Chapter 259, The Brave of the Sacred Tree

"Talk Pierrot." Oliver spoke as he held his blade. "What do you know."

"The Le Fluer and the Sacred Braves need your help. Right now, the Sacred Braves are fighting against the Harbingers however they have run out of Vi." Pierrot spoke. "And shortly, Ruina will appear here to plunge this world into chaos."

"Lady Felicia, how true are Pierrot's words?" Arnie asked.

"They're true." The voice of Fatum stated as she appeared before them, her body very distorted. "I do not have much time left. Arata needs your help, so I beg of you, listen to what he has to say."

"Very well." The Braves answered.

"Right now as we speak, the Braves are running out of Vi, they need to be replenished however there is no Vi in the First Realm. If there is none there then we simply have to send some to them." Pierrot stated. "Furthermore, Ruina will send her her physical body here while her real body is at the Primis Orbis trying to make Arata succumb to the darkness."

"How do we help him?" Mao asked.

"The Sidus Pontem." Pierrot stated.

"How exactly?" Moyu asked. "I mean, how do we even fight Ruina?"

"That's yours to try and figure out." Pierrot stated as his body began to blur. "Looks like time's up. Well, we leave the rest to you."

Pierrot and Fatum's body begin to fade until they completely disappear. Just then, outside the storm starts again and from the skies, the shadowy figure of Ruina appears. She rains down chaos and lightning on the Sidus Pontem.

"This is bad, we have to stop her!" Spiro exclaimed. "If she destroys the Sidus Pontem, Dad and everyone won't be able to come back!"

"Spiro's right, but how do we stop her exactly?" Mayumi asked. "Lady Felicia, can't you do it?"

"I wish we could. However, even our power can't stop her." Ros stated. "I was only able to subdue her because I had Arata's link to the Tree of Origin. It takes that much energy just to stop her."

"And there's the matter of the lacking Vi in the Primis Orbis." Siel added.

"Are we really... just gonna stand here helplessly...?" Yuuki clenched his fists.

"There must be something we can do!!" Chase exclaimed. "There has to be!"

"For now, try to figure out a way to send to Arata. We will try our best to hold back Ruina." Gunilla stated.

"Let's go." Felicia and the Ancients head off to confront Ruina.

"Even the Ancients won't stand long against Ruina. We must find a way to aid master and soon." Lemianile stated.

Just as they're about to speak, Philia senses something wrong with the Vi around them.

"Leon, use your powers and check the other worlds."

"Alright." Leon activated the power of his key and created images of what was happening across the worlds.

"You're kidding right... Is this really happening?!" Arc exclaimed as across the worlds Ruina's shadowy figure hovered.

"Tch. Is this for real?!" Danny exclaimed.

"All Guardians, return to your worlds, we have to defend the other worlds." Philia ordered. "Leon, open portals for us."

Leon opened portals and the Guardians along with their Priests and Priestesses returned to their worlds, a few Ancients decided to follow them and crossed to the other worlds to fight against the Ruina clones that were there.

"So, just what are we gonna do?" Touya asked.

"There has to be something we can. The Ancients are keeping Ruina at bay but what about Arata? They still need Vi." Hanako stated.

"Tch. Think, there has to be something." Moyu racked her brain for ideas.

As the Braves racked their brains for a way to help Arata, the Ancients and the Guardians were attempting to prevent Ruina from destroying their worlds. The Sidus Pontem trembled and shook with the shockwaves of the endless fighting outside its walls.

"Dad... Please, there must be something I can do too." Spiro watched as the Braves struggled to find an answer. Within his heart, he longed for a way to help.

Slumping to the ground, Spiro hugged his knees. He tried to think, to try and find a way to help.

"If only... If only I was a Brave too." Spiro murmured to himself. "Then maybe... Maybe I could help everyone."

As Spiro thought this, he accidentally pressed his hands against the pattern on the wall. The pattern glowed and the light caught the attention of everyone present.

"Spiro? What happened?" Mayumi pulled Spiro away from the glowing wall.

"I don't know... I was just sitting there." Spiro answered as the wall glowed insistently.

"What is that?" Mao asked as the pattern shined brightly.

"This is... Is it a Crest?" Moyu analyzed the pattern.

Just as Moyu scanned the pattern, a light began to shine and from the pattern revealed it's form. It was like a tree, behind it the crest of the Sacred Flower was embedded and the tree had 10 circles on it.

"Is it a Crest? But what does it even mean?" Hatori asked.

"The Scared Tree." Spiro answered as he felt a throbbing in his chest. "This feeling... It's calling to me."

Spiro began walking towards the Crest, then as if it was a swearing him, the Tree glowed. As Spiro touched the Tree, he felt something inside him, like a power he had never felt before.

"Spiro...?" Theo was worried so he tried to approach Spiro.

"The time had come, awaken to your power, for the time has finally come." The voice of Arata echoed in the air. "Forward my child, towards your destiny."

"Dad?!" Spiro exclaimed as he heard Arata's voice echo in his mind.

"Arata?! Are you alright?!" The Braves called out his name.

"Come Spiro, I will wait for you, for all of you. At the Tree of Origin." Arata's voice echoed as the Crest glowed brightly.

Spiro stepped forward, he could feel the Crest calling to him.

"Dad... I promise, I'll definitely come to where you are!" Spiro announced. "I vow, as your son, and as the Braves of the Sacred Tree!"

The Crest glowed brightly, it's light engulfing Spiro as it merged with him. The light towered to the skies as it covers Spiro. When it plfinally clears, Spiro stood before the Braves, dressed in a dark blue hakama and on his hand, the Crest that was on the wall now embedded.