Chapter 219, The Frozen City

"Is everyone ready?" Arata asked as they all gathered outside the school.

"We are." Licht says as held the Key and opened a pocket dimension. "Alright, everyone get inside."

With everyone except Licht inside the space Arata prepared himself and summoned Orca. With the sample of Vi=rus given to Orca, it turns red and begins to search then points north.

"Looks like we're heading north. Everyone ready?" Arata asked one last time. "We leave the school in your hands, Dino."

"Sure leave it to us." Dino smiled.

We are leaving him, some of the Quasi-Braves and Spiro to take care of the school. They'll be fine until we're back.

"Yeah. Let's go Arata." Licht answered as he entered the pocket dimension.

"My children, burning in thy rage of the crime committed against thee, crawl if thou cannot fly." Arata chanted. "Diving into the depths, through the unseen path, following my veins as you go!"

Again Arata dives into the depths of the Ley Lines and follows Orca as it chases after the scent of the Vi=rus.

"So, how far north do you think we'll go?" Hiro asked as they we all sitting down in the pocket dimension.

"Don't know. For now, judging by the Ley Lines and the time of departure, I'd say we're a few hundred kilometers from the school." Lyzander says. "Soon we'll be nearing the city border."

"Hmmm... If we assume that it'll just go straight north, we'd eventually reach the Frozen Sea." Mayumi states. "If we continue further we'll eventually reach the Northern Continent."

"Is there anywhere in particular we'll pass by that might be suspicious?" Theo asked asked.

"The only place I can think of is the Old Capital of the North, the Frozen City." Mayumi states.

"The Frozen City, formerly called the Evermelt City. The only part of the Northern Continent that directly connects to a sea unfrozen." Van read his book. "Till 80 years ago, when the city was attacked by a large pack of Libra causing it to be plunged and turned into a city of never melting ice."

"Yeah, that sounds pretty suspicious to me." Zhen says.

With a sudden shake the others turn their attention to Arata who was now a giant bird.

"What happened Arata?" Licht asked.

"I had to change directions since the Ley Lines up ahead have dried up." He answered. "We're going to surface for a bit."

With Arata's words the Braves brace themselves as he surfaced. Now a giant bird, he flies and follows Growth all while seeking a Ley Lines that was passable.

"Where are we right now?" Lucas asked.

"I'd say above the Aurora Seas." Seiji answered as they saw the ocean.

"Arata's already gone this far in less than half an hour?" Andrew says in surprise.

"Look, I can see the free line now." William states as the liquid seas turn to frozen ice.

"I'm diving again!" Arata announces and as the giant bird approached the edge of the ice dived into the water.

Aarat follows the trail left by Orca till they finally arrive at their destination. A city, completely emptied of human life yet brimming with Vi.

"We're here!" Arata announced as he surfaced once more.


"So this is the Frozen City." I gazed at the city in front of me.

"The city abandoned by her people." Monica says. "Oh, where's the little familiar you summoned?"

"There." I pointed to orb of light now in front of us.

"So, all we do is follow it?" Theo asked but I stopped him.

"We don't know what is hiding in this city. It's best if we proceed with caution." With my words Ethan nods and dawn's his Braves Regalia.

"Warden; Seventh Shield; Hidden Wall!" With his ability, Ethan wraps us in a defensive barrier and we proceed together carefully.

"What do you think we'll find here?" A hushed question from Rachel.

"I don't know either." I answered as I held my sword. "But proceeding with caution is important when you have no idea what you're up against."

"Arata, Orca has stopped moving." Growth tells me and I stare at the Orca who gazes to the ground.

"Down here." I say as I tried to open the grail.

"Let us." Will says as he and Reinhard move the grail.

Following Orca who descended to the ground, we eventually find stairs that lead up. When we surface we find a large lobby, it seems like it's been in use fairly recently. I can sense traces of Vi here and there.

Orca proceeds up the stairs and on the second floor we find a large laboratory.

"Arata this is..." Seiji gazes at the beakers, serums and more that are arranged in front of us. They are without a doubt new mad someone seems to have used them, very recently.

"Arata, I think I heard something on the third floor." With Ethan's words we all nodded.

Together we head to the third floor or should I say rooftop. The entirety of the third floor has been destroyed, it is now completely open, this is likely the world of Chimeras.

As we looked around I suddenly sense it, the mass of Vi approaching us.

"Ethan!" With my voice, Ethan fortifies the entire barrier and blocks the blast of Vi.

We turn to see it hovering a few hundred feet from us. The Black Humunculus, all by itself, as if taunting us.

"What do we do?" Seiji-san asked.

"Let's accomplish what we came here to do. Seiji-san and the others will destroy all the Vi=rus synthesizers that they can find." I answered. "Also please check the neighboring buildings for any signs Vi=rus manufacturing as well."

"On it." Seiji says and takes most of the Braves with him.

"So, it's just you and us." I say as I held my sword.

"This time I'll end you." Growth smiled as his right hand was enveloped by the golden light. "Here I come! Brace yourself!"

"Let's end this, Black Humunculus. You will be put to rest here and now!" I shouted as I charged at it with my sword.