Chapter 260, Einheit

"Spiro..." The Braves stood in awe at Spiro and his new outfit.

Just as the Braves were in awe, a large portion of the Sidus Pontem's roof came falling down. Shortly after, Riu comes crashing down near the entrance. The Braves turn their attention outside to witness Ruina's clone attacking the Fates.

"Sir Riu!!" Lemianile exclaimed.

"Lemianile, no matter what happens to us, defend the Sidus Pontem!!" Riu roared as he picked himself. "Ruina, even if it means death. I will not allow you to destroy this world! This is... my atonement for the atrocities that I have committed."

"Riu?!" Felicia turned to Riu who held his blade.

"I am the one who treads the distant skies, the one who hunts and slays the heretics, the one who knows the beginning and end of the Fates." Riu chanted. "Fools who have turned your backs on the path of fate, disappear here, at the origin of the skies."

Riu's blade glowed a luminous light, Riu's body being engulfed by the light. He takes for the skies and bares his blade at Ruina.

"Blow away, leaving nothing behind! Fatal Blow!!" Riu slashes Ruina and manaes to cut off both of Ruina's arms.

"He did it!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"No. Look!" Touya points to Ruina who just regenrates her arms.

"Riu!!" Felicia called out to him.

"Felicia, we won't be able to kill her." Riu stated.

"What do you mean, Riu?" Lemianile asked

"It's highly likely that what we're fighting is an Astral Projection." Riu stated.

"Astral Projection? You mean that it's real body isn't here?" Gunilla asked.

"It's highly likely." Riu answered as he held his sword. "My Fatal Blow went right through her."

"Then we won't be able to stop her if that's true." Siel stated.

"We don't have to." Spiro chimed in. "Pierrot said that Dad and the others needed Vi right?"

"Yeah? Why do you have an idea up your sleeve?" Theo asked him.

"We can't send Dad Vi because we have no way to send it to the Primis Orbis without him right?" Spiro asked. "Because only Dad can open the link from the Sidus Pontem to the Primis Orbis."

"Yeah. So your point?" Lucas asked.

"We now have a channel to send Vi to them." Spiro stated.

"Where?" Mayumi asked.

"Right there." Spiro pointed to the clone of Ruina. "If Ruina's real body is at the Primis Orbis, then we can use her clones to send Vi to Dad."

"Of course! The clones are directly connected to the real body in the Pirmis Orbis. We only need to follow the trail of her power and we'll be able to send Vi to Arata!" Velti exclaimed.

"Um... I hate to rain on your parade but... how do we do that exactly?" Gunilla asked.

"We literally trace her magical power." Alma stated. "All spells have a residual trail of magic power that connects them to their caster. We can follow that trail back to the real body."

"But in order to do that, we have to restrain her first." Ragel chimed in.

"If that's all... Dad left a perfect spell for that." Spiro answered.

"What kind of spell?" Baran asked curiosly.

"The strongest spell Dad ever created. A spell that he created for this moment." Spiro answered. "A Primordial Magic, one that transcends worlds and even time to unite all, the spell of Unity, Einheit."

"So, what do we do?" Theo asked.

"I'll cobvey it now to everyone." Spiro answered and shared with the Braves how to cast the spell.

"Everyone clear on our task?" Theo asked.

"Let's do this." Mao answered. "Spiro, we leave the rest to you."

"You can count on me! I'll definitely deliver these feelings to Dad!" Spiro answered.


"Ahhh!" Arata cried in pain as the darkness of the worlds began to consume him.

His cries echoed throughout the endlessly cast night sky. Above him, Ruina grinned as she watched Arata suffer.

Licht, Van and Xander were passed out, Ruina used her magic to knock the trio out before she chased after Arata. She planned to watch Arata succumbed to the darkness of the realms so that she could consume his power.

Across the night skies, the Braves were already immobilized by the Harbingers. All ready to finish the Braves.


"Tch. The fact that all we're fighting is a clone makes me really annoyed!" Gunilla shouted.

"Patience! Spiro are you still not ready?" Siel exclaimed.

"Preparations are complete, please distract Ruina's clone!" Spiro shouted as a spell circle formed on the ground.

"This way!" Felicia and Riu distracted Ruina's clone and began guiding it towards the Sidus Pontem.

"Fold the skies: Heaven Undone!" Alma created a gravitational field around Ruina's clone and attempted to hold it down but Ruina simply passes through the spell.

"As expected she can easily phase through our spells." Siel stated and then grinned. "However... Spiro!"

"Everyone, please release your Vi!" Spiro shouted as directly below Ruina, the Braves had formed a spell circle with Spiro at the center.

"Feel it. Connect it. To reach them." Spiro wished from the bottom of his heart. "Please. Everyone, may our wishes reach you!"

"May these wishes, reach you at the farthest end of the distant skies!" Spiro activated the spell as the entirety of the Sidus Pontem was engulfed by a golden light and towered to the sky. "Einheit; Activate!"

The golden light towered towards the sky, then from where the braves stood, a golden light reached for the skies and became chains that bound Ruina.

"Did it work?" Felicia exclaimed.

"Even... With your powers combined..." Ruina's voice echoed from the clone. "It will not be enough to bind the Chaos!!"

Ruina began to break free from the chains the bound her. Spiro fell to his knees as sweat trickled down his face.

"It didn't work?" Velti gritted his teeth.

"Did we make a mistake in the channeling of the magical power...?No..." Felicia looked down and then clicked her tongue.

"Our Vi and magical power... wasn't enough." Spiro clutched the ground and just then, a strange flower appeared on his wrist.

"In that case, let us gather them. From across the world, and across time." A voice speak and before the Braves appeared Elias.

"Elias?!" Felicia exclaimed. "Why are you here? No! How are you here?!"

"Arata. When he linked with the Tree of Origin, he didn't just connect himself with the Tree, he also connected everyone." Hazel stated. "All Braves across time. This was the answer he found, as he wandered the vastness of the night sky."

"However, that alone was not all." Evergreen smiled. "They too had a hand in this."

The Le Fluers made way to reveal Growth, Eddy and Abby. The very same trio that were missing right after the Braves began their plan.

"Forgive us for our sudden disappearance. We were busy connecting everyone." Growth stated. "When we heard what everyone was planning, I left and traversed the realms. In order to connect everyone's Vi and bring them here."

The Crest on Spiro's arm shined brightly as light began to gather around the Sidus Pontem.

"We're sorry for the delay." Philia stated as they appeared from a portal.