Arc 27; Ancients' Inheritance Chapter 226, For the Ones Who Wish for a Bright Future

"Arata? What's taking so long?" Lia knocks at my door.

"I'm just fixing myself." I answered.

Fixing my hair, I wonder whether I should cut my hair but then I notice something. The tips of my hair have a light golden hue. It'd be a shame to cut it so I decide to just tie it with a ribbon.

Dressing in my white shirt with a blue cardigan and navy blue pants, I step out the door of my room.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted them with a smile but the morning banter is suspended the moment they see me. For a while there's only silence.

"That hair..." Van is the first to break the silence. "Did something happen?"

"I'm not sure but... Let's just say I've gained a new power." I smiled.

"Alright! Then why down we braid this?" Lia smiled as I sat down on the sofa.

"Well it's not like anything has changed. You're still the same old Arata, it's just a new hair style and eye color." Will said and placed down a plate of pancakes. "Eat up, you have classes today."

With a smile the others pat my head. Lia styles my hair after breakfast, she fixes the strands of my hair and makes it so that everything looks nice. Then, she takes a while to decide how to tie my hair. That's when Alex takes out a ribbon, it's the one he used to use.

"Arata's hair is not too thin or too thick, it's also just right, it's not too straight,not curly and not wavy." He says as he takes the strands of my hair. "So the best choice is to tie it in a single tail down his back, like so."

My hair is tied by his ribbon at the nape, let down my back, a few locks of my hair are seen on my face. He has even fixed my bangs and to prevent the excess hair from covering my now heterochromatic eyes of silver and blue, he tucks them back with a hairclip.

"Perfect." He smiled. "Now, let's go to class."

With a smile, we head to class, to my surprise the most I get is a smile, no one seems to be interested in why my hair has changed color. That's when I remember how wonderful everyone here is. No matter what form, no matter how I look, everyone knows I'm still me.

"Okay, everyone today we'll be talking about the various technology that was brought about by the discovery of Vi." Ms. Luña smiled as she began her class.


"It's finally time, Master." Saint stated as he stood atop the Asterion.

"So what's the plan?" Allen asked.

"Everyone please get on board the ship." Saint answered. "Sir. Arata will need all the help we can bring."

"Up we go." Astrologia smiled as she carried the four unto the ship. "If that is the case, let us visit the other Spirits."

"That's what I had planned, Lady Astrologia." He answered as the ship began to move. "Farewell, Master, we'll definitely fulfill our mission."

Without delay, the Asterion began to move towards the gates. As the winds blew on the ships sails, the ship of the Five Ancients began it's journey to the end.


"Spriggan, it has appeared." Julian, who stood at the edge of Isla Memorya stated as he gazed at the skies. "The Ship of the Ancients."

"Indeed. The end is finally about to begin." Spriggan stated. "Julian, prepare to move."

"Are we going somewhere?" Julian asked.

"We're going to Arata. The time for the long awaited battle is nearly upon us. When it finally begins, we must be there to offer him our support." Spriggan stated. "Such is our responsibility."

"Understood." Julian answered and once more entered the depths of the forest.


"Arata, your hair is really pretty." May said as she ran a few strands through her fingers. "It's so fluffy too."

"You're eyes look really nice too." Lina said as she stared.

"Thanks." I answered with a smile.

"So, aside from this new look did you get anything else?" Moyu asked.

"Well, I'm not sure yet." I answered.

"By the way, where's Spiro?" Mao asked. "I bet he'd love to see your new style."

"He's staying at our parents place for the week. Since I don't want to expose him to all this danger." I answered. "If possible I don't want that kid to ever hold a weapon. Let our generation of Braves be the last ones to stand on this battlefield."

"Master, what do you want to do after the war?" Growth asked.

"Hmmm... I think I'll take a long vacation. Somewhere peaceful." I answered.

"I'd like that too." Rein says as he gentle pats my head. "Maybe we could go on a trip across the worlds. Enjoying the scenes this time."

"I'd love to enjoy my days watching the sun set above the Sky Garden." I said.

"After the war, where will you stay Arata?" Theo asked. "Will you return to Unified Palace or will you stay here?"

"I think I'll stay here, maybe I'll visit Unified Palace every now and then." I answered. "What about you, Van, Licht, Zander?"

"I plan to return to return to Tetra-Topia to my home town in the Sovereign." Van stated. "I haven't been to my homeland for a long time."

"I plan to do so as well. I want to return to Crimson Lake." Zander stated.

"Addy, Eddy and I have decided to travel the worlds before we decide where to settle down." Licht answered. "We plan to find somewhere peaceful."

I smiled as I listened to everyone and their wishes and of what their plans are after the war. We've fought so hard to be here, we've sacrificed many things to make it here. Many lives have been laid down throughout the eras, names now forgotten in the sands of time. For the ones who have offered their lives so that the future may be bright, I will surely stop Karin and her plan. For all who have given their all so that the future may be bright. So that the deaths that have lead up to this moment may not be in vain, so that the blood shed will not be for naught, so that the next generation may live their lives in peace, I will make sure to end it with this generation of Braves. Let our generation be the last to stand here at the place of war.