Mission IX (Returned)

All 3: *heads to the range*

Scirk: Alright I have gathered info about him, I used the file as well…

Scirk: But I noticed something…

Redwolf: what is it sir…

Scirk: He is not Adrik Travich

Scirk: The truth is that Adrik, is my best friend…

Scirk: it started when I was extremely young

Scirk: I was all alone…

Scirk: Anxious

Scirk: and bullied

Scirk: until one day, he came to that school, named Iskar Marvich

Scirk: weird name, I know, he was my 1st best friend

Scirk: and also the last…

Scirk: because on my highschool years…

Scirk: Iskar, betrayed me

Scirk: he ran away, after this and never came back…

Scirk: he also renamed himself to Adrik so he couldn't let me know whos who…

Scirk: hes also launching an attack on that school, where we met…

Redwolf: huh, guys we have to go!

Redwolf: What school was it…

Scirk: Birko High…

Redwolf: got it…

Redwolf: lets go…

Hunter and Black: *follows redwolf*

*enters cargo plane*


Redwolf: huh it seems that its still active for all these years…

Hunter: of course, it's a school

Redwolf: I know but I never seen a 40-year-old school…

Hunter: but I've seen one…

Pilot: preparing your landing…

Pilot: we have landed! GO! GO! GO!

Redwolf; On it!!!

All 3: * runs out*

All 3: *enters Birko High*

All students: *screaming*

Principal: hey! You can't do that!

Redwolf: were here for a reason

Redwolf: your school is in danger; you have to make all of the people here get out

Principal: as if I would believe that!

All 3: *hears an incoming heli*

Redwolf: crap!

Enemy Russian soldier: (freeze) заморозить

All 3: *shoots*

All 3: *goes out*

Redwolf: ENEMY CHOPPERS!!!!!!

Hunter: crap…

All 3: *shoots all choppers down*

All choppers fell and exploded

Redwolf; c'mon, we gotta get the kids out of here

All 3: *runs to the 2nd floor*

Redwolf: *kicks down the 1st door*

Redwolf: you all have to go, no time for questions! we are leaving!

Hunter and Black: *does the same thing*

All 3: *heads to the first floor*

Redwolf: *does the same thing until the last door*

All 3: *heads to the last door*

Redwolf: locked… BREACH!

All 3: *explodes door*

All 3: *shoots the Russian soldiers*

Redwolf: *frees all the hostages*

Hunter: more enemies incoming!

Redwolf: crap!

Redwolf: *exits bulding*

Enemy Russian soldiers: *chokes all 3*

At the hospital:

Announcer: warning an invader has entered the building…

Killer: wha….

Killer: crap!

Killer: *grabs his knife*

Killer: *stabs all Russian soldiers blocking his way*

Killer: hey do you know where my weapons are!?

Guard: at this moment, its at the locker room to your right

Killer: thanks!

Killer: *heads to the locker room* *GRABS HIS M16 and Glock 34*

Killer: Thanks! *rushes to the range*

Killer: *shoots all the enemy Russian soldiers with an M16*

Killer: *shoots the Russian soldier choking Scirk*

Scirk: nice save!

Killer: *hijacks an enemy heli*

Killer: how do I control this thing

Killer: *pushes lever*

Killer: oh crap!

Killer: *drives the heli around*

Killer: there they are

Killer: *Lands on the roof of Birko High*

Killer: *shoots the all the Russian soldiers*

Redwolf: the heck… *sees Killer*

Killer: Im back bois!

Redwolf: lets go boys woo!!!

Killer: *lands down* Lets finish this mission together

All 4: *shoots Enemy Russian soldiers*

Killer: I see Adrik!

Redwolf: Ya mean Iskar

Killer; wait who!?

Redwolf: Iskar… long story

Redwolf: *shoots the chopper that Iskar is in*

Iskar: crap!

Iskar: *jumps out*

Iskar: (get them!) хватай их

Redwolf: enemy reinforcements

All enemy Russian soldiers: *drops down*

Redwolf: get ready

All 4: *shoots*


Killer: got it!

All 4: *Advances*

Redwolf: RIGHT SIDE!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: All clear! Move to the backdoor!

All 3: GOT IT!

All 4: *moves to the backdoors*

Killer: I see him!


Redwolf: Shoot them down…

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *more incoming! At 12 o clock!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy choppers!

All 4: *shoots all of them down*

Redwolf: Too many! Find cover!

All 4: * gets behind the door*

Enemy Russian soldier: *throws grenade*

Redwolf: *grenade*

All 4: *runs out*

Redwolf: lets see how they like it… *throws grenade*

Enemy Russian soldier: *tries throwing it back*

Grenade explodes

Redwolf: they're down! Move move move!!!

All 4: *moves outside*

Redwolf: crap… *sees motorbike*

Redwolf: Killer get in!

Killer: *gets in motorbike*

Redwolf: *drives the same path*

Killer: I see the chopper

Redwolf: shoot it down!

Killer: *shoots chopper down with M16*

Iskar: *moves to the other chopper*

Redwolf: Crap! Rapid reflexes

Killer: *shoots the other chopper down*

Enemy pilot: *releases a missile*

Killer: Missile incoming at 3 o' clock

Redwolf: *steers left*

Enemy pilot 2: *releases missile*

Killer: 9 o' clock!

Redwolf: *steers right*

Enemy pilot 3: releases missile*

Killer: another missile, 12 o' clock

Redwolf: *steers left*

Killer: I got a vantage point!

Redwolf: shoot it down!

Killer: *shoots chopper down with M16*

Redwolf: Enemy is moving to cargo ship

Hunter: *calls in a missile*

Missile drops aimed at the cargo ship

Hunter: HIT!

Black: c'mon we gotta catch up to them

Hunter and Black: *enters motorbike*

Hunter: another missile is ready

Redwolf: call it in

Hunter: *calls in another missile*

Missile is aimed at the plane

Hunter: Another HIT!

Enemy Pilot: (were going down) шли вниз

Iskar: blin… *parachutes out of the plane

Hunter: we lost track of him

Redwolf: crap.

Redwolf: *shoots flare gun*

Pilot: I have located the team *lands onto the area*

All 4: *enters cargo plane*

Plane takes off

Redwolf: Enemy below us!

All 4; *shoots*

Redwolf: chopper down!

Redwolf: more planes incoming! Shoot down the missiles

All 4: *shoots all the missiles*

All missiles explode mid-air

Redwolf: we have to get out, as fast as possible

Pilot 1: got it

Cargo plane speeds up

Redwolf: more choppers incoming!

All 4; *shoots choppers down*

Redwolf; enemies dropping down to us!

Enemy Russian soldiers: *jumps to the cargo plane*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: ALL CLEAR!

Redwolf: enemy incoming from right!

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: I see him

Redwolf: from where?

Killer: LEFT!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: RPG!

Redwolf: what…

RPG explodes on the cargo plane

Pilot: we've been hit by an RPG

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: they're flanking us at right!

Redwolf: I have to deal with something!

Redwolf: You and Hunter deal with it

Killer & Hunter: *shoots chopper*

Killer: chopper down!

Redwolf: *shoots the enemy pilot*

Iskar: * parachutes out*

Redwolf: we lost track of him…

Killer: we have to rotate back; our plane is badly damaged…

Pilot: got it…

Pilot: *rotates back to the HQ*

Pilot: *lands*

All 4: *exits plane*

Scirk: glad to see ya back Killer…

Killer: good to feel active again

Scirk: I knew you could return Killer…

Scirk: I knew it…

Killer: Thanks