Ch.42 You've got a call.

I woke up early and I got up from my bed and I opened my curtains and I was greeted by the sun. I opened the window and I stepped outside and I took in a deep breath and I exhaled. I said "Finally back."

I then went to check up on Hope. I knocked on her door and she didn't answer for a while so I announced myself and I went inside and she was not there.

I looked into the bathroom and she was not there as well and now I was panicking.

I was having thoughts that Josei might have taken her, but then I heard some clicks and clatter noise coming from downstairs.

I then went downstairs to check and it was coming from the kitchen.

I looked and it was Hope I sighed in relief. She was cooking, I looked at her and I didn't interrupt her.

She was very engrossed in it. She was making the staple american breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and oj.

She then caught a glimpse of me and was startled. She said "You scared me, are you standing there like a creep?"

I looked at her and I said "Ouch." She chuckled and I said "You were too engrossed so I decided not to bother you."

She asked "How do you like your egg?"

I smiled and said "Scrambled."

She said, "Over easy it is."

I chuckled and I asked "May I ask why you are making breakfast?"

She looked at me and said "Well, it is your first day back so I decided to give you your favorite breakfast."

I said "I am humbled that a princess is making me breakfast."

She looked at me and chuckled, she then presented the plate to me and it looked good.

I poured some syrup over the pancakes and I took a bite. Everything about the pancake was good. It was fluffy and all but it was too sweet. I still ate it and she was looking at me. I then took a bite of eggs and they were a bit burnt. Bacon was crispy and good. She looked at me and asked "So did you like it?"

I smiled and said "It was delicious." It put a big smile on her face.

I then got up and I asked "What do you want to eat?"

She said "The same is fine."

I said "Alright and how will you like your eggs."

She said "Same."

I nodded and I then went to get the bowls and stuff and I saw that she had used most of it. I then snapped my fingers and I washed the dishes.

I then made a fresh batch of choc chip pancakes. And I made all of it very quickly and efficiently due to my mind. She said "You have the most hack ability, you know that right?"

I nodded and I said "And it is a good thing that I am not that ambitious."

She looked at me and said "You conquered Hell, I'd say that is pretty ambitious."

I then gave her the plate and she took in a bite of the pancakes and she was delighted, I snapped my fingers and the dishes were getting cleaned. I sat down next to her and said "Hell, is nothing. Did you know that there are an infinite number of universes similar to our own."

She looked at me and said "Wait what?"

I nodded and I said "Yeah, there are infinite earths similar to ours but all of them differ in some way or another. There were many fools that wanted to conquer all of them, but ultimately it's a fool's endeavor."

She looked at me and she said "You should get yourself checked a thousand years in hell did a number on you.

I chuckled and said "Eat fast you have to go and meet up with Prof and others."

She looked at me and asked "You are not coming?"

I said "I am coming but I can't stay, I am going to drop you and get my stuff back."

She then said "Speaking of stuff, your necklace." She was going to remove it and I said "Keep it."

I then thought for a second and said "Actually, wait a second." I then touched the necklace and countless small circular runes of light blue color were shown on the necklace.

I then removed my finger and Hope asked "What was that?"

I said "Rune magic, it works best with physical material, I just connected that necklace to me. So if something bad happens you can touch it and I will get a signal and your location."

She looked amazed and she asked "Can I learn this?"

I said "Sure if you have like 2-3 years to spare."

She looked at me and asked "It will take that much time?"

I said "Yeah, it is a bit too complex, I will get you something else, don't worry."

After the breakfast was done. We took shower and got ready. I opened up a portal inside the school. Some people were a bit shocked but they saw me and were curious as to where I was and who Hope is?

I then looked at hope and I asked "Should I give everyone the memory back?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said "Yeah, why not."

I then cast a spell to bring back everyone's memory and it was like golden bands with words in them. I then released the spell and it created a huge blast of magic essentially encompassing the globe.

Everyone got the memory back and they now knew who Hope was and then some people also put two plus two and kinda got what must have happened with me and Josie and why Josie was livid and shouting Hope.

I then looked at her and said "You go and formulate some sort of plan and I will take care of my things."

I went to where the garage was and I saw an old friend named Ralph. He was working on my car. I tapped on his shoulder and he was startled and he looked at me and said "Lucas?"

I nodded and he hugged me and I said "How have you been man?"

He said "Fuck that where were you?"

I looked at him and said "Hell."

He looked at me and asked "I mean you could have called, we have been scratching our heads here man."

I looked at him and I said "No, man I was in actual Hell."

He sighed and said "Come on man, you come now and you are in a mood?"

I sighed and I showed him my wings and he was again perplexed and startled and amazed and mesmerized even he said "Beautiful."

I then put my wings back in and he asked "What are you man?"

I then explained to him as to what I am and he needed to sit down and I asked "You need water or something?"

He said "No, I am fine." He then looked at me and said "So you are the son of Lucifer and you are an Angel."

I nodded my head and said "yeah, pretty much."

He then asked "What I still don't get is how did you end up in Hell?"

I then looked at him and explained the series of events and he was mad as well, which is understandable. He said "How can you do this man? You are ruining lives."

I said "Ralph… I know what I did was wrong and all but it is what it is… I feel this way, Hope feels this way…"

He then cut me off and he asked me "What will you do if Josie doesn't feel the same?"

I sighed and said "I then have to let her go… I can only try Ralph… even though I would hate it."

He looked at me and he said "You are the most greedy bastard I know." He then walked away.

I sighed and said "It just keeps getting better now doesn't it."

I then got in my car and I opened up a portal to the lockwood mansion and I moved my car, truck and my bike. I then went inside and I just waited for Hope to call me but then I remembered I don't have a plan. So I first went to the mall and paid all the bills.

Then I went to the room and I relaxed and I turned on the T.V. and watched some stuff until Hope gave me a call.

A red circular rune came in front of my face and it showed a small hologram of Levona. I said "Hey how are you."

She looked around and said "I am great. How are things there?"

I shook my head and said "People are pissed."

She then nodded and looked around and she asked "Is this your room?"

I said "No, this is a place given to me for a while. I will need to buy one or make one."

She said "Ah… alright."

I nodded and said "Yeah, so any news about Josie?"

She nodded and said "Yeah she has entered the town. But there is very odd energy around her."

I asked "Is it coming off from her or around her?"

She said "Around her."

I was in thought and she looked at me and she asked "Do you know something about it?"

I looked at her and said "I am not sure but I do have an idea. Anyway thanks for the report."

She said "Alright I have to get back to work. I'll call you later. Bye"

I said "Bye" I disconnected the call and now I was thinking as to what they could be.


I hope you guys liked the chapter. And I wanted to ask you guys should I give my IG id to you guys so you guys can contact me or should I make a Facebook group or something because a very few have joined Discord... Well anyway let me know and yeah I liked 2 ideas so far 1. Is a Martian Mc one. I have thought of a plot for him and why is he on earth and all that.

2. is of a Mc who can turn smoke into other stuff, but the problem is I can't really think of something for it.

Anyways if you have any other ideas please share and do not mix stuff from franchise that doesn't gel well with Dc.