Chpater 203, Phantom Assassin of the Sacred Flower

Zhen stood before me, in a black hooded cloak over a silver dress shirt and black cardigan. On his shoulder were a few small belts. Beneath the black hood was a black sleeveless turtleneck. A silver scarf flows to the ground, he wore a black mask, black baggy pants tucked into his black boots. A small decorative knives hangs on the silver belt on his waste.

"Zhen..." I could only smile as he patted my head.

"Well then, I'll put an end to this. Arata wait here." He smiled. "Leave it to the Phantom Assassin of the Sacred Flower."

As he says this he holds his belt and pulls on the small knife accessory that hanged there.

"Let's see what you can do, Hysteria." The small accessory grows larger and turns into a beautiful dagger. "Well then, wait here and stay safe."

"Steps of the Night." He kisses my forehead and then disappears.


So this is the true power of a Sacred Brave. I feel like I'm being filled to the brim with power. Let's see how much power this new form of mine is.

"Hysteria; Blades Edge!" I toss my knife at the Ophiuchus and the knife embeds itself into the eyes of the Ophiuchus. "Steps to the Edge!"

I teleport to my knife in an instant. I like these new knives and this new form of mine. I can already tell that I'll have a lot of fun with it.

"Oops!" I dodge the snakes attacking me.

My eyes are set on Ras Alhague who floats at the very top gazing down at us.

"Boundless Steps!" I jump, cloaked in my cowl and head straight for Ras Alhague. "Bladed Flurry!"

I take the chance to toss my knives at each direction piercing many of the Ophiuchus along the way.

I land on the head of Ras Alhague and without hesitating I throw a knife at its head.

"Let's end this. Hysteria, Edged End!"

The blades that have pierced the bodies of the Ophiuchus fly up to where I am and gather around Ras Alhague.

"This is...!" By the time Ras Alhague realizes he is too late.

"Incandescent End!" The knifes shine brightly and pierce Ras Alhague's body.

A blinding light shines as the knives swirl around Ras Alhague. My knives find their mark and I feel the sensation of falling. With a loud thud Ras Alhague falls to the ground and the Ophiuchus begin to disappear. With their the end the mist begin to disappear around me as well.

"Zhen!!" Arata jumps into my arms and hugs me tightly.


My arms wrap around Zhen tightly, till finally I can feel his gentle arms around me. Just when we think that the worst is over, we hear a groan and we turn to find Ras Alhague, now in his human form. He lies on the ground, in able to move but obviously conscious.

"Le Fluer." He calls my tightly. "If you wish to end me, hurry."

"He can still talk?!" Theo exclaimed.

"Le Fluer, if I am to meet my end, at least let it be by your hands." He says.

I leave Zhen's embrace and walk towards Ras Alhague. A strand of my hair falls to my hands and becomes a branch of pine. I toss the small branch unto his chest.

"My real name is Ragel." He smiled. "Le Fluer I thank you for fulfilling what has been predestined."

"Oh Ancient, your light is the light of hope, your darkness is the darkness of despair, Ancient that was and is, may you rest now..." I said and the pine branch shined on his chest and he smiled. "Take your leave from the stage of destiny, Ras Alhague, Au Revior."

"Farewell, Le Fleur..." He smiled and I felt a gentle caress on my cheek. "Bye-bye, Felicia."

The light engulfs him and he disappears, the golden light engulfs the surrounding area and restores the damage imposed by the Chimeras.

"What was that just now?" Alexis asked.

"It was nothing." I smiled. "Come on everyone, let's head home."


Karin was grinning happily, she was nearly finished perfecting her spell to drain the Vi from all living things around her. All she needed now was someone to test it on, and while she was tempted to attack the Academy, she decided it wasn't time just yet.

Just as she was wondering what she would do, she realizes that it was almost time. She was planning to meet up with Sirius and Pierrot. It was to discuss something she had absolutely no interest in. When she had arrived, a fuming Sirius and an unreadable Pierrot sat at the table.

"Oh? Did something happen again?" She grinned insanely.

She was not informed of the events that have unfolded. Of the death of yet another True Beast and of Sirius desire to break free from their alliance.

"So, what is the reason you have called me here? Are you finally letting me burrow that toy of yours?" She asked eyeing the Black Humunculus behind Pierrot.

"Sorry but that will have to wait." Pierrot answered. He was unwilling to lend his new toy to Karin. "The reason we are here is because Sirius wishes to end this alliance."

When Kairn hears this she snaps and trows a knife at Sirius' direction which he easily blocks.

"Careful human, unless you want me to tear you to pieces." He snarled. "I don't care if you're being defended by those Gems, I'll turn them to powder infront of you."

"Hahaha, oh please. I'm merely joking." Karin laughed as she sent her fangs aside. She knew it wasn't the best time to fight just yet.

"This is the last time we meet. I don't care about you anymore." Sirius stated leaving the table. "The Chimeras will pursue their goals without any of your help."

Saying this, Sirius opens a portal back to the rift and disappears into the darkness. Pierrot realized that Sirius wasn't planning on returning so he simply sighed and then grinnwd. So what if he lost one tool, he still had Karin. Was what he thought.

The two pursue their goals unbeknownst of what the other had planned. Sirius turns to his fellow Chimeras and their plan for the future.