Chapter 204, Rivers of Fluer

"Dad!" Spiro jumps me when we return to school. He hugs me tightly. "I was so worried. Is anyone hurt?"

"We're fine." Theo answered and patted his head.

Just then, we notice the figure standing with the Principal. Seiji-san and the other Zodiacs. I also see Milo and the other Royals.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I stared at the folder in Seiji-san's hand.

"Arata, we have something to talk to you about." Monica stated.

At a large room - the main meeting hall - we were all gathered. Seiji-san is the first to start the discussion by showing us images on the large projector.

"These were photos captured three days ago." A series of photos showing several locations complete barren. "These were once either lush woodlands or cities. Three days ago, what were once large cities and lush environments turned barren."

"It isn't happening just here, but all over the world." He adds and shows us pictures from other places. "Animals, plants, and even people have been seen dead in these places."

"We performed an assessment of the situation and found that this has been happening more and more over the world." He shows us places on a map where these events have been happening. "The strange part is that even the Vi in the area have been completely drained."

"Arata, we are here today because we thought you may be the one who is most knowledgeable about this." Monica stated. "Some Braves were dispatched to these areas to rescue any life remaining but they immediately lost all their powers. They lost all the Vi in their bodies and some are still in critical condition in hospitals."

"Arata, do you have any idea what could have caused this?" Hilde asked me.

"I might have an idea..." I answered. I didn't expect it to happen this early.

"What is it?" Chloe asked.

"I'm not sure if most of you are familiar with this but... I'm sure that to the Called Walkers this is a very common term." I stated. "The River of Fluer."

"What is that?" Ashley asked.

"They're known by many names throughout history. They are underground and unseen paths that can be one-directional, two-directional or distorted like storms." Van explained. "The River of Fluer spread throughout the worlds, spreading life and Vi to all places. Life flourishes where there are Rivers."

"Oh! The Mother's Spine!" Theo stated.

"That's what they're called in our world! It's an unseen path that flows, filling the worlds with Vi."

"The Roots of Yggdrasil!" Dino stated and I nodded.

"Where there are Rivers there is life." Lyzander stated. "It can't be?! Could something be blocking the flow of the Rivers?"

"No. There's nothing blocking the Rivers." I stated.

"Then why is there no Vi in these places?" Mani asked.

"Arata... What do you know?" Licht pressed me. "There's something you're not telling us."

"The Rivers are drying up." A voice stated, this voice. Hazel?! "10th, allow me to explain to them."

"Okay." I answered and swapped with Hazel.


The Braves waited as Arata changed his form from male to female. His hair growing longer and his eyes changing color.

"Hmm... Greetings. My name is Hazel, the Sixth Generation Fluer." The person greeted the Braves.

"So, what did you mean that the Rivers were drying up?" Licht asked.

"It's as I stated. The Rivers of Fluer are drying up." She stated. "I suppose it was inevitable. I'm bound by the Laws of Fate so I can't say more than I'm allowed at the moment."

"So what will happen to these places?" Seiji asked.

"Well, unless the Rivers are replenished they will remain barren. And as the days pass by, they will spread further." Hazel answered. "All life now rely on the Vi. Should the Vi supply disappear it will cause the death of all living beings around the area. I suppose the simplest explanation would be to say it's basically like a drought."

"So how do we stop this?" Dustin asked.

"Sad to say that none of you have the power to stop it." She answered. "There is only one person able to do so."

"Who?" Alessia asked.

"The One who is connected to the Rivers. The one who stands at the source of these Rivers." She stated. "That is, Arata. Right now, he is the only one who can replenish these parched lands."

"So Arata can fix this?" Hildegard asked.

"Of course he can. We have done so before as well." Hazel answered. "Though it wasn't at a scale this large."

"What are you trying to say?" Lefina asked.

"Hmmm... What would be the easiest way to explain this?" Hazel stated as she begun to float. She thought for a while before snapping her fingers. "I suppose this would be the easiest way to explain it."

Before them the world changes to a barren land. It was a mere projection created by Hazel's power.

"Arata simply needs to refill the emptied River." She stated and snapped her fingers again and the scene turned green once more.

"What's the price to pay?" Licht asked.

"Oh! You're a sharp one." She smiled. "Let me answer your question with another question. Have you ever tried refilling a completely drained river with your bare hands alone?"

"That's...!" Seiji exclaimed.

"Impossible, correct?" She stated. "That's what Arata will be doing if you ask him to replenish these dried out Rivers."

"Then there's no way to save these places?" Marie asked.

"There is. You can wait for them to be replenished or fix the cause." She stated.

"What is causing them?" Theo asked.

Hazel smiled and thought for a minute, in her mind she wondered whether she should tell them or wait for Arata to tell them.

"I think it's best you let Arata explain what the cause is. All I can tell you is that while it is a natural event, it can be very catastrophic if not remedied soon." Hazel states and points at Licht, then Lyzander then Van. She speaks in ancient tongue, the language of Fluer's people. "You three, heed my words now, the future is bleak as thorns grow on the thornless path. Watch the young one, for his greatest battle is nearly before him. The Time of Choice is nearly upon us."