Chapter 217, A Parting Gift and Reunion

"What? What do you mean this is farewell?!" I asked as I held back my tears.

"It's as we said. It's time to say goodbye Arata." Aster smiled. "Our last mission has been completed. We've guided you up to this point."

"But now the time has come to say farewell." Emilia says as she pats my head. "We've done our job, now that we no longer have anything left to do, we used the last bit Vi we had to grant us a bit of time with you."

"Though that said, it wasn't just us alone." Julius says and suddenly behind them a group of people emerge.

"Who are they?" Will asked.

"Those who's roles were connected to the Sacred Flower. The previous Sacred Braves and Called Walkers of Choice." I answered.

"It's time to say farewell, Arata." Elias says with a pained smile. "To the youngest Le Fleur, to the last, we give our thanks."

With Elias' words, they all bow their heads and I can barely hold back my tears.

"We leave the future in your hands." Erika smiled.

"Be strong, we know you can do it." Gregory gives me a hug before whipping away his tears. "Farewell Arata."

"... Thank you for everything!" I lowered my head to everyone. "May you finally find rest and peace."

"My youngest Called Walker." Fluer's voice calls out as she appeared above head.

"Fleur!" We all bowed our heads.

"Thank you for giving us this chance, Lady Fluer." Elias thanked her.

"Children of this world, I have burdened you with this task for a long time. I thank you." She bowed her head. "Tenth, Arata, the previous Le Fluers shall rest now. I shall see to it they'll find peace."

"Thank you, Lady Fluer." Julius thanked her and suddenly the others began to fade.

"Arata, it seems that time is up." Ever says with tears down her face. "This is farewell, Arata."

"Wait!" I try to grab their hand but as expected it doesn't work.

"Farewell, Arata. The youngest Called Walker of Fluer." Elias says and whipes away the tears in my eyes. "Never forget what you've learned."

"We'll always be in your heart." Julius says and he pats my shoulder.

"We leave what's left to you." Aster says giving my head a good ruffle.

"The future is in your hands." Ever says as she kisses my cheek.

"Choose a path you won't regret in the end." Gregory pats my head.

"You'll surely be fine without us." Hazel says as she hugs me.

"Be strong, be brave, but don't be reckless." Emilia says and gives my hand a tight squeeze.

"Whatever happens don't forget about the people who are by your side." Erika smiles as she tucks a strand of my hair back.

"Farewells are painful but they must come but as long you don't forget that we're by your side even when we're gone you'll be alright." Ivy hugs me tightly and whipes away her tears.

"Thank you, and we leave the rest in your hands." They all say with a smile.

One by one the figures behind them begin to fade and they smile.

"Just as the flower blooms it must also wither. The time for parting has come." Fluer says and the others nodded. They turn their backs and I hold my head high sending them off with a smile.

"Bye bye, everyone!" I cried and they smiled.

A golden door opens and one by one they step into the door. Just before Fluer closes the door she turns back and smiles at me.

"Arata, your predecessors have left something for you. Head to the Perennial Cherry Blossom, there a new one awaits you." With these words, Fleur disappears in a ray of light.

"Something's waiting for me at the Perennial Cherry Blossom?" I asked and I suddenly felt something inside me. A light emerges from my chest and flies out the door.

"Arata..." I can hear a voice calling out to me.

"This is...!" I run out the door and chase the light.

The light heads to the Perennial Cherry Blossom and I stand before the tree to a scene I could hardly believe. The cherry blossom are in full bloom, it's not even spring yet. It's fall, the time when leaves are orange the tree are barren. Yet even so the Perennial Cherry Blossom is blooming.

The light suddenly enters the ground, and the very spot it enters is where I've buried Growth.

Just then, a golden light reaches for the sky and I see Growths core. It's rising to the skies and just then, the core glows bright. Shining brightly, it begins to repair itself until it was completely fixed.

The core is wrapped in light and I see the figure of a bird take form, then the bird begins to grow bigger till it becomes a lot more humanoid.

"It can't be..." I stood in awe.

When the light dissipitates, a man dressed in a British bulter attire, with long silver hair and heterochromatic eyes, of red and yellow stare stood before me.

"It's been far too long, Master!" With a smile he greets and then hugs me.

"Growth?!" I exclaimed in disbelief as he hugged me.

This feeling, this is without a doubt the bond between Growth and me. That day, I was sure that it was severed. This man,he really is Growth. My arms unconsciously hugged Growth tightly.

"Arata! You gave us a good chase." Theo gasped for air.

"So? Who is this?" Will asked as he caught his breath.

"I'm Growth!" Growth smiled and they all froze.

"You're joking?! How is this possible?!" Liam exclaimed in disbelief.

"I don't know either. One moment I was somewhere dark, I wanted to come back but I couldn't." He stated. "Then, suddenly I heard someone's voice calling me. I think it was Fluer and the other Le Fluers."

"They brought him back?" Alexis asked.

"A parting gift from everyone." I said as I whipped away my tears. "Welcome back, Growth!"

"I'm back, Arata!" He answered with a smile.


Arata hugged Growth tightly and to this Fluer smiled. She gazed at them with a smile on her face, it seems that the gift the previous Le Fleur left Arata has done more than what they wanted.

"It seems that their gift has brought him great joy." She smiled. "Into Growth's remains, the Vi of the Sacred Braves and Arata was poured in. Reconstructed with the power of the previous nine Le Fluers, they brought back his old familiar."

The parting gift left the previous Le Fluers, a new familiar. Knowing that a new familiar wouldn't be able to replace Growth's place in Arata's heart, instead of making him a new one they brought back his old friend. And Arata would surely need his help, for the days to come would be the days that would bring about the closer of the ancient war.