Chapter 211, The Child of the Threshold of Two Worlds

Praesidium stares into my eyes deeply, this is bad. But if I don't make a choice there's no telling what an Ancient like him will do.

'Arata, can you hear me?' Fluer's voice echoes my ears. 'Repeat the words I convey to you. Be wary, Praesidium is among us one of the most cunning.'

"The drunkard no longer wanders the night, the one who stamps in the night no longer comes." I repeated Fluers words. "The song for the ancient ones has been forgotten. Wander the vast night no more ancient one."

"Hehe. She taught you how to placate us." He grinned. "Very well. I shall tell you what I know."

"Arata, what was that just now? I felt my life was flashing before my eyes." Monica stated.

"A normal being mustn't stare into the eyes of an Ancient. They perceive the depths of the heart. If you stare too long you might be consumed." I answered. "Praesidium in particular has a bad habbit of gazing into the hearts of people and toying with them."

"That's rude." He stated.

"Further more, normal beings cannot deny the whims of Ancients. Usually, most people break at the will of Ancients. But since I gave everyone my blessings you'll be fine. But never stare into the eyes of an Ancient again." I warned her before I turn my attention to Praesidium. "Answer me, Praesidium, what do you know. Hide nothing, withhold nothing. Answer me in words pure and true."

"Hehe. Very well." He grinned. "For a branch of wisdom-"

"For the story untold a page now unfolds." I told him and he stares at me then frowns. I learned that there is a way to ask for things from him and other Ancients without a price to pay.

"A page unfolds, a story now told." He sighed.

"Well?" I asked him.

"That one, your eighth Sword, will die if he wanders the nights of the summer moon. In other words, if he strays during the nights of July he will perish." He says and I stare at him. "The Queen of Nightmares, and the Ancients of the Mind, they have attached themselves to him. A warning of the dreadful nights to come. You should be able to perceive them. Child of the threshold of two worlds."

I stare at Ethan and before long I begin to see something, a black aura wrapping itself around Ethan and then my world goes dark

"Ahhh!" I scream in pain.

"That's not good, youngling." A man says and I turn to see a golden haired man with silver eyes and white skin. "You mustn't gaze too much beyond the boarder."

"You are...?" I can't help but feel he is familiar.

"My name is Ragel. Hehe, did I surprise you?" He asked.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"The boundary between two worlds." He stated. "This is where we stay. Waiting for the moment of choice."

"We?" I asked and he turns and points to the other True Beasts. No. To the other Ancients.

"Oh? You gazed too far, young one." One, a voice who I recall belongs to Isca states. The man was with short brown hair and evergreen eys with brown skin.

"That won't do. You mustn't gaze too much to this side." Anrie stated. "We'll send you back, so don't stare too much to this side. Unless you want the others to find you."

Before I can even ask questions I'm sent back to the normal world.

"Arata, are you okay?" Seiji-san asked and I felt a little dizzy.

"Youngling, gaze not too much to the other side. Lest you wish to earn the eyes of the others." Praesidium states. "I'm astounded you returned to this side safely."

"Praesidium answer me, what was that place!" I ordered him in rage.

"You're anger scares me not, youngling." He simply brushes me off.

"Break the bond, tear the fabric, end the fate, release the magic." I chanted as I held his lantern.

"You fool me not." He answered unfazed.

"Break the bond, tear the fabric, end the fate, release the magic." I chanted again. "Break the bond, tear the fabric, end the fate, release the magic."

The lantern turns red and his eyes widen with realization of my resolve.

"Fine!! Stop!" He exclaimed the fear in his voice ever present.

I stop my chant and the lantern returns to it's natural blue color. He takes the lantern and checks before staring at me and with an expression of fear and respect he sighs.

"I applaud you for you're resolution. Very well. I shall explain what I know." He answered.

"Good." I sat down.

"Where shall I begin? About the Brave or about your recent incident?" He asked.

"I want to know more about Ethan." I answered.

"Very well. Your Brave has been given the blessings of the Queen of Nightmares and the Ancient of the Mind. Proof that a great trial is upon him. One that may cost him his life." He stated. "Which is why I advised you to avoid venturing anywhere during the night of the summer moon. During that night, the power of the two are at their weakest and you are most susceptible to the calamity."

"So, as long as he doesn't go out on the full moon of July he'll be fine?" I asked.

"Yes. He'll be fine. Though I advise that until the great trial is over he does not wander the night of full moons." Praesidium answered.

"Now about what I just saw." I told him.

"That will take time to explain..." He stated and thought for a moment. "Very well. Do you know why I call you the child of the threshold of two worlds?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you are literally what it means. You are one who has been born from two worlds." He stated. "The First and Last Fluer to be born directly from Fluer's blood."

What he says takes even me by surprise. So much that I am speechless as to what he has stated. I am a Le Fleur born from directly Fluer's blood?