Chapter 210, The Eyes that Perceive the Truth

"So now then, we've been gathered here to discuss a rather serious case." Seiji-san begins as we were gathered in the Great Hall. "It is in regards to the Vi=rus that is currently spreading throughout the four continents."

"A few days ago, Arata and a handful of Braves apprehended people who we now believe to be sellers of these drugs." Monica states. "Now, we are here to discuss what are the actions we should take in apprehending the source."

"But before that we must first understand what we know of the Vi=rus and the effects it has on us." Hatori says and calls me to the stage. "Arata will now explain."

"Thank you, Hatori." I answered as I proceeded to the stage.

"The Vi=rus is a chemical substance that varies in color and odor. Vi=rus contains a certain substance, this substance once exposed to Vi, reacts violently. It releases chemicals that are capable of nullifying Vi." I stated. "The worse part is that the Vi=rus doesn't limit its effects, it works on both living and nonliving things. It's poison can affect Vi powered machines."

"It can also affect people. Braves in particular are the most susceptible to it's poison." I added. "Braves, use the power of the Vi to power their attacks but that's not all. Vi is to Braves what air is to other life forms. The source of life."

"What you're saying is that Vi=rus could be used to kill Braves?" Hilde asked.

"Yes. A Brave's body has high concentrations of Vi. If you were to expose a Brave to Vi=rus, you would be killing the Brave within seconds." I explained. "This is why Vi=rus is extremely dangerous to Braves."

"Now you're saying such a dangerous substance is in circulation across the global black market?" Rose asked and sighed.

"So, what do we do now?" Andrew's father asked.

"Arata has already begun tracking down the source. What we ask now is the cooperation of the different nations to ensure a swift capture of the source." President Mayumi answers.

"That can easily be achieved." Seiji-san says.

"Now, in regards with another topic. The rapid disappearance of Vi in different parts of the world." Monica says and takes the mic. "We would like to address the masses in regards to this. At the very least so that they can be evacuate."

"But where would they go?" Hiro asked. "There's no place that will welcome them in our time of war. And I doubt the natives will agree to this."

"But if they don't evacuate they will die." Rio says.

"We can only try to reduce the casualties to a minimum. Alert them either way." I answered. "The people will see reason, those who won't we can't force."

"Very well." Hatori states. "And last of today's agenda is the sudden burst of unknown energy at the venue of the battle a few days ago."

"A burst of unknown energy?" Angie asked.

"After the battle a few days ago, we began an indepth examination of the area and found traces of unknown energy in the basement." Monica answered. "We are still researching the source of the unknown energy."

"That is something I can answer." I stated and turned to Lalina who was recording the meeting. She nods and stops recording.

"Go on." Seiji-san answers.

I take the lantern that now hangs on my belt and place it on the table. Everyone stares at it and then it passes from one hand to another.

"Arata, what is this lantern?" Seiji-san asks when the lantern falls to his hand.

"I've examined it and I can say for certain. It functions the same way as the Celestial Globe of Galactic Gates." I stated. "In other words, it is a Soul Retention Device."

"Soul Retention Device?" Chloe asked.

"Soul Retention Device are a series of artifacts that hold souls of Ancients. A long time ago it is believed that certain Ancients sealed their souls or essences within artifacts." Van explained. "They did so to provide support to chosen beings and even possibly to grant chosen individuals their powers."

"The Soul stored in this lantern is that of the Ancient of Guarding Torch, Praesidium." I stated. "I borrowed the power of Praesidium to defeat the kidnappers due to the fact that I was unable to use Vi."

"Greetings!" Praesidium suddenly appears from the lantern.

"Whoa! Are you... Real?" Dustin asked.

"Very much so." He smiled as leaned against the table. "Child of the threshold of two worlds, answer me, where am I?"

"This is the Academy, a school for raising young Braves." I answered.

"Hmmm... I have never seen something like this before." He smiled. "I believe this is the first time I meet most of you. My name is Praesidium Preludium. The Ancient of the Guarding Torch."

"It is an honor." Seiji-san bows his head.

"Hmm?" Praesidium scans the room and his eyes fell on Ethan.

He flies to Ethan and gazes at him, he stares long and hard. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I have this ominous feeling in my stomach.

"The Summer Moon shall show you no mercy, wingless one." He says and flies back to his lantern. "Wander not the night, for the Ancient of the Mind, and the Queen of Nightmares have been awakened."

"What does he mean by Ancient of the Mind and Queen of Nightmares?" Angie asked.

"Praesidium explain." I told him and he smiles.

"Offer to me the fruit of wisdom and I shall give knowledge plentiful." He stated and turned to Monica. "A feather of wisdom for the truth of time."

"Monica don't stare into his eyes!" I shouted to her and she turns to face me.

"Hahaha! Do not forget your promise to me, child of the threshold of two worlds." He laughed and flew to my side. "I will seek it, the branch of love and peace, on the night of the Sanguine Moon beneath the Pink blossoms."

He flies to my side, takes my face in his hands and stares directly into my eyes. These are no ordinary eyes, these eyes peer into the hearts of people.

"Now, offer it to me! A branch of wisdom for the knowledge untold!"