CH. 41 House warming

The welcome back that I got was expected by me. But what can I do… like Caroline said I need to give them some time and space.

I had asked Dorrian about my room but he said and I quote "I don't know about that. You might have to live somewhere else for a while. Ric is a bit pissed off right now, but you still have a chance."

So you might be asking where I am right now? I am at Mystic grill. I am drinking beer and Hope is with me. I pleaded with her to stay there, but she said "That she is the one that Josie wants and I am the person most capable enough to protect her." I am not even going to argue that but still.

Hope was looking at the menu and she asked "What will you have?"

I just looked at her and she asked "What?"

I said "You didn't have to come with me. Hope, you are finally with them…"

Hope then looked at me and said "The thing is they are also mad at me but can't really say it because you messed up way more than me… so I am actually doing it for me. So what do you want to eat?"

I chuckled and said "A steak burger, fries and another beer."

She looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. She then placed the order and it looked like she wanted to ask something. I looked at her and chuckled and asked "You want to know about hell don't you?"

She looked at me and nodded. I took a sip of beer and said "Well, it is a pretty shit place in terms of scenery that is. It has a very red and smoky sky and lava pools are here and there." She looked interested so I continued "But the best part is my city."

She was confused and asked "What do you mean by your city?"

I said "There are like different zones of Hell. There is like a very barren zone nothing happens there, then we have the work area it is a lot like prison cells in which we take a souls on rounds of tourcher, then we have the recreational area which I made, there is like a colosseum, stadiums and stuff, then we have the market this is a part of the City. There is like… stuff there and then the city part. This is where most of the demons live and also the place where my palace is."

She looked at me and asked "You have a palace?"

I looked at her and said "I lived in Hell for 992 years. I had to do something to pass the time while I learned the magic of the world."

She looked at me and the server got our orders and she asked me "What do you mean by magic of the world?"

I took a bite and said "I mean I know every form of magic that exists in all worlds."

She was amazed and she asked "So you know all kinds of magic huh?"

I nodded and she asked "So what is the most powerful magic?"

I said "There isn't really the most powerful magic. There are magics with different aspects, so it is hard to categorise."

She asked "So how do you know all of them? I mean you can know them but there are certain magic that can only be used by specific people, so how?"

I said "When I killed my uncle." I then looked at her and asked "You remember the guy who came afterwards and had given me a small box?"

She said "Yeah that guy with the black wings, so what?"

I said "Well, he was the one who created magic. Every form of magic that exists is because of him. But the thing is Grandpa had taken that power away and made the process a lot more automated but a small portion of it still remained like it still remains in my father. So when I killed Micheal I got that portion of power and it helped me in learning and in using all kinds of magic."

She then said "I don't think I will get used to you being fallen."

I sighed and said "Well, you have a long time to get adjusted."

She then asked "Who is Levona?"

I said "She is the first demon that didn't try to kill me, so she is my best friend and now she manages Hell."

She asked "So, what did you do besides learning magic and creating palaces and stuff?"

I chuckled and said "Well, the magic leaving was pretty recent, but before that when I was first in hell like for the first few years, I didn't do anything… I was just broken, then for a few years I decided to drown my misery in alcohol and other stuff and then I was lost for a few hundred years and after that Levona pulled me back and she gave me hope that I will be able to go back and fix everything. And all the while many demons were sent to kill me but they were easily dealt with and after that I killed the old three kings and seven princes of Hell and then I reformed Hell, to be more balanced. So that is what I did basically."

She looked at me and I looked at her and I smiled and I took her hand and I said "I can't describe how happy I was when you brought me back here."

We then talked a bit more and then when we were getting out the server came and I said "I already gave the tip."

He was a bit humble and said "No, sir. Some lady wanted to give you this."

I looked at it and said "Thank you."

He said "If you need anything I am always available sir."

I smiled and said "Alright."

He then said "Have a good time Sir and Mam."

Hope asked "How much did you tip?"

I said "Like a 100, those are the only ones I have."

She asked "Are you going to open it?"

I said "Yes, but not here."

We then went downstairs and I said "Hope, you might want to keep a bit of a distance."

She asked "What do you think is inside that?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "A small bomb, anthrax all kinds of stuff."

She then took a few steps back and I opened the letter and it was a letter and a key.

Hope asked "what is it?"

I said, "It's a letter."

She came close and asked "By who?"

I said, "It's from Caroline."

She asked "What does it say?"

I read the letter and she said "Meet me at the Lockwood mansion."

I asked "Why is she asking us to come to Lockwood mansion?"

Hoep said "I don't know but we should check it out"

We then went to the lockwood mansion and we saw Caroline in front and she said "Hello."

Hope said "Hello." and I tried to maintain a bit of distance and she walked closer to us and she looked at Hope and me and she said "I know that everyone is kinda mad right now, but I know what you two are going through and I know things seems a little too bleak and Hope is safer with you because from the stories that I have heard about you." She then took Hope's hand and she took her to the door and opened it and she said "So I hoped that until the situation calms down you two can stay here."

Hope and Caroline went inside and Hope said "This is nice."

I also walked through and Hope was a bit surprised and she asked "How did you enter?"

I said "Oh yeah that, so I used to think I was a demon so I was bound to those rule sets like getting hurt and getting drunk and stuff. But now that I fully accept that I am a fallen I can come and go easily."

Caroline said "I am never going to get adjusted to that." She then shook her head and said "So, I will take my leave now or Ric might know… I will see you guys soon."

I smiled and said "Thank you for doing this for us." She smiled and then slapped me.

I looked at her and she said "I said I understand but that doesn't mean that I am not angry at you."

I said "Alright." She then slapped again and she said "Good night guys" she then again slapped and went away like a blur.

Hope then walked closer to me and looked at me and she said "Looks like our luck is good."

I nodded and she then leaned up and kissed me. I said "Indeed it is."


I hope you guys liked the chapter. I have mostly two questions from you guys.

1. Is how you guys feel about crisis on infinite earth.

2. How do you feel about a ff involving a guy transferred to Dc with______. You can fill in the blanks there. Cause the thing is I was about to doing a ff with the 100 but it is a little too self limiting. and I had an idea that the guy that gets transferred has the power of copying powers from others. But only one at a time with a 3 weeks cooldown period.

So let me know and yeah I am really enjoying writing this again, thank you for that.