Chapter 247, For the World We Live In

Far north, Mayumi and a handful of Braves defended the capital city of the north as Genbu and Snow tried to defend the Sanctuary and fulfill Arata's orders.

"Hold your ground!!" Mayumi, wounded and injured held her gun to the sky, shooting at the Fingers.

"Tch. There's so many of them!!" May exclaimed as she tried to attack the Fingers.

"Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse!" Lina held her fan. "Tch. There's so many of them!!"

"Diana-senpai! Is it still not ready?!" Reina asked.

"Everyone, fall back!" A voice calls and they see the barrier rising to the skies.

"Is everyone alright?" Diana asked as they reunited with each other.

"Treat the wounded and injured as soon as possible!" Dustin ordered as he turned to the front line. "Communication with other continents and Braves are down, right after the freaky thunder storm clears those shadows or whatever they may be come down from the sky."

"Just what is happening..." Rio stated.

"I have no idea, but I hope Arata and the others are alright." Lefina stated.

"In coming!!" A shout draws all of their attention to the skies.

The Fingers descend from the skies in large number, as if like the shower rain, they fall in great numbers from the dark sky.

"Hold your ground." Mayumi says as she holds her gun. "We will defend this world whatever the cost."


"Tch. They just won't let up!!" Alessia stated as she attacked the Fingers flying her way with a blast of light.

Far South, Alessia, Seiji and the other Braves defend the Southern Capital as Ardor and the Vermillion Bird attempt to complete Arata's request.

"Alessia, don't use up your Vi and energy. We need to by time for Ardor and the Vermillion Bird." Seiji states.

"Easier said than done!" Alessia shouted.

"Winds, Forward march!" A spell from Shizuku sends the Fingers back for a moment to allow Alessia to fall back.

"They just keep coming!" Ayato stated.

"Summer Wind, burning harshly." A bright light seems to shine from the distance, only managing to push the Fingers back. Summer calls out to the Braves. "Please fall back. The barrier has been erected and the civilians have been evacuated!"

"We're falling back Alessia. Everyone, retreat!" Seiji called as he and the Braves retreated.

The Braves gather together, a worried Motu runs her hands on a computer.

"Communications are completely offline, I can't access the grid and there's so much disturbance in the Vi that I can't link up with Arata!" Moyu wailed as she practically slapped the keys of her console.

"That's to be expected, in such a situation we call only try to hold out till reinforcements arrive if there are any." Mani says. "Where's Ardor?"

"He's gone to the Altar of Summer with the Vermillion Bird." Arnie says.

"Then, until the Vermillion Bird and Ardor fulfill their role, we will defend this city with everything we have." Sein says drawing his rapier. "Believing in Arata."

"That's all we can do." Hatori says baring his knives.


The Fingers have begun to rain down on the Western Continent but the four nations are already prepared to fight. At the forefront of the cavalry stood Milo, Hildegard, Rosemary and Albert together with Monica, Fabian and Marie. They are determined to defend their land, till Autumn fulfills her role and till the threat before them is no more. They plan to protect their home no matter what.

"Will we survive this I wonder?" Rosemary asked a bit uneasy.

"Whatever happens here, we will defend this world no matter what." Sid says taking for the skies. "Obsidian Rain."

A thousand blades of obsidian shards fly towards the Fingers, piercing them but information the Fingers still live. Raining down in sheer numbers.

"Our goal is to defend the people and save as many lives as possible. Should the enemy he stronger than you retreat at once!" Albert announces to the cavalry. "Until Autumn and the White Tiger complete the mission entrusted by Arata, we will defend this land!"

"Forward, blooming in a thousand petals. Morganite Rose!!" Ryl sends a crystal rose towards the sky, signalling the start of their campaign to defend the world.


"Great Wind, Blow Fast!" Hiro attacks the Fingers in front of him.

"Tch. Hiro-senpai, there's too many, fall back to the school's barrier!" Yuuki calls out to him.

"Fall back!" Hiro gives the order, the Braves following his lead retreat to the school's barrier.

"This isn't good. At this rate, the barrier will fall." Ashley says as she and Kate regrouped with the Braves.

"What do we do? Rio asked.

"We endure it, until Sakura has finished the task Arata left her." Dony says as he gazed at the sky. "The battle has lasted for too long. The dawn is still far but we must endure it."

"For the ones who call this school home. We must defend it." Rum says. "After all, Arata is counting on us."

"Yeah. Arata is believing in us to protect this place we call home. So no matter what, we will defend it with everything we have!" As Hiro says this, the barrier begins to show cracks. "No matter what, for Arata."

The Fingers descend in great number across the world, the Braves fighting with everything they have to protect the unknown future. Placing their faith in Arata and the Braves who have departed for the Sidus Pontem. Believing in the bond they share, they fight to defend the place they all call home, the world Arata loves and the place Arata loves.

As the Braves battle the enemy with all that they have, the Sidus Pontem comes alive with Arata's golden light. The wave of light is so bright it can be seen across the world. As if like a light of hope, it's bright rays give strength to the Braves in combat, knowing that the light they see, is none other than Arata's light.

"No matter what, we will defend this world! The world where we all live!"

With this one thought in mind, the Braves fight.