Killer: we have to head there
Redwolf: lets go!
Pilot 1: destination?
Killer: Vycrot Camp
Pilot 1: roger that
Killer: *hears explosion*
Killer: what was that
Pilot 1: uh we are experiencing some damage at the body
*explosion happens again*
Pilot: were going down!!!!
Cargo plane crashes
Killer: urgh what happened
Adrik: I see you fell for my trap huh.
Redwolf: you monster
Adrik: would ya like to know
Killer: you goddamn idiot * swings knife at adrik *
Adrik: you will regret this!
*enemy Russian soldiers join the fight*
Killer: *shots and kills them all*
Adrik: come and get me haha…
Killer: *gets in the motorblike*
Killer: *shoots enemy Russian soldier using a Glock 34*
Killer: *catches up with adrik*
Killer: *throws grenade at Adrik*
Grenade explodes infront to adrik
Adrik: *jumps out*
Redwolf: *wakes up* wheres Killer?
Killer: *punches Adrik in the face*
Redwolf: *picks up AK-47 from a dead soldier*
Killer: *cuts his neck*
Adrik: that's gonna scar
Adrik: *punches Killer*
Adrik: *runs away*
Redwolf: you okay…
Killer: yeah… got into a fight againt Adrik
Redwolf: now how do we get out of here
Killer: we cant get out of here until we save Scirk
Redwolf: agree
Hunter: *wakes up from injury* what the frick happened
Killer: long story
Killer: now lets find Scirk
All 3: *walks around*
Redwolf: enemies ahead!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
All 3: *shoots*
Redwolf: more enemies ahead!
All 3: *shoots*
Black: *wakes up*
Black:* checks radar and goes to them*
Killer: hey black…
Redwolf: clear!
All 4: *continues walking around*
Redwolf: enemies ahead!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
Redwolf: moving in the 2nd floor
Redwolf: fire!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: clear!
Redwolf: Moving to the master bedroom…
Redwolf: clear!
Redwolf: moving to attic
Redwolf: clear!, no sign of Scirk
Redwolf: moving to next area
Redwolf: Scirk your just here…
Scirk: yep…
Killer: *removes rope*
Redwolf: behind you!!!
Killer: crap!
Redwolf: *shoots at the enemy*
Killer: *cuts rope*
Killer: get in this car
Redwolf: *enters car*
The rest: *enters car*
Killer: *enters car*
Killer: *drives back to Azaizani HQ
Scirk: what happened to the cargo plane
Killer: someone bombarded it
Scirk: oh…
*arrives to azaizani HQ
Vactre: what happened
Killer: Scirk got kidnapped by Adrik
Vactre: I see
Vactre: you 4 go rest for awhile