Mission II (Unknown Areas)

Scirk: alright the next mission is at somewhere at the UAE

Scirk: Adrik planted bombs around a certain city

Scirk: its your job to defuse all the bombs

Scirk: but be rapid, the bombs will blow in 25 minuites

Scirk: enter the cargo plane quick!

*later at somewhere at UAE*

Pilot 1: *landing at UAE, get ready!*

All 4: *shoots at enemy Russian soldiers*

Redwolf: all clear

All 4: *walks into the city that Scirk mentioned*

Redwolf: Enemies ahead!

All: 4 *shoots*

Redwolf: at you left, 3 o clock

Killer: crap!

All 4: shoots

Scirk: alright I found the first bomb

Scirk: its at the building to your left!

Killer: on it sir!

Killer: crap dude really!?

Killer: *shoots in the building that has the bomb*

Killer: Defusing the bomb sir!

Scirk: only 3 more to go

Killer: roger that!

Killer: * jumps out to the building *

Redwolf: where have you been!?

Killer: defusing one of the bombs, 3 more to go

All 4: *continues shooting*

Hunter: too many!!!

Redwolf: quick! Head right!

Killer: crap im running out of ammo

Black: quick take this

Killer: *takes ammo box*

Killer: thanks!

Redwolf: keep firing

All 4: *SHOOTS*

Killer: where is the next bomb!?

Scirk: located at the local market!

Killer: im defusing it

Killer: really! *shoots*

Killer: more!?

Killer: *SHOOTS*

Killer: crap, more enemies!

Killer: *continues defusing*

Enemy Russian soldier: hahaha got you now—

Redwolf: *shoots the enemy Russian soldier*

Killer: thanks bro!

Redwolf: welcome

Killer: *successfully defuses the bomb*

Killer: bomb defused

Killer: more enemies!!!

Killer and Redwolf: *shoots*

Hunter: hey, were struggling here

Redwolf: were coming back

All 4: *continues fighting*

Scirk: I found the other bomb

Killer; where is it sir

Scirk: at

Scirk; argh!!!

Killer: Scirk!

Scirk: its at-- agh the stock market—argh

Killer: Scirk are you okay!?

Redwolf: we have to head to the stock market where the bomb is

Hunter: must be this way…

Killer: I found it!

Killer: 4 of them

Redwolf: defuse all of them, well do ours

Killer: *defuses his bomb*

Redwolf: guard us while defusing

Killer: okay… *shoots enemy Russian soldiers*

Redwolf: bomb defused as well

Hunter: mine too…

Black: bomb defused as well boys…

Killer; now what sir…

Adrik: well well well look who it is, the one that tried to ruin my plan

Adrik: I have also kidnapped your little helper…

Adrik: I also planted the last bomb on a large building full of innocent people

Killer: crap, lets go!!!

*runs to the hotel*

*heads to the announcer room*

Killer: Warning, theres a bomb planted on your hotel please evacuate immediately

Killer: I repeat please evacuate immediatly—

*explosion happens*

Citizens: *screaming

Killer: oh crap!

Redwolf: we need to see whats going on!

Redwolf: fire!


Redwolf: more this way!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: final wave

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: quick we also have to check whats happening on the HQ

*lands at Azaizani HQ*

Killer: Scirk!?

Adrik: well you came

Adrik: I took your helper at Vycrot Camp

Adrik: see ya there heh…

Killer: oh no…