Chapter 257, Across the Night Sky

"Sweet Arms: Arsenal!" William was engaged in a fierce battle with Frajil. His bullets aiming to shoot a hole through Frajil's head.

"You think that you can stand up against me?" Frajil laughed as he dodged William's bullets.

"Sweet Arms: Assault Rain!" Bullets air down on Frajil who easily blocks the bullets.

"You lack the power to stand against me." Frajil says as black orbs begin to circle around him. "Darkness Embrace!"

"Sweet Arms; Lock On!" William continued to engage with Frajil, his bullets shooting Frajil one after another in an attempt to land a hit.

"Foolishness." Frajil states as his orbs easily absorb the bullets William shoots. "Black Bullet."

Frajil's orbs fluctuate then replicate before shooting towards William. William flies through the endless night sky dodging and occasionally sending a volley of bullets.

Elsewhere in the endless expanse of night, Liam could hear the sound of gunfire that echoed from William and Frajil's exchange.

"It seems Frajil has began engaging with your comrade." Rasha stated as she turned to the direction of the gunfire. "Perhaps you should be aiding him. After all, you are of no match to me."

"We'll see." Liam stated as he raised his hammer. "Verdict; Heavy End!"

Liam slams his hammer down on Rasha but Rasha stops the hammer with her hand. Smiling, she pushes the hammer and Liam back.

"Black Engulf." Rasha covers herself with veil of shadows and charges towards Liam.

"Verdict; Storming Stamp!" Liam swings his hammer and slams it down on Rasha creating a cyclone around them that pushes Rasha back.

"Reverse." Rasha shrinks Liam's hammer and sends a wave of black rays towards Liam. The waves hit Liam and forces him back. "Mirroring Darkness."

Rasha ceates a hammer form darkness and slams it down on Liam. Liam manages to counter it with his own as the two battle it out on the battlefield of the night sky.

Meanwhile, Alistar was engaged in a standoff with Shaze. Alistar's Chevalier was already unsheathed, the sharp end of his blade pointed towards Shaze.

"A foolish attempt." Shaze stated as he floated across the sky. His gaze was not of hostility but of indifference, as if he did not see Alistar as a worthy enough enemy. He turns to the castle and speaks. "The Child of Fate is in the castle? Then I'll just go there."

"I won't let you." Alistar says as his blade blocks Shaze's path.

Alistar flies forward, standing before Shaze who was flying towards the castle.

"Chevalier: Radiant Wave!" Alistar slashed forward towards Shaze. "If you want to go to the Tree of Origin, you'll have to pass me."

"Very well. Then you shall die." Shaze shoots waves of light towards Alistar.


"Looks like Shaze is enjoying himself with your comrade." Dures stated as she bared her claws towards Reinhardt. "Now then, I must say I wasn't satisfied with my previous battle so I suppose I'll be enjoying myself as well with you."

Dures flies forward, her claws bared in an attempt to slash Reinhardt into strips.

"Purge: Clarity!" Reinhardt holds Purge in his hands, his body engulfed by a golden light. "If a fight is what you seek, then I will be your opponent! Here I come!"

Dures cackled manically as she and Reinhardt exchanged blows throughout the battlefield.

"Laceration!!" Dures' bored down on Reinhardt.

"Hallowed Lance!!" Reinhardt strengthened his spear to block Dures' blow.


Elsewhere, Zenze and Alexis were at a stand off; both were waiting for the other to take action. Zenze had spheres of black light around him while Alexis had already loaded Ataraxia with an arrow.

"Hey, let's just do this the easy way. You get out of my way or I kill you. Your choice." Zenze stated.

"Ataraxia: Arrow of Illumination!" Alexis shoots an arrow that splits and casted flashing lights upon contact with Zenze. "I won't allow you to get anywhere near Arata."

"Then death it is." Zenze stated and snapped his fingers, the orbs around him begin to warp and fly towards Alexis.

"Ataraxia: Purification!" Alexis fires an arrow to the sky and negated the orbs surrounding him. "I'll repeat it. I won't allow you to get anywhere near Arata."

"So bothersome." Zenze started as he flew towards Alexis. "Night Bomb."

"Serenity!" Alexis shot down Zenze's orbs.

"What a bothersome ability." Zenze clicked his tongue.


"They're going at it in a flashy manner, aren't they?" Senra stated as she gazed at the battlefield around them illuminated by the explosions, flashing lights and clashing weapons.

"Hysteria: Thousand Cleaver!" Zhen's blade flies forward to attack Senra.

"You're rather an annoying one." Senra stated as she blocked Zhen's blades that appeared out of thin air.

"Bladed Edge!" Zhen's blade dance j the air as she disappeared and reappeared attacking Senra. He didn't hesitate to utilize his ability of invisibility and teleportation.

"Tch. Endless Void!" Senra pulled all of Zhen's blades into a black hole.

"It doesn't matter if you send them all away. I have plenty more to take there place." Zhen stayed as he threw a knife at Senra, which was soon followed by more knives. "My blades are like my devotion to Arata, they are never ending!!"

"Tch. Then we'll see how long you can keep this up!!" Senra wailed as she continued to destroy and consume Zhen's knives which were quickly replaced by new knives.


"Repear: Execution!" Andrew's Scythe slashed forwards Mize in an attempt to decapitate him.

"That's a rather grim weapon for such a handsome young man." Mize stated with a sly grin. "Why don't you put that aside and have fun with me instead?"

"Repear: Departure's Sickle!" Andrew swung his scythe forward, as of like it was as light as a feather, his scythe danced as it clashed with Mize.

"Midnight Enchantment." Mize smiled as she winked at Andrew.

Andrew freezes in place, his body unable to move as Mize simply grinned and floated closer to him.

"As expected of my enchantment." She grinned as she licked her lips. "I think I'll savor devouring you."

Her hands are about to reach for Andrew when a slash of light cuts her hands and she flies back.

"Liberty of the Wind. That is my power." Andrew stated as he fixed his shirt. "I can easily negate any form of affliction applied to me. For your unseemly behavior, you shall die!"

Andrew vhased after her as he chased after Mize who flew higher and faster to heal her hand. As they flew across the battlefield, for a fleeting moment, Andrew spotted Ethan who was engaged in a battle as well.

"For a human, you are very persistent." Fleska stated as her blades of darkness continued to assault Ethan.

"I've been told that's one of my strong points." Ethan stated as he held Warden in place, tanking through Fleska's barrage of attacks.

"Curtain of Night." A dark shroud covers Ethan and Fleska as she charged towards Ethan.

"Warden: Deflection!!" Warden glowed brightly as Ethan was engulfed by a golden light, Warden then sent back the dark aura that was sent towards Ethan.

"A shield that can deflect any and all blows while healing and defending it's user..." Fleska analyzed Ethan. "However, it must consume a large amount of Vi I believe."

Ethan looked at her, his eyes scanning and weighing her as he thought of a way to defeat her.

"Well, no matter. I'll simply wait for your Vi to run out. After all, unlike any place you've fought at before, this place doesn't have endless Vi." She stated and Ethan's eyes grew wide in realization of what this meant.

If the Vi in the First World is limited, then it would mean that he and the other Braves would likely be running out of Vi soon.