Chapter 133, The Sound of War

I was resting with Claire and Arcs when Story and Therese came in with Rio who sat down beside me.

"Arata, how's your search doing?" He asked.

"Still nothing." I answered.

I was frustrated, I had hoped that there would be useful information here but... there's nothing at all about the Gems of Sin and how to seperate them from their hosts. I promised Karin's parents and Kimie that I'd find a way to save her so I have to do it.

"Let's keep trying. I'm sure we'll find something." Arc encouraged me.

While we were resting, I though of contacting Will and the others so I do. My call is answered after about five beeps and Will greets me with a smile. He is, however in his bedroom and must be planning to sleep soon. I should've called him earlier not when it's already time for bed back on earth.

"How're things on your end?" He asked.

"Fine. What about you guys?" I asked.

"Everything's going well here." He answered. "I'm about to turn in for bed, what about you?"

"I'll turn in after a bit." I answered with a smile. "Good night."

"Okay then. Good night too. Don't stay up too late." He smiled gently before ending the call.

I get back to reading books after our break and although I promised Will I'd sleep and take care of myself I haven't been sleeping for days. As the sun brelas through the windows of Story's castle, I exclaimed with exhilarating when I found something within an old, old, old book. The cover was made from black leather-like material and old parchment filled its pages.

"Did you find it?" Story asked.

"Yeah. Let's see here... Cursed Artifacts and Forbidden Spells." I read the title of the book aloud. "Let's see here... once a Gem unifies with a person, there are a few ways to remove them. One, killing them, two destroying the gem, three, purifying the gem."

"Hmm, does it say anything else?" Therese asked.

"Let see here, to purify a Cursed Artifact, ine must call forth the light within." I answered and we all sighed. "More riddles which I have no time for. Next. The spell cast on the floating islands."

I scan the book and dig through the old parchment till I find something of similarity. Astral Aria. A spell that raises parts of the land into the sky, which each passing day the island will rise, higher and higher and when they reach thedesired height, will fall to the fround destroying life on and around it. I immediately calculate how long it has been and how high it would have to gain enough power to destroy the surrounding cities.

"Arata, you should head back, quickly." Story stated. "Something is brewing, it isn't good or evil, but it is there."

"I understand." I answered.

Before I can even wave farewell to the others, Story rushes me to return home. His worried expression and the actual fear I can feel in his hands on my back urges me to move and return home as quicky as I can. After getting things, I smile and thank them before heading back home.

As I pass the portal back home, I'm excited to meet with the others. I open my eyes to find myself in the middle the school main road. I don't hear the usual sounds of the students nor the sound of others for that matter. I caustiously enter the school and when I do, I feel human presence but there seems to be lesser than when I left. What could've happened?

As I enter the main building, I'm greeted with great smiles and hugs from everyone. I smile and try to drive away the heavy and dark feeling of everyone around us.

"Yo, I'm back." I greeted everyone and then a hand fell on my shoulder.

I turn to be greeted by Dino and Ryl and another man. He had pale white hair with wavy eyes and powder skin. I can feel strong power resonating from him and I smile.

"Can I ask which you are?" I asked.

"Art Quartz." He smiled, he had a gentle voice for someone with a large build.

"Nice yo meet you, Art." I answered and remembered. "Dino, can you gather everyone?"

"Sure." He smiled.

He went off to gather everyone and after a while we were all gathered in the meeting room. I have everyone sit down so we can talk and I tell them everything I've gathered so far.

"So, that's all?" Monica said with a frown.

"Yeah. Story told me to return quickly because of something and even I could feel the ominous wind blowing." I answered her.

As we were talking, Lina shares with us that there will be an eclipse in a couple of days. An eclipse, where have I read about an eclipse again?

"Does everyone want to watch it?" She asked and I smiled.

"For now, let's get back to training." Hatori said and I nodded.

As the days pass by, we were training when Lina reminded us that the eclipse was today. For the past couple days I couldn't even gather information on the status of the floating island but according to Van at least 99 islands have been taken to the sky.

As I'm deep in thought, Ethan slaps my shoulder and I smile. We all go outside to watch the eclipse start. The moon and sun have just met when I feel a negative energy spread, instinctively I summon Growth and as the sun and moon meet, something else begins. The skies begin to crack and from the cracks, Chimeras begin to enter our world. I hear a loud gong, as if signalling the beginning of a new start fill the air.

In the distant sky, I see Karin, the Nine Tailed Calamity and Pierrot, standing amidts the horde of descending Chimeras and smiling down on us.

So it begins, the beginning of the end of the war between humanity and Chimeras.