Chapter 234, Return from the Ancient Ship

"Arata, after this we'll have completed the outer city. I believe it may be best to head back." Velti states.

"But I think it'd be better if we headed in deeper..." I stated as I gazed at the city.

We had just completed exploring the last of the four gates. I want to push deeper into the city but for some reason Velti and the others are trying to stop me.

"The deeper you go into the city, the more dangerous it is." Felicia states. "The Inner City is guarded by Fate Golems. While they aren't a threat to you, Karin might notice your presence."

"So what should I do? Turn back and head home?" I asked.

"That would be the wiser choice." Sidwell states. "It's safer that way for you."

"Alright then. I guess it's time to head home." I stated and was about to leave when I sense something. "Something's coming! It's big!"

"Hide, quickly!" Ritty pulls me into the corner.

"Ritty? I know you're here. Come on our, it's me." A whisper of a soft female voice rings.

"Nile?" Ritty releases her hand and steps out.

For a while there's silence, till there's a small orb of light that floats before Ritty.

"It's really you! You're back!" The ball of light says.

"It's been a while, Lemianile." Felicia who appears from my shadow greets the orb.

"Lady Felicia! It's been so long!" The orb circles around Felicia. "I'm very sorry for my current form. My real body is trying to suppress the Vi that is trying to enter the seal."

"It's quite alright." Felicia smiled ever so gently.

"Lemianile, can you update us on what has happened?" Velti asks.

"Ritty and I were guarding the Sidus Pontem which was thrown into the crack between worlds after Lady Felicia death. While Ritty eventually fell asleep, I continued my duties as the guardian." She began. "Eras came and passed but still Lady Felicia's successor was never born. The city began to crumble and eventually the Vi which supplied power to the city finally ran out. Shortly after I took fell into deep sleep. Then, roughly seventeen years ago I could feel the bond of fate being revived."

"That would've been the day you were born Arata." Siel stated as he patted my head. "And then?"

"Eventually, the Vi began to replenish as the bond was reconnected. For seven years the Vi began to swell and swirl eventually restoring the Vi source that I could awaken completely. However, around seven years after, the source suddenly disappeared. While the bond was still there, the source had disappeared." She continued. "Then, for seven years there was nothing, till finally the source began to activate. Then I was suddenly pulled to the Tree of Fate, to place between worlds and I saw a figure standing before Lady Felicia's Tree."

"Who was it?" Felicia asked.

"I don't know. But that figure began to reconnect the branches of Fate till finally the tree once more shined in it's long gone radiance. After which the figure suddenly disappeared." She answered. "The figure would sometime appear before the tree a few times after that. Then, I can't recall when but I was woken up by some kind of malicious presence and when I gazed at the Tree it was fine but the Bonds."

"What happened to the Bonds?" I asked.

"The Bonds of Fate, the roots Lady Felicia planted began to covered by a strange darkness and soon the River of Fate began to thin and eventually lose their radiance completely." She answered. "As I was wondering what was happening I felt a familiar presence and shortly after I saw familiar figures emerge at the Space between Worlds."

"Familiar figures?" Sebastian asked.

"It's was... Leno... He was standing there just wandering. I tried speaking to him but it seems my voice didn't reach him. He could see me but I could tell he couldn't hear me." She answered. "Shortly after more and more began to gather and then a few nights ago, I was woken up by a powerful surge of energy and I saw Arata here bringing Allie, Sion and Cory to this side."

"What about when Karin came here? When you crossed to this side from the Rift of Worlds?" Sidwell asked.

"I felt a familiar presence calling me to this side, the suddenly I was awakened and pulled to this side completely. The ship is still in-between the two worlds but when the barrier falls it will have completely crossed to this side." She stated.

"What has Karin been doing here?" I asked her.

"She, along with Pierrot and Sirius and a large number of Chimeras came to this place a few days ago. I could easily identify them as I have been watching Arata from the other side of the rift." She stated. "Pierrot used the Kaleidescope of Fate to pull the Sidus Pontem to this side. Then, when they were about to do something Karin released a large amount of Dark Essence and trapped Sirius and the others inside them. She must've used them to gain access to the ship. At that time I suppose she had no idea that she needed ann Ancient to open the ship's doors."

"How could you tell?" Gunilla asked.

"Because after she crystallized the others, she left them. So this gave me the chance to take Sirius and the others into the lower layers of the ship." She stated. "We'll be fine for now. I felt your presence here so I thought it was my chance to speak to you. But since I couldn't leave my duty to protect the others, I could only send this to speak to you."

"It's fine. So what's the status of the seal?" Felicia asked.

"The first later has already fallen because Karin continues to bombard the doors with her Dark Essence." She stated. "If only the Bonds of Fate were still strong then I could easily keep her from opening anymore of the doors."

"It's alright, Lemianile. We need you to focus on keeping Karin from entering the deeper levels of the Sidus Pontem." Sidwell pats her head. "Now go back, we'll be returning to land of humans. We'll return soon and when we do it will be to drive Karin away and fulfill the long made promised."

"Alright, then I shall take my leave, Lady Felicia, Elders, Master, Ritty. May fortune favour you all." With her words, the orb of light in front of us disappears.

"We've spent a long time here." Felicia says and points to the dawn. "Come Arata, it's time to head home."

"Let's go. Bye-bye Leaminile, until our next return." I waved farewell and we jumped off the edge of the island.

W continued to fall until we were outside the barrier and Ritty transformed into her dragon form and we headed home.

As I felt the cold wind blowing, I see the dawn breaking as I left the island and headed home. As my eyes fell on the school, I could feel my heart ache for my home, I've only been away for a while but I already miss everyone so much already.

"I'm home, everyone." I spoke to the wind as I landed with Ritty. Everyone's probably asleep since it's probably only around two o'clock or three o'clock in the morning.

Felicia and the others have already taken sleep inside me, Ritty seems to be exhausted, I'm sure they all are. I take out my key and open the door then I realize when I turn the key it's not locked. I open the door of the entrance gate and I find the lights shining brightly in the hall ways. Did something happen?

As I wandered the empty halls I could sense a congregation of Vi in the dining hall. I open the door and that's when I'm greeted by a dining hall with everyone who is up so early.

"Arata?! You're back!" The first to break the silence of my return is Mao who immediately tackles me for a hug.

"Welcome home, Arata!" They immediately exclaimed.

In the warmth of the hug they all give me, I couldn't help but cry.

"Arata? What's wrong?" Will asks as he hugs me.

"Nothing... Nothing at all Will." I answered as I cried. "I'm home, everyone."

"Welcome home." Will says.

After so long I couldn't help but cry and cry like a child. My heart really missed everyone and I cried so much that I think I dried out my throat. After that, all I remember is falling asleep in Will's arms as he carried me back to our room.