Chapter 256, Staircase of Fate

"Which way do we go?" Zander asks as we reached a fork in the path. "Licht?"

"Right." Licht states as the lantern he carries glowed towards the right.

We proceed straight ahead as the path begins to branch more and more. Thanks to Licht's lantern we manage to stay on the right track. For a while, we hear nothing but silence as we move forward but as we go up the steps I hear the sound of gunshots from Will's Sweet Arms. I can hear the sound of explosions every now and then as well.

"Sounds like there fighting pretty hard out there." Zander states. "They're holding out pretty good."

"How long have we been in here?" Saint asks as we ascend the steps.

"Probably an hour at least." Van answers as he and Zander gaurded our rear.

"Arata, there's a sheer drop ahead." Licht calls me as I reach the top of the staircase.

We find a giant chasm before us, the path continues in the distance, Licht's lantern shines towards the other side of the chasm. I see the night sky and the Tree of Origin in the distance. The chasm seems to be dividing the way forward, I'm unsure what made it as Felicia's memories show no recollection of this chasm anywhere.

"What do we do? Should we fly?" Zander asks as he stares into the the chasm. "It's pretty deep too..."

"Come oh Ancient, homeward bound." A voice echoes in my head, it sounds familiar but I can't quiet place who's voice it is.

"Arata!!" Van grabs me just as I'm about to take a step into the chasm. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... Thanks..." I answer as my eyes turn to the other side, for a moment I see a twinkle of light. "I think we can just walk..."

"Walk?! Over this chasm?!" Licht exclaims in surprise.

"Yeah." I answer and take a step forward and as I thought, I can walk over the chasm.

I continue to walk till I'm eventually on the other side of the chasm. I turn back to the others and wave my hand.

"Guys, it's alright! Come on!!" I call out to them.

"Okay!!" Saint is the first to take the step forward but he is immediately pulled back by Licht when he begins to fall.

"Arata, I don't think we can go further than this!" Licht shouts to me. "From here on out, it's all you."

"Okay... Then I'll be going!" I shout back.

"Take care!" Zander shouts to me as I turn around and walk into the castle.

I walk deeper and deeper into the castle till soon the roof has disappeared and I begin to see the Tree of Origin. I try to look around but I see no sign of William or the others. So I think there might be something preventing me from seeing them.

Eventually I reach a piunt where the walls completely disappear and I see ruins, remnants of what can only be of city. The buildings are crumbling, old and are delapitated beyond repair. Proof that they have been abandoned for centuries or even millennias. In the distance of the ruins, I make out what seems to a castle - or what remains of one.

Walking along the deserted streets devoid of life, I find myself wondering what this place looked like during Felicia's time. The cobblestone paths are covered with rubble, and I can see what seems to be remains of glass and to my surpirse tattered clothe. As I approached the castle ruins I see tattered banner remains of the few standing columns. At what I believe to be the gate, I find a stone tablet split and broken but the text still somewhat readable. [Stage of Fatum]

I enter the gate and as I approach the roots of the Tree of Origin, at the very bottom, I find it. A large open expanse of pavement. The Stage of Fatum.

"We've been waiting for you." Voices echo. In my head. "Teehee! You're finally here!"

"The Stage is all yours! Come on! Come on!" They echo in my ears as the winds began to blow from somewhere.

"The moment of choice, is now!!" They giggled.

I take a step into the stage and that's when I see a lone tile. There's a pair of footprints engraved into them above the words [Initium Finis]. I step into the two steps and from somewhere I hear a tune begin to play. I clear my throat as I held my hand forward and began to dance to the melody.

"Where the ridge of light, meets the night, stands a castle, built by destiny." I hear a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sing. "In the city, full of memories, sleeps a lone child.The child calls to their beloved, awaiting the dawn."

"Are you coming to the festival? To the place where the child awaits." The voice continues to sing as I dance. "There at the place of origin, the child awaits. For their beloved to come."

I dance to the familiar yet unfamiliar melody I hear in my head as the tiles where I step glow and shine in light golden shades.

"The child wishes, for a peaceful world. Please, oh please, let this child have peaceful dreams." The voices sang. "Please, let the world be filled with love. The child shall awake soon, please oh please, he wishes for only one thing."

"May the world be filled with love." As I finish my dance, the song stops and I move aside.

For a moment, there nothing then the ground below begins to rumble. Then, one by one the tiles rise up from the ground towards the sky. When the last tile rises, I stand before a towering staircase towards the sky.

"Go on. It's just a little further." The voice in my head echo. "Forward march, towards the Tree of Origin."

I move forward, towards the Initium at the very first staircase. I go up the staircase, the first step of the Staircase of Fate.