Chapter 218, Sirius' Decision, Karin's Plan and Pierrot's Deception

"Sirius... I'm sure you've realized that this alliance cannot go on." Altair stated.

"Indeed this alliance will not be for our benefit. We have lost too many." Vega adds. "We must put and end to this, Sirius."

"I know and I will." Sirius stated as he stood up. "The time for waiting and hesitating has come to an end. We shall end this alliance once and for all."

With these words, Sirius takes his leave and crosses the boundary of worlds to where Pierrot and Karin dwelled.

"Hmm... It seems that Sirius has made up his mind. I might as well end this. I already have all that I need." Pierrot smiled as he gazed upon the Black Humunculus. "Let's see what Karin shall say to this."

Unbeknownst to the two, Karin was already well prepared, she was ready for the time to break up their little agreement. And,with her new toy in hand, she headed for the place where they were meeting.

"Greetings, Karin." Pierrot smiled as he held a small globe in his hands. "I am waiting for Sirius then we can talk."

Sirius emerges from the shadows, unmoved by the presence of the two. He sits at the table with his eyes trained on the two.

"Come now, must you glare at us like that?" Pierrot sighed. "If you wish to break off our little agreement then I won't stop you. However, before you do I want to show you something."

To this, Sirius raises his eyebrow and Pierrot places the crystal ball on the table to reveal the number of cities floating above the surface of the world.

"So, what do you want? These cities, they no longer habe human life do they?" Sirius rolled his eyes. "The Le Fluer managed to rescue the people much to your dismay."

"He managed to rescue the people but he failed to see the worth the cities themselves." Pierrot smiled as he moved his hand over the globe. "These cities shall be the conduits to call a certain artifact to this world."

"A certain artifact?" Sirius asked.

"It is a powerful tool but there is something we must first retrieve." Pierrot smiled.

"Something we must retrieve?" Karin asked intrigued.

"The Kaleidoscope of Fate which I believe now to be hidden in the Citadel of Time." Pierrot says. "And to our delight, the Le Fluer has not realized this. So all we need to do is retrieve the Kaleidoscope of Fate."

"Easier said than done. You know very well what kind of place the Citadel of Time is. And if the Le Fluer notices our movement he will surely take actions to stop us." Sirius answered. "What do you plan?"

"Which is why I have the Black Humunculus. You see, the Vi=rus that has been spreading was my little handiwork. The Le Fluer and his Braves plan to attack the source soon, there he will be distracted. And just Incase I'll send thE black Humunculus there as well." Pierrot smiled. "It shall be a sacrificial pawn for our goal. We shall retrieve the Kaleidoscope of Fate, use it's power to summon the artifact and we shall destroy the Le Fluer once and for all!"

To this, Karin and Sirius smiled, yet for some reason Sirius felt something else inside him. A feeling of doubt and he decides to help them but also to keep an eyes on them.

When Sirius returns to the other Chimeras, the first to greet him are Procyon and Cor-Caroli.

"What have you chosen, Sirius?" Procyon asked him and he calls the Chimeras to gather.

"Well, have you made a choice?" Vega asked and Sirius takes a moment.

"I have come to a decision. The Chimeras shall no longer assist the human Karin and Pierrot in their goals." He says. "However, Pierrot has proposed a rather fascinating idea. He plans to summon an artifact to this world. I shall be assisting him and when he obtains the artifact we shall steal it from him."

"Sirius, are you certain that his plan will succeed?" Altair asks.

"Let's hope it shall, for if it doesn't I shall behead Pierrot myself." Sirius announces. "He plans to sacrifice the Black Humunculus for this goal. As we shall not assist him, we shall stay in the rift of worlds to raise our numbers until the time is right."

"Very well." Altair says. "Should this plan fail, the heads of Pierrot and Karin shall be the first thing I collect."

"As you will." Sirius stated.

Meanwhile, Pierrot simply grinned as he gazed at the crystal ball in his hands. Both Karin and Sirius have no idea what Pierrot was truly planning. The artifact Pierrot was planning to summon was one of great worth. It was the Inheritance of Fluer, it was something Fluer prepared for when the moment of choice was upon them.

Pierrot couldn't help but rejoice at his cleverness of tricking the two. Once he obtained the Kaleidoscope of Fate he planned to kill both Sirius and Karin and use their bodies to summon the Inheritance of Fluer. With the inheritance he planned to invade every single world after he had destroyed the one they dwelled at.

"Hahaha!" Karin laughed maniacally as she held a dark crystal I'm her hand.

She had the same idea as Sirius, when they found the Kaleidoscope of Fate, she would betray the two and kill them. Then, she would the artifact which Pierrot spoke of for her own gain. She planned to eradicate Arata along with the school, after she steals his powers. With the crystal in her hand, Karin planned to steal not just Arata's power, Pierrot, Sirius, the Chimeras and the power of every single Brave in their world and other worlds.

She had grown mad with power and her desire for it had twisted her beyond recognition. With he rtwisted smile and wicked laugh, she could not be any more excited than ever at the prospect of her future plans.