Chapter 134, Battlefield

As the Chimeras descended into their world, Arata and the other Braves immediately took action. They activated the school's defenses and got ready to go into war.

Meanwhile, in the Tetra-Topia, Story felt the the descend of the Chimeras into the world Arata was on. However, as long as he and the Guardians were bound to their world they could do nothing. The other Guardians, who were scattered throughout the worlds, wished to send help... however, each were bound by their contract and they could not leave nor send their Priest or Priestess to help. They could only stand there, hoping for their master to be safe. Until Arata could undo their chains, they could only wait there, powerless.

Saint, who wished to depart on the Asterion Ship was stopped by Navire. He stated that it wasn't time yet for the Asterion to leave the Globe. So, Saint could only stand there, feeling powerless. Even with his power, he could do nothing for the person who helped him the most.

"We can't even do anything to help!" Saint exclaimed, his actions were so different from his usual self that it took Elena and Sunny by surprise.

"Calm down." Nia tried to calm him.

"Let him be." Allen said.

"He needs to gte it of his chest." Ellen said.

"Saint, I undertsand your rage and powerlessness, after all, we Guardians cannot even send help to our own master." Astrologia said as she joined them. "However, now we can only pray that everything will be fine."

Saint, who finally calmed down relaized that even the Gaurdians wanted to help Arata but can't, after all they were bound to their worlds. They could only look out to the sky and hope for there to be miracle.

Meanwhile, back in Unified Palace, at the Hidden Village, Garden, the Elder, who was at the time tending to his favourite plants was immediately alerted by the ruckus in town. He went out to see what it was about.

"What is this ruckus about?" He asked them.

"Elder! It seems that something has happened on Argent's end." A man answered.

"Theo! Theo! Can you hear me!" A woman was calling via the mirror Arata gave them.

"Auntie, I can't talk right now. Tch! Lia, synchronize with me!" Theo's voice answered as he fought with the Chimeras. "We're under attack. Tch. Ocean Trident!"

"Elder what should we do?" A man asked.

"Hmmm... what do you think, Guardian Philia?" He asked to the wind and a woman with crimson hair and scarlet eyes and white skin dressed in a kimono appeared.

It was the Guardian of this world, the one Arata had played withw hen he was younger. Arata never visisted her as she never called him to her shrine evene when he was here during their last visit. She serves as the world's Guardian and as the one who watches over the aspects of Love and Emotions. She was the pme qho guided Arata to meet with Theo and the Lia and has been watching him carefully and acts as the Guardian of the Village.

"It isn't the time yet. The Le Fleur shall call upon you when the time is right." She answered.

"As you have heard. Everyone, we shall wait for when Argent truly needs us." He stated and the others agreed.

Meanwhile, back on earth, the weapons od the Braves flew and danced in the battlefield before their eyes. Eventually they had to fall back into the castle to rest.

"I can't believe we're being pushed back!" Lucas snapped.

"Calm down." Art said. "Arata, we've called for assistance from the other Crowns and they'll be here soon."

"Oh, you called someone over?" Dino asked. "Who?"

"Rum, Mani and Otto."

"Who?" Arata asked.

"Rum the Currundum, Mani the Toumaline, Otto the Orthoclase." Ryl stated. "Rum and Mani are strong, Otto is a great amgician, they'll really help us out."

"Thanks." Arata smiled when suddenly an explosion was heard outside.

"Tch. They've broke past the first line of defense!" Lia stated.

"Let's go!" Arata shouted and they all went outside to see the chaos again. "Growth! Fend them off! Petals! Put out the flames!"

"Starlight Shot!" As William shot his gun at the Chimeras, they were stronger and tougher then before. "Tch. They've got tougher hides now. Can someone keep them from moving?!"

"Airshot Arrow!" Alexis' arrow flues into the distance and causes alarge gust of wind.

"Sylphid!" Reinhardt's spear thrown creates a powerful surge of wind that destroys the Chimeras.

"Gnome!" Without hesitation, Liam slams his hammer hard into the earth qnd it causes stones to spike into the sky impaling the Chimeras but it wasn't enough. Many still followed them.

"Alistar, let's try that!" Andrew called to him.

"Salamander Sword!" Alistar's sword burned a beight red.

"Salamander Scythe!" Andrew's scuthe burned.

"Burn them away, Great Flame!" Their weapons synchronize and burn away a large amount of the Chimeras.

They were beibg pushed back again, they wanted to reserve Arata's Level Boost for later as they had no idea what was coming but with how things were they needed something to help them. As they were thinking of using Level Boost a voice came calling out.

"By the power I bear, I order you, bend them and hold them still, Binding Field!" The voice of Snow caught their attentions and they turned to see the three Magicians and the three Cardinal Beasts flying towards them.

Thanks to Snow's spell, the Chimeras were pulled down onto the ground. Though there were some that were unaffected, the Black Tutrle dealt with them

"Looks like we made it in time." Ardor said as he landed. "My siblings are taking care of things back home so there's no need to worry."

"It seems my message reached them." Sakura smiled.

"So then, why don't we begin our counter?" Autumn asked with a smile.

With the help of the Magicians, Cardinal Beasts and the Braves all pushed the Chimeras back and they somehow managed to hold their ground. But the battle wasn't over yet, it was still just starting.