Ch.15 Jesus take the wheel pt.2

We all woke up early today because we are going on a road trip to maple hollows. Prof. Saltzman predicted that the urn must be there. I wore something more comfortable because it was going to be a long trip.

So I wore jeans and a black turtleneck sweater. It was a good look. Someone then knocked and came into my room it was Josie and she said "You look good."

She was wearing a checked sweater and jeans, she looked very cute. I then walked towards her and put my hands around her waist and said, "You look amazing as well." I then kissed her.

She then put her hands on my shoulder and said in a frustrated tone "I really don't want to go, I had so much planned."

I smiled and said, "Hey don't worry we will have plenty of time to do those things."

She smiled and said, "Yeah, you are right. We should be going now everyone is waiting." I then let go of her and we got of the room.

I then asked, "Hey did you pack some food?"

She said, "Yes, I have packed some sandwiches, juice, baby carrots and a lot more."

I then said "Perfect."

We then went down and I saw Kaleb and Emma and I asked Prof "What are they doing here?"

He said, "Dorrian invited Emma and I have to keep an eye on Kaleb."

Kaleb said, "You know I can hear you right?"

I said, "We all know that." I was doing it for Emma.

I then asked, "What are we going in?"

He then showed us the mini-van and I said "Is it possible that I can take my truck?"

He said "No."

Kaleb said "Shotgun!"

I said in a low tone "Good." I looked at Josie. I wanted to sit with her anyway.

Kaleb then sat in front, Dorian and Emma in the back, I then sat in the middle with Josie and Lizzie. Josie and Lizzie occupied the window seats so I was sitting in the middle.

While we were about to leave a very suicidal Hope jump out of nowhere she came to the window of Prof Saltzman and said "Leaving without me?"

She then sat in the back with Dorian and Emma. And with that, we were off on a 6 or something-ish hour-long trip.

When we were out on the road Prof. Saltzman started the radio and me and Josie puggled in our AirPods and started to listen to music. She said that she feels nauseous if she doesn't listen to music, so we were listening to the same music and chatting on our phones.

Then Lizzie said, "Are you listening?"

Josie said Grunted and asked, "What is it?"

She said, "You can't leave me here with her."

Josie said "I am trying to enjoy a road trip that I was forced to take. Please can you just let me have this?"

It was surprising to me to see Josie standing up to Lizzie I am proud of her, she then again plopped back those earphones and we continued to do our thing.

Although we both couldn't hear the bickering of Hope and Lizzie we could see it, then I got hungry and I asked "Hey Josie can you pass those sandwiches."

She then grabbed some sandwiches and juice out of the bag and then we started to eat and then I saw hope-giving other people sandwiches. They then also ate. Then unfortunately Josie then got car sick and threw up in the car.

And some of the vomit got on my shoes. I then gave her the bag and holder her hair up, while she puked and she puked a lot.

The ride to Maple Hollows was a very unpleasant ride. When we finally arrived I was so happy that I got out.

Then Prof Saltzman took us under a bridge and dropped off Dorrian. Then we went towards where people were. We parked the car and got out of it and he said "Now listen up. We are going to split into two groups. Kaleb and Lucas, you are with me and Emma. The girls are in the other group. Talk to the locals and find out of they saw something weird."

Josie was not happy at all and said "Dad."

He said "No talkbacks. Now let's go, people."

I was not all that happy with the group either but I didn't have that much of a choice. When we were about to leave I said "Let's find the monster soon so we can get out of here."

She then nodded and I kissed her and we left. We were walking around the town when I sensed something weird between Miss Emma and Prof. Saltzman. I then looked at Kaleb and asked "Hey do you think that there is something weird between them?"

He said "Definitely."

Prof. Saltzman then said, "There is nothing weird with us." Emma confirmed, "Not at all." "Nothing is weird."

I then said "If you say so. But you both are definitely acting weird."

Kaleb then stopped and I asked "What happened?"

He said "I hear a buzzing noise."

Prof. Saltzman said "Hey I said, no using vampire powers. We are trying to keep a low profile here."

He said "I can't exactly turn off my ears, man."

I also then tried to listen and I said "Okay we need to find shelter now."

Prof asked, "What is it?"

I said "Bugs."

Emma then said, "Run, run, run."

We then made it to our Van and sat inside. Kaleb then said "Guess we are in the right place."

Emma said "Yeah."

After a few minutes of catching their breaths, Prof. Saltzman started to teach us about the Hornets and I said "Ahh, can't I just get rid of them?"

Prof said, "No, we are trying to keep a low profile."

Emma was still terrified of the bugs and had closed her eyes. But after a few moments, the bugs died by themselves.

Then a guy came knocking on our door and Emma screamed in fear. And he told us to come outside. And saw an army of yellow colour jumpsuit wearing guys. And I said, "They seem too much prepared for this situation, don't you think?"

Prof. Saltzman said, "Yeah, they do, and that is weird and not me and Emma."

I said, "Oh, please will you give it a rest?"

We were then taken into a bus, that took us to a field, I was worried about the girls and wondered if they were okay. When we got out we saw them I walked up to Josie and I hugged her and I asked "Are you good, did something happen?"

She said, "Yeah, no everything is fine."

Lizzie then pointed at her hands and I took Josie's hand and I saw a big boil and I got angry and she said "I am sorry."

I said "You don't have to be sorry. Just don't hide things like medical emergencies."

We then went inside and they took our phones. I wasn't willing to give it since it cost me so much. But I had to co-operate with them.

Hope then said "I don't get it. The Local's that we met said they hadn't seen anything, which means that the first sign of trouble happened after we got here."

Emma said "Yeah Lucas had the same thought. They seem very well prepared for the situation."

We were then next in line and a woman asked "You together?"

Prof said, "Yeah, yeah you know just came from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have."

she asked in a very bored or tired manner "And these are?"

He then put his arms around Emma and said "This is my wife... Emma. Uh... These are my daughters. From my first marriage. Kaleb and Lucas are..."

Josie and Hope said at the same time "My boyfriend." Both of them looked at each other

And with that everyone was confused and I then smiled said "It's... a very complicated relationship. But we make it work." Both then hope and Josie then smiled and stuck close to me like glue.

She was sceptical but she let us in any way.

When we got away from the crowd Josie then asked Hope, "Why did you do that?" Josie was angry.

Hope then was looking away and I saw what she was looking at and I said "I will explain, let's just go somewhere first."

We then walked past the guy that faked the gas leak. Josie then said, "Explain yourself, Hope." Hope then looked at me and I said "You go talk to Prof. I will handle this."

Hope then nodded and went to Prof. Saltzman and Josie was upset said "Why are you talking her side?."

I then and said in a low tone, "You saw that guy there?"

She looked and said, "You mean the curly black hair guy?"

I nodded and said "Rember when I told you that when we went to rescue Landon there was a cover-up crew. He was with them and now he is here. Something is definitely wrong here."

Lizzie asked, "What could they be here for then?"

I said, "I don't know, maybe they are here for the same thing we are here for."


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