Mission X (Train Hijack)

Killer: Feels good to be back!

Redwolf: I know

Hunter: do I have to say it…

Redwolf; no

Hunter: M'Kay

All 4: *heads to the range*

Scirk: this mission takes place on Sweden

Scirk: an attack will occur on that train

Scirk: Thousands of innocent souls will die

Scirk: Including this lost member we used to have, before your team joined

Scirk: if we bring him back here, Iskar will be killed

Scirk: I want you to save all the civilians in the train

Scirk: and bring back our old member…

Scirk: Good luck…

All 4: *heads to the cargo plane*

Plane takes off

All 4: *gets ready*

Plane lands mid-air

All 4: *jumps out of plane and lands on roof*

Citizens: *screams*

All 4: *enters the train (cart no 98) and looks around*

Killer: early to the fight aren't we

Enemy Russian soldier: *snipes driver with a Dragunov*

Citizens on the front row: *screams*

Redwolf: Crap! We have to check whats going on

Enemy Russian sniper: (youre free to send your men) Вы можете отправлять своих людей

Enemy pilot: (deploying soldiers) размещение солдат

All 4: *hears an enemy cargo plane*

Redwolf: crap…

All 4: *gets ready*

All enemy Russian soldiers: *drops to the train and enters train*

All 4: *shoots at the enemy Russian soldiers*

All 4: *climbs on the roof of the train*

All 4: *sees the choppers*

Enemy reinforcements drop in

All 4: *shoots the chopper and the reinforcements*

Lost member: (who were they and why did they drop through the roof)

Lost member: (im not gonna mind, I quit 4 years ago)

Redwolf: incoming on right!

All 4: *shoots it down*

Enemy Russian soldier: *enters train*

Lost member: *pulls out his 1911 and shoots the soldier* the heck…

Redwolf: enemies dropping on the roof!

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy Russian soldiers: *enters train*

Lost member: MORE!? *shoots all of them down with a 1911*

Lost member: where are they coming from… *climbs roof*

All 4: *moves and enters to the next cart*

Lost member: (who are they…)*follows the team*

Redwolf: careful! They're making hostages…

All 4: *shoots the enemy Russian soldiers*

Lost member: (huh they're good at shooting down the enemies and not the hostages)

Lost member: *continues following them*

Redwolf: keep an eye on one of the enemies, one of them might have a bomb

Killer: but how do you know

Redwolf: im just guessing…

Killer: whatever…

Redwolf: *scouts around the cart*

Redwolf: seems clear so far

Lost member: don't just assume its clear

Redwolf: who are you and why would you say that

Lost member: I'm Cytra

Cytra: I said that because they might be waiting for the perfect time to attack…

Enemy Russian soldiers: *enters the cart*

Cytra: like that…

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: CLEAR!

All 5: *moves to the next cart*

Redwolf: Scirk requested us to kill all of the enemy Russian soldiers

Redwolf: and also they want the old member back

Redwolf: so are you familiar with Azaizani HQ

Cytra: …*sigh* yes…

Cytra: I left due to issues on my team on room 075

Cytra: why bother joining back…

Redwolf: we all need your help, defeating Iskar

Cytra: …

Cytra: ill help

Killer: remain focus, enemies are making hostages

All citizens next door: *screams*

All 5: *blows up door*

All 5: *shoots the enemy Russian soldiers*

Cytra: huh, nice accuracy

Redwolf: ya never seen our accuracy

Cytra: never has been

All 5: *climbs to the roof of the train*

Cytra: damn… I don't have an assault rifle…

Redwolf: welp… well get ya one at the HQ

Cytra: thanks…

All 5: *shoots at the enemy Russian soldiers*

All 5: *hears choppers*

All 5: *shoots all the choppers down*

Cytra; I'm running low on ammo

Redwolf: catch! *throws mag*

Cytra: thanks…

Redwolf: Wave 2 incoming!

All 5: *shoots all the choppers*

Redwolf: more dropping down!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: watch out! Snipers!

All 5: * shoots all the snipers*

Redwolf: more snipers ahead

All 5: *shoots all the snipers*

Redwolf; more enemies dropping ahead!

All 5: *shoots all the enemies*

Redwolf: tanks on your right!

All 5: *shoots and throws grenade at the tank*

Destroyed tank

Redwolf: conserve your explosives! More enemies ahead!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: clear!

Redwolf: more snipers!

All 5: *shoots all the snipers except 1*

Killer: the other one is too high

Redwolf: *throws grenade at sniper*

Grenade explodes and kills sniper

Redwolf: nothing is too high, my comrades

Redwolf: Get ready wave 3 is about to start

Choppers flying towards them

Redwolf: now!

ALL 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: Chopper at 9 o clock

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemies ahead!

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf; snipers!

All 5: *shoots at the snipers*

Redwolf: this is a large wave! Get ready!

Chopper flies by

Enemy Russian soldier: *drops on the roof on train*

All 5: *shoots*

Redwolf: CLEAR!

All 5: *moves to the next cart*

Redwolf: MORE AHEAD!

All 5: *shoots*

More coppers fly by and drop enemy soldiers

All 5: *continues shooting*

Killer: They're too many

Cytra: quick! Get in!

All 5: *enters cart*

All 5: *scouts around*

Enemy Russian soldier: *plants C4 in the cart*

Cytra: *looks behind and at the C4*


All 5: *runs out of the cart*

Cart explodes

Cytra: piece of crap…

All 5; *shoots at the enemy Russian soldiers*

*train splits up*

Redwolf: we lost em…

Chopper flies by again

Enemy Russian soldiers: *drops down the choppers*

Redwolf: FIRE!

All 5: *shoots*


All 5: *moves to the next cart*

Cytra: were getting to the most populated area of the train!

Redwolf; alright get ready!

All 5: *runs to the next cart*

Choppers fly by

Killer: you've got to be kidding me

Enemy Russian soldiers: *drop down from the chopper*

All 5: *shoots*

Cytra: Quick! Get under!

All 5: *enters cart*

Cytra: how am I correct (-_-)

Killer; why did you say that

Cytra: said that 'cause I want you all to come prepped

Killer; I see…

Enemy Russian soldiers: *enters cart*

All 5: *shoots at the enemy Russian soldiers*

Cytra: be careful of the civilians

All 5; *shoots at the enemy Russian soldiers*

Redwolf: more incoming!

All 5; *shoots at the enemy Russian soldiers*

Cytra: quick! Go up!

All 5: *heads upward*

Choppers fly over them

Redwolf; fricksake…

All 4 (main team cytra unincluded): *shoots at the chopper*

Chopper explodes mid-air

Redwolf: more on right side

All 4: *shoots all of the choppers*

All choppers explode midair

Chopper flies by again

Cytra: where are they going!

Enemy Russian soldiers: *lands on to cart no 55*

All citizens in cat no 55: *screams*

Enemy Russian soldier: (don't move or ill blow your head off) не двигайся или плохо оторви себе голову

All 5: *cart no 55*

Cytra: stop!

Stopped at cart no 56

Cytra: let them pass for now

Enemy Russian soldier: (bomb has been planted) заложили бомбу замедленного действия

Killer; the heck are they saying

Redwolf: crap… we have to defuse the bomb!

Cytra; not now

Enemy Russian soldiers: *heads to the chopper*

Cytra: now!

All 5: *shoots down all the enemy Russian soldiers*

Enemy pilot: (requesting reinforcements) запрос подкрепления

Enemy cargo plane pilot: (on it) в теме

All 5: *shoots reinforcements*

Enemy pilot: (requesting evac) Запрос на эвакуацию

Redwolf: no, you don't… *shoots enemy pilot*

Killer: nice shot

Killer: *defuses bomb*

Redwolf: thanks… *shoots flare gun*

Pilot: found the team location

Pilot: *lands on the area*

All 5 (minus Cytra): Enters cargo ship

Cytra: maybe its time for my return… *enters cargo ship*