Moon Pavilion Auction

Sitting in the middle of the Auction house, Wang could see the front very clearly. After the rules were mentioned the host changed to a female one.

"Interesting, I guess this does not change at all in every place." To Wang, this was just something he found slightly interesting. 

The woman had an enchanting appearance and the dress seemed to present her perfect figure, this was making many in the crowds active and Wang could already see that regardless of where it is there would always be people that understand men better. In this way, probably some people will end up spending more to attract the attention of the beautiful woman considering the largest majority were young men in the blood-forging realm and lower realms. 

With the situation that was developing in the auction house, Wang had already figured out that human nature does not change despite the era or world involved, men will be men. Standing there the woman held onto some object coved in clothes and she spoke to the crowd of young teenagers eying her body than the object in her hand. But he realized that some were indifferent, obviously used to seeing scenes like this, thus he become slightly balanced. It turns out there are teenage boys too that are more concerned about their martial arts rather than older women. Yes, in the age the teenagers gathered here, it could be said that woman qualifies as their aunt. 

"The auction being held today has three products that are considered the highlight of the night. The three involve something that can help in the understanding of artistic conception and entering the grandmaster realm. The second is a nearly 1200 years medical herb resource, and finally, there is the semi-spirit weapon. In this period, the auction will give everyone some time to collect resources for competing in the bids."As the words came out discussions could be heard, and everyone seemed to have been tempted, especially those with some background. To grandmasters, the use of these medicinal herbs is not as pronounced so they would not give it attention but the blood forging realm has a different use for it.

When the words came from the mouth of the lady on the stage, some movement could be seen and this seemed to make Wang very excited as he could clearly see that an opportunity for him had opened. He had no interest in competing for the three objects but the fact that the auction house was willing to give this person a chance to go and bring more resources, he realized that the number of people that left was more than half, but this did not seem to stop the auction. The lady started to bring some objects to the stage and people bid for them until a technique was being sold.

"This is a technique from a grandmaster expert, he found it in some abandoned ruin, it can become invincible if practiced to the last level, but there are only four levels. Regarding this technique, even though it is incomplete it is a good technique for those that have yet to enter the blood forging to purchase. The starting price is seven hundred silvers and no less than fifty silvers for every new price increase." Listening to the words of the host, most people started talking to themselves while others even raised their complaints directly. 

"What is the use of an incomplete technique that can not even reach the blood-forging realm? You can't call this invincible!" Such kind of comments came out from the people left in the hall, but in the end, they did not seem to be interested in the technique. Wang did not lose out on this chance at all and made a bid at the end after the price had reached 1500 silvers. In the end, he managed to win the bid with 1800 silvers. 

The situation continued for several other martial arts and he did not seem interested in the medical materials they were posting for the bids. Despite the fact that he had plans to spend a certain amount of money but he did not reach that target. In the end, he was not bothered after all he had already accumulated more than eight skills and after spending more than 24000 silvers he left the auction house as he did not see any need to keep staying but he could hear sounds coming from inside, the top products had already started bidding.

"Six gold coins!" A shout could be heard and by the time he reached the exit, the price was already scary even for him.

"Guest 2345 has bid 85 gold coins, is there any other offer, if there is none then the product goes to guest number 2345." He heard this and before the host was finished another crazy raise in price happened.  "215 gold coins!"

"300 Gold coins"

The direct increase in price by the two seemed to have eliminated a large portion of people but he still heard the shouting as he disappeared from the auction exit.

As Wang walked on the streets toward the place he had rented his residence, he could not help but murmur to himself. "Of the eight techniques that I have purchased, five at least seem to have some background and the fact that someone can sell them implies that either it was obtained from some questionable ways or the owners were so badly off to sell techniques from their factions. I just have some wonders about whether fusing these techniques together could result in something more powerful. From the names that are being mentioned in the techniques, it is obvious the factions involved are not to be messed with, and thus I should probably make sure to first cultivate all of them to perfection and then fuse them, considering that the highest technique can only reach the fourth stage."

In the period of time, he had waited for the auction due to the martial arts and medical materials but the ones being sold turned out to be a problem for him to purchase, as it had intense competition and the risk of attracting trouble to oneself very high. So he just chose to take the martial arts that most people looked down on and headed home. He could spend some time completely exhausting the resources he had for the next period until his lease on the house was over. 

Having nothing else to do outside he took several detours just to make sure that no one dared to follow him for the things he had bought from the auction, and indeed some people were following him but in the end, he seemed to have disappeared from their sight. In the end, some gave up while others kept looking around yet he had vanished.

Of course, this was not the most important issue, he seemed to have figured out that the people from the auction house that followed him all had their own reasons for following him to this place.