanwhile, Beryl was about to deliver more attack to Pierrot when a blast of light causes him to dodge instead of attack. Eddy had appeared, he was there to retrieve Pierrot.

"That didn't take long." Pierrot smiled. "Well, I'd love to play with you more, but this is farewell, see you around, Beryl."

The two disappeared in a cloyd of smoke and were brought back to Licht's side. This battle was a win for Pierrot, Karin and Licht. Each gained something from it. Karin gained the power she was so desperate for, Licht gained new pawns and Pierrot gained new toys. The three disappeared in a cloud of smoke whilst Arata and his Braves retreat to the castle. Arata knew in his heart that this was a battle in which he has lost as new enemies gathered behind his back.