Ch. 16 Jesus take the wheel pt.3

After Hope talked to Prof. Saltzman. We all got a check to see if any of us got stung by those Hornets, Josie got an ointment. After everyone was done with the check, Prof. Saltzman talked with Kaleb so that we could get the phones.

We were sitting on the bench, and Josie was putting out the fire between Hope and Lizzie I swear I don't get all this bickering, I then looked and found Prof. Saltzman and the creepy guy as Hope puts it was talking so I decided to listen to them.

Prof. Saltzman said, "So if there is nothing else... "

The guy said "Actually, uh, I was hoping we could talk privately. You and your daughter and his boyfriend, uh Jessica and George were it?"

Prof said, "I don't think we have anything more to discuss."

He said "I could think of a few things. Mystic falls, maybe? Or perhaps your school for supernatural children."

I was shocked and Josie "What happened?"

I said, "The creepy guy knows who we are."

They said "What?"

Prof. Saltzman then came to us and said "Lucas, hope with me. You two stay put."

We then went outside and Prof. said "Read his mind."

I said "Okay." Hope was a bit surprised that I could read minds.

We then met with him outside and he said "Hello I am Agent Clarke, I work for organizations that keep monsters and things that go bump in the night from the public view. I thought I recognise you, Jessica and Geroge over there."

Hope interrupted and said, "It's hope."

I then gave him my hand and said "Lucas, pleasure."

He then shook my hand and said "I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence, so we searched your van."

I then started to read his mind and his mind was very hard to read, It was like most of his old memories were deep in his mind and would take an enormous amount of time to read him. So I decided to read the surface level stuff that he had. Some of the suspicions were true.

He was here for the Urn, he had Dolorian and he was also after Landon. But why I didn't know. There was a pretty vague reason in his mind because his Father demand Landon. So he must obey him.

After then I still tried to read his mind so that I could gain some information on him, I found he worked for Triad and was working covertly for his father under the radar of Triad, I was about to access who his father was, but before I could do anything more, he then moved away from us.

Then Prof. Saltzman asked, "So what did you find?"

I said, "You remember the building I burned down, it was owned by Triad and he works with them, he is a high-level employee, He is after Landon, maybe because of his mother, or maybe because they suspect him to be the son of Malivore, and he wants the Urn and he has Dolorian. I was about to know who his father is but I got cut off."

Then we all got working Kaleb was compelling people, Emma and Prof. Saltzman were planing the route that the mummy would take. Lizzie and Josie were talking about something amongst themselves.

I was sitting with Hope and she asked me "You didn't tell me you could read minds."

I said, "You never asked me."

She then asked, "Okay then what else can you do."

I said, "Let's see, superstrength, superspeed, high-speed regeneration, power of flight, shapeshifting, mind-reading, ability to attract people amongst some stuff that I am still figuring out."

She asked, "What do you mean by the ability to attract people?"

I said, "Remember the first time we met?"

She was a bit embarrassed and nodded and said "I acted wired."

I said "That was because of me. I can attract anyone. Though it mostly has worked for girls."

She then gasped and said, "So it was because of you, I knew I would never say that."

We then laughed and she asked, "So if you can attract anyone why am I not attracted to you right now?"

I then showed her the locket and said "This was a gift from my mother it protects me and those around me. It sort of keeps my power in check."

She then asked, "So what would happen if you were not wearing this?"

I said, "Well, almost all of the females and some of the males will be attracted to me."

When we were talking Lizzie said to Josie "Why are they all soo chummy? And why aren't you doing something?"

Josie said, "They are just friends and Lucas will never do something like that to me."

Lizzie said, "Yeah, he may not but Hope might, who knows what she will do to get him. Josie, you need to be careful."

Josie looked worried and nodded and said "I am going."

Lizzie said, "That's my sister go and get him."

Hope and I were just chatting and then Josie came and asked "What are you talking about?" She sat in between me and Hope.

Hope looked a bit upset and said "He was telling me about his abilities."

Josie looked at me and was angry and said in a low tone "Did you tell her about the thing?"

I said, "No, no, no, I was telling her how I can read minds and whatnot."

Hope asked, "What are you talking about?"

Josie nodded and said "Intimate stuff."

Hope nodded and said, "Not going to ask what that was." She then got up and was leaving but then turned around and asked "Hey did you read any of our minds?"

I said, "No, not really, I mostly reserve this ability for enemies."

Hope was very much relieved when she heard that and then Prof. Saltzman came and said "Come on we are leaving."

We then got up and then we got in our car and then we were searching for the mummy on foot. I was with Prof. Saltzman and the girls were on the back.

I could hear their bickering, it was not that great and I asked prof. Saltzman "What are we doing about Dorrian?"

Prof. said, "Kaleb is on it."

They were bickering and I had enough and shouted "Will the both of you be quiet for one moment, we are fighting a damn mummy for crying out loud! Stop this nonsense!"

All of them shut up and took positions then Josie looked at me and pointed behind me and I turned around and it was the mummy and I said: "yeah you are dead." I then snapped my fingers and the mummy was burned only the Scarab and the urn was left of him.

We then returned to the site gave them the stuff, and waited in the Van because according to Prof. Saltzman the mummy was not dead-dead its curse was bound to the Scarab in its chest.

So all we had to do is wait for it to cause havoc and we will have our Urn and Dorian back. Then girls can siphon the magic out of it and the curse will be lifted. And the mummy will be dead-dead.

Josie then asked, "Is giving the Urn that bad?"

I said "Well, look at it this way, a monster will be let loose who likes to eat other monsters and we are classified under the monster, it will also come for us. And if my theories are correct it is also very smart as well, other if it was a mindless monster people will not go through these lengths to bind him."

Lizzie then said "Huh, didn't look at it that way. I want to get some pancakes to do any of you want some pancakes?"

I said, "I do I am hungry."

Prof. Saltzman said, "Think of it like releasing then mummy from his prison."

Josie then said "Hmm. Poor mummy."

I then heard some grunting noise and said, "He is back prof. Saltzman."

We then got out of the Van and then Clarke came and asked "What the hell is happening?"

Prof. Saltzman said, "I don't know it should be dead."

He said, "Well, clearly he isn't."

Prof. said, "Yeah, I can see that."

The mummy was then looking for the urn and Clarke asked "What do we do?"

Prof. said, "I don't know, give it the Urn."

Clarke then asked in his personnel "Hey, can someone give this thing the urn?"

The response was "Can't the urn's gone."

He asked "Wh... Who's been in there?"

Response "Only our guys."

Clarke then said, "Please do something."

Prof. said "Kaleb?"

Kaleb then went and took the scarab off of the mummy. and passed it on to Lizzie and Josie and then the mummy came toward us and Hope said "Do something."

I said "Fine." I then walked up to him and he tried to backhand me I dodged it and then I punched him and he got thrown back a couple of feet and then I said: "Take your time I got this."

The mummy got up and this time he was fast and leapt towards me and threw a punch to my face I blocked it with my hand and then I kicked him in his temple. He blocked it with his hand for being a mummy he has good reflex.

He then grabbed my leg and trowed me back and went towards the girls but I stopped myself before hitting the ground and then lunged towards him and speared him. A small crater was created and with that, it was down.

I then got up said, "Whoo, that was fun." and by that time they had undone the curse.

Prof. Saltzman said, "Good job everyone, the curse is lifted." He then said to Clarke "Well, agent Clarke if we do any more work for you guys, you're gonna have to put us on the payroll... Guess we'll be, uh, on our way out of here."

We then sat inside the Van. Hope and Josie and I were sitting in the middle and Lizzie was in the back.

I was super pumped after fighting with that mummy and Josie asked "Are you okay?"

I said "Oh, I felt great I finally was able to use some of my power. It felt like a good release."

Hope and Josie were surprised and asked "That was not even your full power?"

I said "What you think I am that weak? I was using about 9% of it. If I wanted I could bust open his head with one punch."

All of them were baffled and they all went quiet after driving for some time we stopped and Prof. Saltzman asked Kaleb "So where is she?"

Kaleb said, "You doubting my skills?"

After a few seconds, a woman came with the Urn and then we took the Urn and we sent her away and then Prof. asked: "Where is Dorian?"

I then said, "As a matter of fact Miss Emma is also missing?"

Just as I said that a truck pulled over and it was Clarke and he had Dorian and Emma.

I then asked Prof. "Should I just *snap them?"

He said "No! they then might come for the school. I can't risk that."

I said "Okay."

He then took the urn and went out to give the Urn and get back Dorrian and Emma.

Hope said, "What can you hear?"

I then explained how Kaleb's plan worked and then it didn't. Dorian was out and about and then he saw Emma and then again got captured.

We then got those two back and drove home and on the way home I kinda got sleepy and slept for the whole ride. I kinda found a comfy spot and slept.

Hope then said, "Hey Lucas can you get off me we are back at the school."

I got up and saw that I was leaning against hope I then quickly got up and said "I am sorry for that."

I then looked at Josie and said "I am sorry, I was asleep and didn't know what was happening?"

She said "Don't worry about it. As you said you were asleep." She then left the Van in a hurry and I felt bad that because of me she is upset.

We then got out of the Van and Hope said "Thank you for today."

I said, "For what?"

She said, "For the first time in a long long time I had a good day."

I then smiled and said "Well, I also had a very enjoyable day with you as well. And I got to fight a mummy so that was very cool."

Hope then said, "Well, I am off to find Josie and talk to her."

I was confused and said, "Why... is it because I slept against you?"

She said "No, she created a feud with me and Lizzie and I need to know why. You should go and get some rest."

I then said, "Then Good night Hope."

I then went to my room and changed into my sleepwear and slept after like an hour or so I get a knock on my door. I then got to the door and said lazily "Look Prof. Saltzman I am not going on another road trip with you... Josie, what are you doing here?"

Josie lept at me and started to kiss me and I asked "What are you doing here?"

She said nothing and pushed me against the bed and got on top of me started to take off her clothes and I stopped her and asked "What is happening?"

She was in tears and said, "I knew it... you don't like me." She started to cry and I got up and hugged her and said: "I like you why would say that I don't?"

She said, "So why don't you want to do it with me?"

I said "Are you crazy I want to do it with you but not now... not when you are distressed about something. So tell me what happened."

She then told me about the fire, her crush on Hope and everything and she said "I don't want to lose you to hope."

I then said, "Josie I would never do that to you, You don't have to worry about that."

She then nodded and she then got off and was about to leave and I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed and said: "You don't have to go we can just... sleep you know."

She was happy and got in bed with me and kissed me and she said: "Thank you."

I said, "Thank you too." I then kissed her and we then slept and that night I slept pretty well, I didn't have a nightmare it was more of a message from my mother.


Hello readers

Hey, guys, I want some suggestions as to what should the Mc look like please not from an Anime I want a real person otherwise it becomes weird. Please leave the suggestions in the comments, please.

And a sort of an announcement I might start another ff about Boruto. It will be completely Au, less ninja tech, no debuffs to the og characters and modified villans.

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