Chapter 227, The Dragon Girl and the Ancient

"How are they?" I asked as Monica, Moyu and Lefina were monitoring the War Hammers.

"Judging by these vitals their alright." Monica answered. "I'm not sure why they won't wake up though."

"Felicia said that they would wake up sooner or later..." I answered. "The War Hammers were made as guardians of the ship. They should have woken up by now."

"Maybe something is preventing them from waking up?" Moyu asked as she handed a report. "We did a full body check and this is what we found."

I read the report, they didn't have any physical or internal injuries. Their bodies are all perfectly well, what could be the reason why the War Hammers aren't waking up?

"Maybe they just need more time?" Chloe asked.

"I'm not sure either. Maybe their missing something?" Fabian asked.

"Hmmm..." I thought for a minute.

The War Hammers were Humunculus designed solely for combat, they aren't able to speak, they were the results of failed bodies for Ancients.

"Chronicle." I called it to my side. "Reveal to me everything about the War Hammers."

The pages flip but it seems to be empty except for something, it seems to be a few words.

"Das Blut Kenny die Wahrheit"

"Is there something wrong?" Van asked.

"Growth, give me a knife." I told him and he nodded, he takes a strand from his hair and hands it to me.

"What does master intend to do with it?" He asked.

I take the blade and run it across my palm which takes them all by surprise.

"Arata!" Van immediately objects.

"Calm down. It's fine." I told him and moved my wounded hand over the blank page. "By the blood of an Ancient, be revealed oh unknown page, oh untold story."

With a golden hue, the pages absorb my blood and then the words appear on the once blank pages.

I heal my hand and turn my attention to the words on the book. There's a lot of them, all of which was hidden in the sealed pages. Shifting through the pages I find the section related to the War Hammers.

"Long, long, long ago, when the Ancients were fighting to drive away the Night of Catastrophe, the Ancients of Life, Creation, War and Victory were tasked with creating a spell capable of driving back the forces of the Catastrophe." I read aloud. "After many nights, a being was brought into existence. The young spell brought into existence was given the name Edel, she was a Spell embedded into the body of a Humunculus. Edel would later become the core for a series of soldiers."

"When Edel was faced with a great battle, she sacrificed herself, becoming the core for a spell that would continuously create Humunculi to drive away the Night of Catastrophe. Thus the War Hammers were born." I read aloud. "After the Ancients defeated the Night of Catastrophe, Edel was sealed within the Sidus Pontem to act as the guard of the ship. In order to communicate with the outside world she created a special Humunculus named Ritter. Ritter commanded the War Hammers in Edel's place."

"That means the ones commanding the War Hammers is this Ritter person?" Fabian asked and I nodded.

"Perhaps something has happened to Ritter thus the Humunculus are unable to awaken." I stated.

Just as I stated this, Yuuki runs into the Laboratory to tell us a rather shocking news. Apparently a giant dragon has been seen flying over the city.

"A dragon was?" I asked to clarify as I thought I maybe misheard him.

"Yes. It was big, with brown scales! It was flying around the Fourth District!" Yuuki exclaimed.

"Hmmm... A dragon flying around the city. Growth, go tell Will and the others to mobilize." With my orders, Growth nods and disappears. "Monica I leave the War Hammers in your hands."

"They'll be safe with us." She smiled and I nodded.

I rush out and find Will and the others already standing at the entrance of the school.

"You ready?" He asked and I smiled and nodded.

We take to the sky and head for the city. When we're only a few more miles away from the city, we see the figure of the dragon saying above the city. It doesn't seem to attacking but I can sense a large amount of Vi from it.

"So, what's the plan?" Al asked.

"We try to reason with it." I answered as we continued to rush to the city.

We arrive at the city and immediately head for the the highest building closest to the dragon. It's huge, almost the same size as the Azure Dragon.

"So, how do we communicate with it?" Alex asked.

"Growth, can you get it's attention?" I asked and with a box he takes for the sky and takes on his animal form. A giant bird with bright blue and golden petals.

"Arata, that isn't just any dragon, that is the Guardian Dragon, Ritter." The voice of Felicia echoes in my head.

"Then that dragon is an Ancient?" I asked.

"Yes. But it seems she isn't in her right mind. You must calm her down." Felicia answered.

"Growth, send her out of the city and hold her down!" I ordered him.

"Alright." He answered and with a large flap of his wings, he sends her flying to the direction of the edge of the city.

"Everyone, lead the dragon out of the city!" I told them and they nodded. "Be careful not to hurt her too much."

With a blast of explosions from their Articles, the others slowly drive Ritter to the edge of the city.

"This is far enough. Do it Growth!" I ordered him and he charges forward, ramming Ritter in one go.

He slams her straight to the ground but Ritter thrashes about and battles Growth attempting to once again take to the sky.

"Master, I won't be able to hold this thing for long!" Growth alerted me as he battled with Ritter.

"It's alright, just buy me enough time!" I stated.

I just need some time to find the reason for Ritter's unconscious attack. As Growth holds Ritter down, I look all over her body and finally find the cause for her unexpected appearance. There seems to be a large clump of dark essence found on her nape.

"Wraaa!" She roared as she fought against Growth.

"Growth, hold her down no matter that!" I shouted to him as I summoned my Petals. "Dance forward, Steps of the Blooms!"

I fly forward, Growth holds Ritter down to the ground as she struggles to break free. I somehow manage to land at her neck and I reach for the cause of her unconscious attack. In one big tug, I pull off the black stone embedded in her scales.

A blinding light shines and I can feel the body underneath me disappear, thankfully Growth manages to catch me before I fall to the ground. As we hovered over the ground, we find a young girl with black hair dressed in a white robe on the ground. So that's Ritter, the Guardian Dragon.