Arc 28: To the End; Chapter 235: Seed

"Good morning, Arata." Will greets me with a smile as I opened my eyes.

"Mhhnn... Morning Will..." I answered as I was still sleepy. "Are you getting up?"

"Not yet." He smiled as he kissed my forehead. "So go ahead and sleep some more."

I snuggled closer to Will's warmth, after days of being away, a nice long sleep is a reward. For a while Will and I sleep peacefully till a knock comes to our door.

"Arata, Will, are you awake yet?" Theo knocks at the door. "There's a lot to do today, if you're already awake it's time for get ready."

With that Will and I finally get up. While he goes to take a shower, I go out to the lobby where a sleepy Andrew sits along side Alexis who is sipping tea.

"Good morning Arata." Alexis greets me.

"Good morning, Alexis, Andrew." I answered as I sunk down on the sofa.

"Sorry, we know you're still sleepy but we need to plan for our next move." He says.

"It's fine." I yawned.

"So Arata can you give us a run down of the area of Sidus Pontem?" Andrew asked.

"I'll do you one better. I'll give you a map." I answered and reached into my shadow to pull out a diamond shaped crystal. "Here it is. The map of the Sidus Pontem, though it isn't complete."

The crystal glows to show a holographic map. It shows a somewhat detailed map of the Sidus Pontem.

"Let's call Mayumi and the others." Theo says and heads off to call the others.

While we wait for the others to arrive I begin to tamper with the map. I add some of the last information I obtained and finished the last editing of the map.

"Morning, sorry we're late." President Mayumi smiled as she entered the room with the others. "So Arata, can we have the run down?"

"Okay. Let's get started." I stated and touched the crystal spreading out it's coverage. "The Sidus Pontem has four gates, each gate represents the Four Winds. The gates are the only path that directly lead to the heart of the artificial island."

"Furthermore, when we enter the inner island, there are a series of buildings and ruined structures that can be used. Though the inner island is guarded by a handful of War Hammers." I added. "If we can go deeper into the inner island amd slip past the War Hammers, we'll arrive at the City Heart. As of now, I have no idea what is at the very heart of the island but if what Lemianile stated was true then that is where the Graveyard of Ancients is."

"So what's our goal exactly?" Leon asked.

"We have only one goal. To get into the heart of the island. If I can manage to get there, I can gain access to the entire island. I'll be able to drive Karin back completely." I answered.

"So our main goal is to get you into the island heart? That will not be an easy task with Karin wandering the city. Who knows what she has waiting in store for us." Adonis stated.

"However before we can even do that we need Saint to arrive here." Lia says. "Arata did you get any word from him?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't." I answered.

As we talked about what was to happen next I sensed a familiar presence by the outskirts of the barrier.

"This presence!" I excitedly wanted to go the barrier immediately. The presence I feel is definitely Julian's!

Suddenly I see a cloud of light wraps around me and when it clears I find myself at the outskirts of the barrier. Julian and Spriggan stood at the edge of the barrier unsure what to do when I suddenly appear out of thin air.

"Arata?! What just happened?! Was that directly teleportation?!" Julian exclaimed in excitement.

"Julian!!" I jump and hugged him immediately. "Come on in, it's not safe being outside the barrier."

I guide him and Spriggan into the barrier and as I'm leading him to the school, the others rush to the door.

"Arata!! Are you alright?!" Theo exclaimed.

"I'm fine, why?" I asked.

"Maybe because you suddenly disappeared and the appeared like thin air!!" Al exclaimed and checked me.

"It's fine. It's called an Ostium. It's an ability of an Ancient to teleport directly." Velti explained. "I didn't expect Arata would manifest the ability do quickly. Arata, may I examine you for a moment?"

"Sure." I answered and Velti checked my body.

"Is something wrong with Master?" Ritty asked.

"What is this?" Velti had a dumbfounded expression on his face. "Felicia... The Seed of Fate that mother gave you, you planted it right?"

"Yes. I planted it, why do you ask?" Felicia stated.

"There's something inside Arata that seems to be similar to the Seed." He stated and Felicia's face immediately turned grim and she immediately rushed to my side and gazed into my eyes.

"What is this?! Why is there something like this inside Arata?!" She exclaimed.

"What's wrong?! Is there something wrong with Arata?!" Will exclaimed.

"Let's talk inside..." Felicia stated and turned to Spriggan. "It's been a long time, Spriggan, my child."

"It is an honor to once more see your face, mother." Spriggan stated.

We headed to the classroom and Felicia went to the board and started drawing something. It was a tree, a sprout, a seed and a human.

"So, I'll say it straight so that everyone can understand. No matter what you all must be prepared." She stated and we nodded, I was getting anxious as to what she was about to tell us. "So then, inside Arata's body, there is a gigantic source of Vi that is starting to sprout."

"A gigantic source of Vi?" I asked.

"In other words, inside you right now is a seed, similar to the one I planted, that is growing and it is filling you with Vi." She stated.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked and she shook her hear.

"That seed is very dangerous, because it is made of Vi. If it ever sprouts, it will cause many problems for you." She stated. "At worst... You might become a True Ancient like us."

"What happens if Arata became a True Ancient like you?" Theo asked.

"For raising a Seed inside them, an Ancient bears the curse of immortality. In other words, Arata would gain immortality in exchange for growing the seed." Fluer stated.