Dealing with Uninvited guests

After the old man with white hair saw the death of Old Zhao that was the same as him in terms of strength he did not stay but rushed towards the exit yet still had time to put on some theatrics.

"This old man shall remember this grudge from today!" He said as he rushed away, but he only felt something moving past him. 

When he looked over he felt a fist approaching him and barely managed to defend it. 


That was a sign of his arm being dislocated, and yet he still wanted to continue escaping. Wang on the other hand used the two Fist techniques together again. 

  "You think this is some kind of play or something! Dare to live behind some words as you run, why not add a poem while we are at it!"

  Feeling the power descending towards him, the old man did not even bother to answer at this moment. He might have slipped away but wanted to act cool which seemed to be costing him now. And this person is actually telling him to make a poem too. With the previous attacks, Wang held back but at this time he was pissed off after this old thing dared to say some threatening words as he left.  

The old man had experienced a lot and he knew that this was a crisis, "Block it!"

He grits his teeth and knew without being able to block this move he was done for. And it seemed all because he said some cool words before escaping. 

Unlike his expectations, the fist moved past his broken hands and landed on his chest with unmatched force. He seemed to have suffered the same fate as Old Zhao.



The unwillingness could be heard in his last words, but Wang stomped on his head just to be sure.


He did not trust this old man to die, so he had to take some drastic measures. Looking at the trembling followers, he did not hesitate to send them on the road.

Searching through their bodies everything of value had been collected before the two of them worked hard the entire night to get rid of these bodies.

By the time the two were finished, Wang was very exhausted. "Martial arts world is a place where only those with stronger fists have the right to speak."

looking at the ground that had been cleaned spotless, Wang was thinking silently and also understanding that without having the ability to defend himself, he might have been the one dead.

Let's rest them check ou the resources obtained from these people. He could tell that among the things he had collected something is there that made this group break into this residence at the expense of their own lives. But that was not something he was concerned with at the moment at all, as he wanted to go and rest. 

"Huh? What is this?"

But when he was just about to leave he saw something hidden in the wall and took it throwing it among his spoils. 

Since he did not understand what this piece of the shiny object was, he just threw it aside with the other gains and picked them up as he headed to his room to sleep. Ago on the other hand was already gone by the time they finished their task, he probably already sleeping. In the same way, he probably was not even bothered by the situation at all. In the same sense, Wang collapsed on his bed after reaching the room. The events of today were very tiring and even taught him that being at home did not guarantee safety in any way.

When Wang woke up he checked through the spoils he had accumulated and to his surprise, the gains this time were not that bad at all. Compared to this batch, the wealth he had was nothing, as he could see tens of thousands of gold coins, this was an accumulation of wealth from the two old men in the blood-forging realm.  At the same time, he obtained some martial arts from the two with finally that thing he assumed to have led them to follow the woman in this residence.

He was sure it was worth something and the fact that he did not obtain anything else from the body of that woman had him thinking about things. Perhaps the woman did indeed get this thing through some illegal means. But it is a shame as Wang was not interested in this story at all, he only deemed the spoils as his property. 

Picking up some objects from the collection, he shook them and even played with them but in the end failed to manage to open them, in that case, he did not keep them on him but rather went to stash them somewhere else in the mansion.

Except for the money that he hid on the roof, the rest of the materials were going to be checked through before he burned them, as keeping some things is no different from inviting trouble and keeping evidence of having killed people. Wang was aware that some people were strong enough to ignore some rules and no one would offend them for him, as he has no value to them to protect. Or it can be said clearly that their interests could not be influenced by his existence or not, in that way only by becoming strong can one have an opinion on anything in this world.

On some manual, he saw the words, Internal Strength, and this caught his attention, as he moved towards the manual unfolding it. The words written on it seemed to have attracted his attention even more.

'The practice of internal strength is a gradual process and it begins when one trains their body skills beyond a certain limit. The accumulation of internal strength is something that is based on the speed at which one can cultivate a skill, and the higher the level the faster it is accumulated. People often say that it is impossible to rain in more internal skills because the energy will conflict with each other, but this is a lie. Internal energy can only be cultivated when one has dedicated themselves to a skill at a high level to be capable of reaching a point where internal energy is forming. Internal energy is something formed from the body converting all manner of consumables and some people even have some pills that can be useful in the process.

This practice can not be realized overnight and the shortcut of taking pills or treasures is not available for everyone. Martial arts vary and some seem to carry different attributes that end up affecting the nature of a person or personality. Those that end up being impacted by the martial arts they practice have cold or even aggressive tendencies and can not blame it on internal energy.

In most cases, the internal energy is considered Qi, and the rate of its accumulation is very slow. Many internal methods can be practiced, but this is not advisable since everyone has limited time in to learn everything. Internal energy can be taken as a foundation for martial artists starting to strengthen themselves, from using internal organs to bones. Muscles and even tendons can be refined quickly using internal energy to attain a grandmaster physique.'

Reading it up to this point he was already capable of imagining Qi and the desire to have this seemed to be very high. He even saw something that interested him such as the grandmaster's physique.

Wang was already anticipating the breakthrough to that level but he knew that he had to do something about the martial arts he practiced to a higher level than the fifth.  In that way, his two fist techniques were supposed to be taken to the level where internal energy is being generated in the body since they come from the same source. 

"It seems that the resources needed to cultivate at the level of internal energy seem very expensive, thankfully I have obtained more money. In this way, I need to start purchasing some things but that is no rush. Let's wait for Ruruo to come back first before I can think about this issue. The urgent thing is to continue to strengthen my current blood forging level." He put aside the manual and picked the rest after checking through and memorizing them, everything was put together to get rid of.

When he had checked through everything, only the Internal Energy manual was carried along with him in the pocket to read while the others were picked up as he headed to the kitchen.

Wang was not feeling very secure with them around when they were obtained from the dead and perhaps can be recognized, in that way it is best to get rid of it early. Regardless of how the situation plays out, it is favorable for Wang to do some things, as it can help him have his state of mind at ease.