Chapter 248, To Protect the World Arata Loves

In an instant the light fades and together, they stood once more. With bodies, no longer of light but of flesh and blood.

"Ugh... That took... A lot..." Arata slumped to the ground, but a figure immediately props him up. "Thanks a bunch, Ragel."

"You need to rest a bit, leave the rest to us." Alma smiled. "You guys, protect Arata."

"Everyone... Please be careful..." Arata muttered as he began to close his eyes.

"We're going." Siel says and the Ancients flew out the door, leaving trails of light in their wake.

"What did Arata do?" Theo asked and Ritty stepped in.

"The master casted a temporary spell, it tethered the Ancients to the Homunculi Bodies that were prepared for them." She stated as she walked towards Arata. "Lemianile, is the Coffin of Fatum accessible?"

"It is. But why do you ask, Ritty?" Lemianile responded.

"Please take master into the Coffin of Fatum." She stated as caressed Arata's cheek. "I will do a loop around the Sidus Pontem and defend it."

"Very well." Lemianile answered as she turned face William and the others. "Please bring Arata with you and follow me."

William picks Arata up, Ritter flies out of the door and transforms into a dragon before taking for the sky. William carries Arata as he and the other Braves follow Lemianile deeper into the castle. They eventually reach a door, eight petals surrounding a circle.

"Please place the eight keys into the keyholes." Lemianile stated.

William and the seven Braves take out their Article and one by one place their keys into position. The door then shined a bright golden hue before opening to reveal a large room. They step inside and find a pool of water, surrounding a single path.

"Please lower master into the water." Lemianile instructed.

The others were hesitant but William lowered Arata into the water. When Arata touches the water, it glows bright and the room is set alight by a golden ray. The walls then begin to shine and reveal a series of marks and pattern. Not long after, Arata comes to, his bright eyes looking around the unfamiliar room.

"Arata, how're you feeling?" Van broke the silence.

"I'm fine. I'm guessing this is the Coffin of Fatum?" He turned to Lemianile who nodded.

Arata smiled and rose from the waters, he steps back unto the solid platform, still dripping wet. He then kneels at the edge and reaches out to the water. One by one, he places the four elemental gems.

"The wind blows, carrying the memories of bygone days. The waters swell and surge, carving the path of destiny. The fire burns bright, lighting hope within. The earth hardens as the path of choice is engraved." Arata begun to chant. "The distant song of spring heralds a new era, the winter of the past still cold yet distant, the summer bringing new encounters, the autumn leaves covering the crossing of paths."

The water shines and in the water, they see the world around, the four continents and the other worlds. It's in chaos as the Fingers rain down upon the worlds.

"This is horrible..." Ophelia stated.

"Go." Arata spoke, not turning to face the Braves. "The worlds need you, now go."

The Braves hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do. Will they leave Arata and help the worlds or will they stay and let the worlds fall to ruin.

"Go! Now!" Arata cried. "I... don't want the worlds to be destroyed. Please."

The Braves watched as tears fell from Arata's eyes, dripping down into the water.

"We'll be back as soon as possible." William says as he turned his back. "Let's go!"

The Braves nod and one by one leave the room and head out to help the worlds. Arata wipes away his tears and turns to the water, he is left alone with Lemianile.

"Master, they have departed to defend the worlds." Lemianile stated as she closes the door behind them. "Master is officially alone within the Coffin of Fatum."

"Lemianile, leave." Arata spoke and Lemianile bowed before leaving.

Arata's hands played with the water, dancing upon the surface leaving ripples in their wake.

"Sidus Pontem, I emplore you, open the long sealed door and grant me entry to the depths." Arata spoke and the waters began to tremble then finally they part, revealing staircase depper into the castle.

Arata takes a step forward and then another till he begins to descend into the deeper floors. The walls are lined by patterns and marks, lit in bright blue hue. Elsewhere, the Braves have split up, heading for the four continents.

"Are you sure Will? Was it okay to leave Arata alone?" Theo asked as they flew in the sky.

"Arata will be fine." William stated as he flew further. "Our mission, is to protect that which he holds dear."

They fly faster, spreading to the four continents and arriving in time to assist the Zodiacs.

"Back up has arrived." William stated as he shot into the sky, Liam standing behind him holding his hammer.

"Glad you could make it." Seiji smiled as he held his sword.

Across the continents the Braves descended, each bearing their weapons, unsure of what should be done.

"That said, we have no idea how to dispose of these things." Alistar stated as he held his sword, protecting Mayumi.

"What're you doing here? Weren't you supposed to guard Arata?!" Touya asked, sending an blast to the sky, trying to push the Fingers back.

"We were. But that little brat said to help you out." Lucas stated, using his strings to strangle some of the Fingers.

"Tch. They just keep coming, what are these things?!" Mao stated as he attacked the Fingers infront of him.

"Apparently they're monsters from the past." Van stated.

"How do we get rid of them?" Hanako asked as she dodged the attack of the Fingers.

"You can't, but we can!" Felicia stated as she appeared above the Braves. "The Ancients shall push the Fingers back beyond the Edge of Realms!"