Who are you?

After this the man in charge stepped into the back yard observed the surrounding woman. For him, the thing she had taken seemed more important, even though it seemed like someone had leaked the information to their gang. How could he not see that he was being used as a blade? In the end, he did not hesitate after being aware he was being used.

But to their surprise, another sound of two footsteps could be heard from outside, and when everyone saw the two figures appearing before them without any change in expression on their faces.

"Interesting! Even in our house, we can't get to sleep in peace and you lot have gathered without even notice." a soft voice sounded from outside but it seemed cold. After Watching all this Wang eventually seemed to be bored by the way the groups were acting. 

Wang had been watching this show from up the top of the roof and after seeing the way both parties were not getting this finished quickly and no one else came to participate, he moved in to cause trouble. Instead of threatening the idiots, he thought it best to completely deal with the enemies rather than let them leave. 

"Huh? There are actually two people in this residence?" The old man looked in the direction of Wang only to see he was looking where the woman was with a smile that was not a smile. But one could feel that his face was cold.

"You are still alive?" He asked without any emotion as he observed her with indifferent eyes.

Hearing this question everyone frowned and the woman seemed to feel uneasy, "Who are you?" She asked, but no one answered her but a cold stare. 

In the same way, he swept his eyes over everyone and focused on two that seemed to be in the level of blood forging. He could feel that the two old guys were not easy to mess with but that did not seem like a deter.

"Among them, I guess the two have indeed reached the same level as me but their experience is better than mine in battle, probably theirs." He then made a judgment of the strength of each of them as he was going to leave some of them here tonight. 

"Who are you? Do you want to meddle with our affairs? why didn't you escape when you realized our existence?" The old man asked in a hoarse voice but Wang responded by saying, "My wife told me that in this city grandmasters are not allowed to act. The fact that you guys can enter this place to do your thing without caring about the owners even gets on my nerves."

He already could guess that these people probably had some affiliations in the city, or they would not dare to act willfully like this. But the moment he thought about the fact that he might have been killed by these idiots had his strength not grown this day, he was indeed very motivated to act.

It is also the same reason he did not reply to the questions they asked in an appropriate manner but told them what he was thinking. The dead can keep secrets better, but he did not mention any secrets at all.  But for the old man, the fact that he failed to detect his presence until he was near him made him very apprehensive. 

The moment Wang recovered his composure, he bolted and in an instant seemed to have covered several meters in distance grabbing towards the woman in the hood. Soon the grabbing motion changed into a fist that went straight to her neck. At this time the entire place was silent, and the sound of bones cracking could be heard.


Ka Ka Ka!

This woman was so hateful to him more than anyone else for daring to bring trouble to his place and she should have to face up to that. But the turn of events was too fast before anyone could react, Wang was already crushing someone's neck and throwing her aside like a bag of garbage. Moreover, he went further and added a kick in the stomach before stomping on the head just to make sure that some miracles do not happen. 

"Well, she brought all of you here so it is better to deal with her." As he spoke, he returned his attention to the others. Only two people were looking at him at this moment, the rest seemed to be afraid of being targeted by him but it seemed they had forgotten something. 

But the old man could feel that Wang's speed was slightly better than his narrowing his eyes. At the same time, someone wanted to approach Ago probably to threaten him. But he could see that Wang was just smiling at him mysteriously. This made the man's steps stop unconsciously, and he actually saw a bored expression on his face he even was sure that there was something wrong with attempting. 

"Well, it is better to not make schemes against those one can deal with insufficient capability. This will just lead to embarrassment, and getting involved would only lead to conflict that can not be stopped." But his thoughts were wandering until he discovered the situation in his thought process. 

When the fist is strong enough he should just crush those that should be crushed, why is there any need for too many discussions? 

In the end, he could see it in the way the old men were talking to him. This world is indeed like that and only when one is strong enough can others not go around being arrogant before them. In the end, they were apprehensive because they did not know what Wang came in for or if he had other stronger support behind him. The most important thing seemed to be the fact that he was younger and in the same realm so his stamina would be much compared to theirs.

But before they react one of the men in the group seemed to be stimulated by Wang not giving their leader any face and making a move but he did not know when his neck was crushed at all. 

Seeing this scene, the white-haired old man seemed to become angry. He thought that when Wang killed the woman he would become apprehensive because of the two of them but he just killed one of their people before them like this.

He was full of murderous intent as he scolded angrily, "How dare you to kill my brother?"

The man was not feeling very well but old Zhao was still rational even though his eyes showed some tinge of red in them. "Your actions are too much!" He stared at Wang and emphasized these words. To his disappointment, he only heard an indifferent voice, " If a group of people entered your home at night and treat it as their backyard yet another one dared to bark in your ears, what would you do?"

The words were said in a cold tone and the man knew that this was already an enmity set in stone nothing said could change the situation.  "Damn! we have to kill him!" He growled with red eyes as he approached his white beard fluttering. Since he could see that Wang was not someone that was here for peace then it can only be discussed through death. 

"I'll beat you to paste!" the man seemed to be actually angry with Wang and the Old Zhao was waiting for a chance to land a sneak attack. He took out a sword that attacked Wang's neck. The man's speed was quite good, but when Wang reached the fifth level in the martial arts he practiced he could at least be said to have entered a whole new level. The fourth level can allow him to enter the level of blood forging as long as he took enough time and that is probably the level of the old man. But Ruruo had gone beyond that, even though his responses were fast, he still used the Biyun Fist.

Wang had already punched out the edge of his fist and rubbed against the sword, and without stopping hitting the man on the shoulder, he was forced to retreat. In some collisions, the man had to use the sword to defend himself and thus the sound heard from the collisions was mostly  




But in the end, the Old Zhao seemed to have found an opportunity.


But when he saw the sunken area around his heart, he knew he had been tricked into attacking. Blood flowed from Old Zhao's mouth and he was not reconciled, as Wang executed the White Tiger and Biyun Fist combined hitting the area around his heart. It was thus crushed in the process, and with his level, this is no different from death. The heart is an important organ for it to be destroyed at his current realm, nothing can be done about it at all.