Ch.25 I need therapy.

I reached my hotel and poured myself a drink, I really needed that, after the god awful reunion. I didn't have much energy to meet anyone else from my "Family". I was sitting on the couch and was thinking about what I was going to do next.

I was in deep thought when I heard the flapping of the wings and I heard a women's voice "Nephew how are you?" It was an awfully cheery voice and I didn't really like the voice it was annoying.

I then stood up and put on a happy face and said "Aunt Gabriel what a pleasant surprise how come you are here?"

She then smiled and hugged me and said "Can't I come to visit my Nephew." She then sat down on the sofa and said "Well, I am also here because Micheal wanted to check up on you so he just sent me here."

I then sat down and poured her a drink and said "Well, as you can see I am fine." I then gave a glass to her.

She drank it and said "Humans do make some good stuff. But sadly not up to par with the stuff in the silver city."

I then smiled and said, "Well, then it looks like I ought to visit the silver city sometime."

Her expressions changed slightly but I could still hear her thoughts "Yeah right as soon as he becomes God you and that fallen is done." She then asked, "So, what is with that Fatherly son stuff with Lucifer."

I darkened my expression to go along and I said "Aunt please don't call him my father I don't like hearing that, he left my mother and me and then had the audacity to call her a friend and showing interest in my life as if he cares about me.

Like I don't know what he is trying to do. He is not even a man enough to admit that he tried to kill me, pathetic." I drank and poured another and said "I am only doing it so that I can gain his trust and can backstab him at the proper moment."

She looked sad but inside she was laughing her ass off "I can't believe he fell for it, what a dumbass." She then stood up and sat next to me and pulled me close to her and stroked my hair and said in a very low tone "Micheal is torn that you have to endure all that. But it is necessary we can't let him be the God."

I looked at her and said, "I will do anything to help you in any way I can."

She then got up quickly and said "That is fantastic Nephew, now I need to go, I have a lot of things to do. You know angel of messages."

We then went to the Balcony and she flew away and I looked at the city and wondered what was soo special about this city that my father wanted to stay here.

Then came a call from Josie, I picked it up and said "Hey how are you?"

She said in a monotonous voice "I am fine but it becoming boring as hell here."

I heard that and a small chuckle came out and she asked "What? You are not here, dad is not here and I am separate from Lizzie. It feels like I am all alone." I then remembered that Hope right now is facing a darker fate.

I then said, "I know it may seem lonely right now but I will be there soon." I then asked, "Where are you?"

She was confused and said, "I am in school."

I then said, "I mean where in the school?"

She hesitantly said, "I am... in your room. Why are you asking me this?"

I then chuckled and said, "Did you also put my shirt on as well?"

She said in a meek voice, "No... I put on your vest."

I laughed and said, "So like you are on my bed, ah how I wish I was there with you."

She laughed and said, "I am face timing you."

I then picked up the call and I saw her she was wearing short shorts and my morning vest and I said: "Oh, bloody hell why did I have to be here."

She laughed and said "So tell me, Lucas. How do I look?"

I seriously said, "You look like a treat, that is very delectable that is within my grasp but yet far."

She laughed and laid down on the bed and she put the phone in a very specific angle, I could see her cleavage popping out and she said in a seductive tone "So how was your day Lucas?~"

I then said, "That is not fair Josie."

She then again said but this time it was almost a whisper and said "Tell me about your day."

I then said, "I had... a very good day. I met some new people and everything else like that."

She laughed and said, "Oh, it's soo fun to tease you like this."

I said, "Oh, just you wait once I come back you'll pay."

She laughed and we then talked as to what was going on there, she told me everything was awfully quiet. She asked me what did I do? I said I met with some very weird people. She asked when I am coming back? I said I still don't know yet.

As I was talking to Josie I just felt like I was free, like most of the problems I had didn't matter. I looked at her and said, "Sometimes I can't even believe that I have you, Josie."

She said teasingly, "Why am I that good for you?~"

I genuinely said, "Yes, you are sometimes I just don't feel like I am good enough for you."

She said "You are enough for me Lucas, and you don't have to doubt yourself. I am yours, always and forever."

I then teasingly said "Always and forever huh? That is a long time, you sure you won't get bored of me?"

She laughed and said, "The way that you are, I am not sure if I will ever get bored of you."

I then said teasingly "What if I got bored of you?"

She said, "Then you will have to hide."

I was confused and asked, "Why will I have to hide?"

She said, "You don't want to know?"

I then said, "I will never hide from you Josie even if you wanted to you know... I can't be away from you"

She then smiled and said, "I also can't be away from you Lucas."

I then reluctantly said, "Hey can you..." She cut me off and said, "Yes, I'll send you the pictures."

I smiled and said, "You know me so well."

She then hung up the phone, I then received some images, and I was very happy. Then a thought occurred to me if I cross her she will come for me. I then thought eh... there are worst things that can happen to me in the next few days.


I was sitting outside the office of my Aunt Linda I was waiting for her she was inside with someone, and after some time I saw a woman leaving in a hurry she clearly looked distressed. Then out came Linda and I got up and she said "You can come in now."

I then went inside her office and it was very small height wise but was very wide. I then sat down on the sofa and she sat on the chair in front of me. I was very nervous and she was just looking at me it was like I was a zoo animal and said "I am sorry but why are you looking at me like that?"

She smiled and said "I am sorry it's just very hard to believe that Lucifer has a kid. I mean who would have thought?"

I said, "Well, as people say Grandpa works in mysterious ways."

She asked, "So like where were you raised and are you like an angel or something?"

I then looked very nervous and she composed herself and said "I am sorry Lucas, let's start small. Tell me more about yourself."

I said "Ahh, okay my name is Lucas Clark, I am 16 and I am an Archangel well, not really I think. My mother's name is Liliana Clark and my father's name is Lucifer Morningstar. I used to live in a small town called Cool'sville Ohio, but currently, I am living in Mystic Falls, Virginia."

She then asked, "And why do you think that you may not be an angel?"

I said, "Well, my grandpa said that I am an Archangel but I don't feel like an angel because I don't really have an angelic form or wings."

She asked, "And why is it that you don't have an angelic form, Lucas?"

I then looked at her and asked "You are not going to tell this to anyone right?"

She said "Lucas your father has confided in me for everything you can too. I will not tell this to anyone, not even your father."

I said, "Cool, then I don't have the angelic form because I have killed people."

She looked very distraught and asked, "Who did you kill?"

I said, "They were witch hunters, they killed me and my mother, so I tracked them down, torched them and killed them. All that I left behind was ashes."

She asked, "And do you feel guilty about what you did?"

I said "No, I don't. I first tried to justify my actions saying that it was for my mother, but I always knew that it was for me. I just wanted to make them feel the pain that I felt. I wanted Hayley to experience what I experienced betrayal, losing someone you love in front of your very own eyes and being unable to help them."

She then said "You said, you wanted Hayley to feel betrayal why? Did she betray you?"

I said in a broken tone, "She did she laid a trap of lies and love and I was very naive enough to fall for it."

She asked, "Do you feel regret that what you could have had with Hayley?"

I was angry and said, "I don't and I have something much greater than what I had with Hayey and I don't want to talk about her, that is not why I am here."

She said, "Okay, Lucas no need to get angry. Just calm down and tell me why are you here?"

I calm down and said, "I wanted to talk about Hope and Josie." I then explained everything and asked, "Am I crazy because I am overthinking things or there is something that I don't know?"

She said, "What I think is happening here is you are being a big baby."

I said, "What? Can you elaborate on that?"

She said, "I mean you just told me you liked Josie but now that another girl leaves you a note, your whole thing gets shaken up?"

I said, "Yeah, I know this has never happened to me before and Hope is not just another girl she is my friend who has gone through similar bad experiences, everyone she loves get's taken away from her. Just like me, I was lucky enough that I had someone like Josie that accepted me for who I am and... I just want that Hope doesn't feel alone when she needs someone."

She looked at me and said, "Lucas, that is not your job, you can still help Hope by just being a friend."

I asked, "What if she doesn't want to be just friends? What if she asks more of me?"

She looked at me and said in a very calm voice "You are just scared because you think that both Josie and Hope will leave you. You have abandonment issues Lucas, and I think it stems from your mother."

I then said "So I have abandonment issues? So I fear that in a situation that I have to choose between then I won't be able to because I don't want to lose both?"

She looked at me and was impressed "Wow, Lucas you are my first celestial who got it this fast, everyone else in our family is like a giant celestial baby."

I said, "Yeah, we can take a piss on them later but what is it that I should do with this?"

She said, "There is no other way Lucas you will at some point need to confront these felling of yours and you will have to give an answer to both of them, you can't string them along."

I said, "Oh, bloody hell."


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, I have changed chapter no 18 and 2. So please do read that as well. Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF.

You can give your suggestions and there is a spoiler section where I have discussed some stuff. I will link the discord server in the thoughts and the synopsis of the ff. Please Join. I am also thinking about some new stuff related to some new ff, so come and join so that we can all discuss.

I also want to say that Lucifer 6 season stuff will not happen. Well, some stuff may happen but not all stuff. It will be pretty modified. And I will also need to change that dialogue in the previous chapter where cade is mentioned.

And very quickly I am going to change dialogue with Mc and god in the previous chapter the one where Mc mentions Michael.

Thank you to AvatarLOK2, DaoistzmxNSW for the review, I hope I can keep this ff going.

Thank you to the people who voted.

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