Bloodshed on a snowing night

The guy that led the blood trail in the courtyard, and the others followed him in, even a fool could see through what he was doing. Perhaps he has some experience doing such things, but the two sitting on the balcony just observed the things happening without even making any moves.

"Young master, what should we do about these people?" Ago was standing in the darkness too observing these arrivals. For the guy at the front, they even saw how the other party used all means to make sure they knew he had entered this residence.

"That one that led them here should just safer the same fate as them. Those that are always acting weak in a way sometimes are very dangerous." Wang was looking into the distance, specifically the backyard, and was sure that the one that escaped through here wanted to use this residence as a place to divert the attention of the pursuers. In that way, it is not important for them to act yet, just let things develop on their own accord.

"No rush, let's see how things develop in the end." As he said this he seemed to have lost interest in the situation happening in the courtyard. 

Seeing the blood on the ground that leads to the inner courtyard, one of the people with white hair followed the trail as he spoke in a horse voice. "This woman is vicious enough! Wanting to use other people's lives as a decoy."

Hearing this Wang had the man's evaluation risen to another level, at the same time he observed Ago from his recliner and said, "We are about to watch a good show."

The two moved from the balcony on the third floor and headed to the highest level of the building to watch the turn of events. But from what Ago could feel Wang seemed more interested in killing all these guys that had broken in without any respect for those in this residence. But he did not do it. Wang was just being cautious and thus he moved to the highest point to watch the events unfold.

And from his experience, people would not want to kill someone for no reason, that woman that sneaked in must have something that made many people very interested to the point of not caring about slaughtering others uninvolved in the process. Wang did not have any sense of justice, he just thought that the thing she had on her might really be very precious. In that way, he wondered how the strength of all the parties involved and that is why he was going to watch a show.

Seeing how Ago was not aware of what was happening he just knocked his forehead and said, "We should just observe and see if other people will appear for this play. Regardless of the outcome, I'm more interested in that thing that made that woman willing to even cause the massacre of an entire family to cover escape. But it is somehow lucky for her that Ruruo is not around." As he said this he kept climbing the stairs while the one following behind him asked, "Is it lucky or unlucky?" 

But Wang did not answer this as he was more or less hoping it was something useful to him. All this time he has only practiced two exercises while the Sea Calming manual can not be said to be a technique but rather some principle that is very difficult to understand even for him at the moment.

In that case, he wanted something that can deal with this problem and at the same time, started to think about how he needed to obtain some other practice exercises focusing on the improvement of his physique. Yet he had to wait as the time did not seem right, even the resources he had could hardly allow him to enter some auction houses in the auctions. Ignoring this fact alone, Wang did not want to be targeted by others for making purchases. 

  " Old Zhao, you go in and check things out, if anyone sees what they should not then do not keep your hands at all." This was already a declaration of a death sentence to all that should be found in the residence, and thankfully this residence does not have anything like maids or servants at all, or it would have become a massacre. But the trail seemed to have led to the back yard so when the man came back and informed this white-haired old man, he did not hurry to make a move but rather asked the group to move out and cover the courtyard. 

The old man was sure that the woman had yet to leave the place, probably waiting for an opportunity, and Wang standing in the highest position could also see it. The shadow slowly moved against a wall in the backyard, and the blood stains seemed to have suddenly stopped when the ones tracking her reached the backyard.

With the old man's experience, he could naturally see that something was not right and did not choose to check out alone. He did not believe that the woman had just come to this yard to surrender or die with peace, she had struggled from her hunt for a reason.

Those selected to check it out including the old Zhao were angry in their hearts, but he did not dare express this at all. They could only comply and keep moving forward to check. Seeing this situation, Wang already confirmed his guess, that the woman had something on her that was attracting all these people.

In the end, instead of speculations, he decided to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike and take a look at what it was that was making everyone so excited. 

"Old Zhao! This time we can get an opportunity to take that step after such a long time, there is no reason to worry much about Ziyu City, after all, we are not going to stay here tonight, we must deal with everything quickly and evacuate." As the words opportunity were heard, the old man Zhao seemed to have been motivated. 

Hiding behind the wall, the woman's complexion was pale and she was cursing secretly, as she realized that this compound she had entered was empty. It seemed the owners were not around at all, the plan she made had gone to waste. From her line of thought, a family massacre could have been enough to cause some chaos and allow her a chance to escape. But this time what she failed to realize was that some gaze was locked on the place she was. 

Hidden in the walls, the woman with her face covered seemed to be lamenting and at the same time cursing, "Damn! The famous Ziyu city turns out more dangerous than advertised. I thought that I could be capable of walking away smoothly after taking away this thing. It turns out the most stupid decision I made was robbing the Moon Pavillion. But it seems that they do not take the things I stole seriously or are not interested in catching people's eyes."

She had indeed stolen from the biggest business in the city and yet no one of considerable power came for her probably because what is taken is deemed not worth the attention of the elders guarding the place. This group seemed to have been hired by someone to take her life as for the goods, recovering them or not is insignificant.

"When the four stepped in the backyard, nothing happened but the old man in white did not seem to be shocked rather he had the four keep spreading and searching through the backyard. When the men walked around three did not find anything but one found the wall and thought it was weird so he turned around to report, a sound could be heard and the man that had just turned back seemed to have been attacked from behind, yet the sound seemed to reach even the outside.

"She has made a move finally.!" Hearing the words said by the guy in charge, no one even flinched about their member that had lost their lives, as each took out a weapon ready to attack. At the same time wary of their lives being endangered by the woman.

But still, they could not escape the white-haired old man as he gave them a command and no one seemed unwilling to disobey, as it seemed he had high strength. 

"Go, attack her, I don't believe she can be lucky to escape this time! Old Zhao goes and guards towards the east. The rest spread out and make sure she cannot be given another chance to get away." Hearing the indifferent sound everyone had no choice but to play their assigned roles. 

Old Zhao, seemed to be the same as the old man wanting something from the woman, but witnessing them fight, Wang did not have any pity for the woman or even the guy that died. His calculation was when to get himself involved.