
Name: Wang Bo


Lifespan: 84 years


Potential value: 39


Realm: Blood forging {5/8}


Martial arts: White Tiger Fist( 6th level), Biyun Fist (5th level) Sea Calming Manual(entry)

He could still see that the changes had happened and his lifespan had gone all the way to 84 this made him excited wondering if something else would happen if he reached the 6th level in Biyun Fist. But at the moment he had more of his attention shifting from the lifespan to the potential value, being at 39, he was already considered a genius compared to the past. At this time he was certain that some techniques that were very hard to comprehend in the past would just become slightly simpler and the focus is going to be put on the Biyun fist.

After checking out everything Wang sat on top of the bed and started to feel the changes brought about by the internal energy circulating in his body, it resembled mist, and the color after accumulating seemed white. One could think that a mass of vapor was accumulating but Wang could feel comfortable when it passed through his body, resulting in not only his body being strengthened, he could feel that some other benefits were involved. 

With the circulation of the white internal energy, he discovered it was being condensed and becoming less and less. He already had an idea why this was happening and the end result thus he had to keep hunting monsters for their meat or purchase high-quality medical materials and use them to increase his blood energy and internal energy. With the technique at the 6th level, he would be capable of giving birth to Qi in no time. At that time he might indeed be said to have gone beyond when it came to issues such as martial arts and the cultivation was still lagging behind slightly. 

At the same time, he had already understood from Ruruo that the next realm is called master, but those that understand artistic conception are the ones that can use the term grandmaster. In essence, the grandmaster starts with artistic conception, but if he purely focuses on one thing such as having true Qi then among grandmasters you become the weakest and that is why the term master is used instead. Wang wanted to participate in the auction because he can get some things that are useful to the current level he is in.

Of course, he was overjoyed about this development as the improvement in potential means that his speed of comprehending the exercises and thus he appreciates even a small change in the potential. The auction has things such as exercises and he can also see if something interesting can be obtained there, and before that, he hopes that he can manage to take the Biyun Fist to the sixth level. In this way, he planned to put most of the remaining time into the practice of the Biyun Fist over the White Tiger Fist.

For the issue of medical materials, what he currently has in supply is enough for the moment and being in the city, he can easily purchase what he wants. "It is indeed something for the combination of different internal energy, I wonder what would happen if I were to use more than six martial arts and fuse their internal energy."

With the Biyun Fist having been taken all the way to the 5th level, internal energy can be automatically produced when he moves beyond the level of blood forging, but this internal energy would accumulate at a very slow speed. In the end, even in the case such a person that has met such a condition exists, it might not help them to enter the realm of grandmaster, unlike the 5th level of the technique. True Qi however can not be developed faster with the 6th level as it has the same conditions as internal energy formation. 

 The rest of the time, he failed to accomplish his goal of allowing the Biyun Fist to enter the sixth level, and the auction had arrived. So he could only go to the auction and all the things that he deemed useless were also turned into money. 

"It seems that the issue of improving my technical mastery can be done later. The most important issue is to be prepared for this auction."

He paid three hundred gold coins to enter the auction house and managed to find a good place to sit and did not pay much attention to the other issues. He was more interested in the treasures to improve blood energy at the moment, as for techniques, he always felt that Ruruo should have a lot of them. Perhaps he can just ask for some, he also had a collection of the people he had killed over the period he entered the city. The martial arts might not really be high level but he saw that each had some uniqueness and this time he was going to spend his time studying them. The White Tiger Fist seemed to have already left the category of those he could fuse, as something unique about martial art entering the sixth level. 

It is also the reason he has stopped trying to cultivate the Biyun Fist and wants to make sure all the other martial arts he has have been cultivated to the fifth stage before utilizing the attribute values he has accumulated. But in the same way, he was thinking of making sure that the blood forging is raised to the eighth level first. But he did not seem that happy about it at all, as he could feel that there were still a lot of stronger people around. And when he was just preoccupied with thoughts he suddenly discovered that someone was blocking his vision, coming back to his senses, he could see that some groups of teenagers probably from the families in the city were taking up positions at the head of the auction hall. 

He could see from the way, this group was dressed, that the chances of him winning anything today were becoming very slim. In this kind of situation, he could not deceive himself, and thus his thoughts changed, as he thought about things clearly. To be able to survive he can only do one thing, which would be to not compete with anything those with money set their eyes on. At the end of the day, regardless of the situation, even if he competed he would not get it with the little money he had and he had plans for most of it. Throwing it all on the things that were not in that plan would be foolish. 

But that aside, the auction had yet started so he could still observe those that were coming in, and to his surprise, grandmasters were not present. This was also understandable as things that could interest them had no actual interest in the grandmasters and the owners of this auction house are not so foolish, so the auction of those in such a level was held at a different location. In this way, it can indeed help reduce the fear of someone offending a grandmaster over something as simple as bidding.

Even Wang could see through it but that did not stop him from making some disguise before coming to the auction and seeing that there was no presence of grandmasters he was relieved. But this did not make him put down his guard as some of the people in the auction might indeed have some grandmaster experts they can order around and that would be detrimental to him if he clashed with them.  

"Thank you all for gathering in the Moon Pavilion auction for today. As you all know the rules, bidding is the only way to win the products from this auction. You are not allowed to shout your identity in this place, just your bidding price." The moment this was said the entire auction hall was silent Wang indeed expected this to happen and when this rule was raised, he even thought someone would protest only did he realize this was not his previous life and here strength is supreme. Everything else can only play in the hands of those with enough strength and he secretly thought, "This Moon Pavillion seems to have enough background that even the people gathered here, including some arrogant young masters, dare not show disrespect.  In my previous life, those with money were supreme while here it seems that strength is supreme, and even businesses with strong backing do not give their customers face at all."

It had been a long time since he heard the rhetoric of a customer always being right. Perhaps in this place, the strong is always right, and he did not seem too surprised, yet he could not figure out the one that owns this Moon Pavilion, as his thoughts drifted he eventually cast aside these thoughts as the next statement was ushered in again.

"Those that false bid and are discovered will pay ten times the price and all their future bids even if won will attract ten percent interest. If not they will be burned from all our Moon Pavilion branches." This rule seemed to be something that Wang could relate to. Some people would just bid in order to have others pay a higher price but when things develop in an unexpected direction and the party involved forego the product with the excuse of not having enough resources when they win the bid then it seems that the auction house would indeed become very tough on them.

When the rules were being listed, a group was moving outside around the auction house in a suspicious manner.