Ch.24 Family reuninon.

Grandpa smiled and said, "Lucifer meet your son Gladiel"

The look on my father's face was absolutely priceless, I mean the man was in shock.

Lucifer looked at me and cleared his throat and asked, "So who is your mother?"

I nodded and said "Liliana Clarke." I then looked at Grandpa and said "Do you mind if we talk in private?"

Grandpa looked at us and said, "Yeah, go you both have a lot of catching up to do." We then smiled and started to walk away but then he said "Here take these with you as well." he handed us two burgers and asked, "Do you want ketchup?"

We both said, "No thank you."

We started to walk and I then said to him using my mind "Micheal is behind Grandpa's retirement, he also sent demons to kill me."

(An:- * in front of dialogue means that it is happening telepathically)

He looked at me and said, "Is that you?"

*I said "Yes this is me but please don't say anything out loud Gabriel is with Micheal" He nodded and I started to send him all that I had learned from Micheal.

*He said in mind "So Dad is not losing it?"

*I said, "No not at all it's all his doing."

*He then said, "So why does he want you here?"

*I said, "He probably fears that I have a big chance of becoming a god. So more likely than not, he wants that in case that I become God. He wants that I transfer the role to him."

*I asked, "So what is this sword that he wants is it special?"

*He looked at me but then looked ahead and said "Yeah, it's the flaming sword it is one of the deadliest weapon. I will need to talk to Amenediel about it."

We then sat down and he said "So like how old are you?"

I said "I am 16"

He smiled and said "I remember Liliana she was my friend. She came to L.A. running away from the witch hunters. You know she could easily decimate those pests but she didn't. When I asked her why she said "I don't want to cause more bloodshed than I already have" I couldn't believe her, she was a very kind soul, always killed people never tortured them." He then looked at me asked, "How is she anyway? I hope she is okay?"

I looked at him and said, "She is dead... she was killed by witch hunters."

He looked furious his eyes glowed red and his voice became distorted like mine and he said "Tell me who and I will make them pay Lucas."

I said in a calm voice, "Calm down father I have already exacted my revenge and anyways, mother never really wanted revenge anyway."

He then looked at me and asked, "How do you know that?"

I smiled and said, "She told me herself. She came to me in my dreams and told me to find you. So here I am."

He then smiled and said "That woman didn't change at all. Huh?" He then looked at me and asked, "So like what are you doing in life?"

I smiled and said, "Fortunately I am still in High school that is the only somewhat normal aspect of my life."

He laughed and asked, "You are seriously excited about your school?"

I smiled and said "That is the place where I met new and amazing people. Made friends and everything."

He then smiled coyly and asked, "Have you made any special friends if you know what I mean?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, I have someone."

He then smiled and said, "Go on then tell me about her."

I chuckled and said, "Her name is Josie Saltzman."

He asked, "Show me a picture of her then." I opened my phone and carefully selected a picture and showed him and he said, "She looks, gorgeous Lucas."

I continued "She is beautiful as you can see, she is very smart and very studious, she is an amazing person, always cares more about others than herself, she essentially taught me how to behave in a society. She takes care of me." And then Hope came to my mind

And he looked at me and asked "What happened? I thought the list was a bit more longer than that."

I then looked at him and asked "A... it's nothing... forget it."

He looked at me and said, "Come on you can talk to me about anything."

I hesitantly said, "Never in my life I was ever confused I knew exactly what I wanted, but then Hope leaves a note and everything becomes a mess."

He looked at me and said, "I don't understand... who is Hope?"

I then told him, Hope, tossing herself in Malivore and her leaving a note and taking care of me and everything. And he said, "So do you like Hope?"

I said, "I don't know and that is the problem I don't know what to do?"

He then said, "So do you like Josie?"

I said, "Yes, I do, like Josie."

He then smiled and said, "Perfect then, you stay with Josie for now and you worry about Hope when she comes out of the pit you know what I mean?"

I said, "That is not really a solution, it sounds like running away from your problems."

He looked at me and said, "Yes, but for now you need to focus on things that are more serious and besides if you are confused as to how you feel you should meet with your aunt Linda she will help you. She has helped me with my feelings."

I said "Fine... if she can help me figure this out then I will go to her."

We then ate the burger in silence and then I asked, "So like do you like someone?"

He looked very happy and said, "I do and her name is Detective Chloe Decker."

I asked, "So what is she like?"

He then showed me the picture and said, "Oh she is a very strong woman, she is smart, very sensible, caring, compassionate and she is a single mom has a child called Trixie, she is also amazing you should meet her, you will love her."

I smiled and said, "They sounds very lovely."

I then asked, "So like what do you do here?"

He smiled and said, "Your father helps the police in catching the bad guys."

I was confused and said, "Huh... so you are policemen?"

He said, "No... I am not a policeman I am a consultant, they hired. I help them in solving crime."

I then teasingly said, "Oh... so it's like that show the mentalist."

He didn't like that analogy and said "Yeah somewhat like that."

I then asked, "So then what is happening in hell?"

He said "It's fine. It can essentially run without me."

I said, "Hey can I ask like what is the deal with Cade?"

He then looked annoyed and said, "Oh... don't get me started about that guy."

I was confused and asked, "Why what did he do?"

He said "So I was playing poker with Belial, Leviathan and a couple of my other buddies and then this guy walks in and he is cocky... I mean like real cocky and so we play and it took us some time to figure out that he was cheating but it was too late, long story short he won the rights to the souls of this reality. "

I was confused "So you gamble with souls in hell?"

He said "Everything in Hell is run by souls, they are the currency of hell. I mean everyone has gold but if your pockets are filled with souls then you are a big deal."

(Amenediel's Pov)

I was standing with Father and I said "It looks like they are getting along."

Father smiled and said, "Yeah, I am glad that they are getting along."

I then asked, "So dad how are you?"

He smiled and said, "I have never felt better, I am surrounded by my family, my son is bonding with his son. It feels like now I can truly relax."

I then smiled and asked, "So do you really want to 'retire' then I mean this is going great, you can keep being God and we all can be finally a happy family."

He looked at me and said, "Son, I am done... now I just want to pass on this role to one of you and just move on."

Then suddenly Gabriel came and asked, "Yeah, like who Dad?"

I never liked her, always eavesdropping, but this time I also wanted to know He then looked at Lucifer and Lucas and said, "Everything in its time children, today is not the time to discuss my successor, today we only celebrate."

(Lucas's Pov)

We were talking about Hell and stuff and then I asked "So what are the stuff only you can do?"

He said "Ohh that is a very big list son, let's see... I have all the normal abilities super strength and what not but the thing only I can do are, Pyrokinesis, Biokinesis, size alteration, shapeshifting, I can resurrect the people I have killed, Interstellar travel, elemental control and there was this power that I had where I could create and manipulate energy and matter but after I helped dad finish his project he took that one away."

I then looked surprised and was shocked and said "You think that I might also have gained some of your abilities?"

He said, "You may have... what can you do?"

I looked excited and said "Out of all that, I can do Pyrokinesis, shapeshifting, size alteration and interstellar travel. Although I never tested that last one Grandpa said that I am always welcome to the silver city so that one is kind of a given."

He then looked very impressed and said "You certainly did inherit more than my charm and looks. How about I help you learn more about your powers?"

I said "That would be nice. But aren't you like busy or something?"

He said, "Well, you can come to the station and we can train there?"

I was confused and said, "What if the people find out?"

He said, "Some people already know about me so it will be fine, I can get you a room and maybe you can come along with me to solve some crime?"

I said, "If you think it is fine then, I am in."

He smiled and said "Excellent."

Then I asked him, "Can I create more people like me?"

He then looked at me and said "You can but personally I personally I think you should wait at least until you are 18, I mean do you really want to have a kid when you are this young?"

I smiled and said, "I mean like can I turn people into you know Vampires and other stuff?"

He then realized and said, "Oh, yeah you can turn humans into other things."

I then asked, "So like I can turn them into what?"

He sighed and said "Well, let's see... You can turn them into Vampires, incubus, succubus, normal demons, minions or Ghouls and since you are a king level the one's you will turn is going to be very powerful as well."

I then asked, "So how do I do that?"

He looked at me and said "Make a contract that both parties agree to then give them your blood and the blood kills them. They then should rise as whatever the both of you have decided on."

He then looked at me and asked his voice had a concern in it, "Can I ask why are you asking this?"

I said "From where I come from death is a very common occurrence. So if I can save someone like this then I would like to have all the information that is necessary"

He was confused and asked, "What kind of school do you go to?"

I told him about the school I go to and he was impressed to know that Humans have created schools for supernatural creatures after that we joined others and talked for a while but then he got a call from his work and he had to leave but as he was going he then said: "It's been a pleasure to meet with you Lucas, maybe we can arrange a dinner so that you get to know everyone?"

I said, "That will be nice, all of us together."

He smiled and said "Well, that is wonderful but I have to leave now duty calls. Give me a call Lucas and we will discuss this family dinner in detail."

He then left and I spent some time with the other part of the family and they didn't really like me and neither did I. Luckily Uncle Amenediel was with me but after some time he also got a bit fed up so we left and I asked him "Uncle can I like get an appointment with Aunt Linda?"

He asked, "Why?"

I said "Stuff with my emotions and whatnot and it has been pointed out on numerous occasions that I may need some help. So I decided who better that aunt Linda, she fixed my dad, so how hard can I be?"

He gave a stiff smile and said "I will get it done." He then got in his minivan and left.


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, I have changed chapter no 18. So please do read that as well. Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF. You can give your suggestions and there is a spoiler section where I have discussed some stuff. I will link the discord server in the thoughts and the synopsis of the ff. Please Join.

And very quickly I am going to change dialogue with Mc and god in the previous chapter the one where Mc mentions Micheal.

Thank you to the people who voted.

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