Tori's Improvised Takeover

{Name: Tori}

{Age: 11}

{Race: Human}

{Cultivation: Rank Five of Body Refinement Stage}

{Cultivation Aptitude: Immortal's Pain Physique}

{Cultivation Technique: Immortal's Wisdom Technique}

{Cultivation Manuals: Immortal's Punch Manual}

{Alchemy Talent: Immortal's Guidance}

{Skills: Appraisal}

{Treasures: None}


Tori's vision suddenly distorted as his hands trembled slightly.

[Due to having millions of different herbs transplanted into your mind, you are going to experience excruciating pain for a few moments. As this occurrence is caused by the Cultivation System, you will be protected while you are vulnerable.]

Tori knew the voice was speaking, but he didn't comprehend the words as his breathing began to destabilize.

In a moment, his entire body began to spasm as he jerked onto the ground. The spasms continued until he quickly became still only seconds after, multiple slaves having already arrived and also spreading the news.


Little Rang ran over to him, shaking his shoulders in a panic.

"Give him space, Rang!"

Elder Bo arrived later, his breathing haggard from running as he called Little Rang. The boy seemed to snap out of his panic as he backed away from Tori, watching helplessly as he lay motionless.


"Greetings, disciple."

An extremely handsome man spoke as he sat within an endless expanse of darkness, his eyes squinted closed and his small smile kind.

"Greetings..." Tori paused.

"You can call me Master."

Tori's face didn't change, but his eyes flickered.

The previous man's smile became gentle.

"Not that kind of master, young one. If it really disturbs you so, you may call me Teacher."

"Apologies Master, I thought ill of you."

Tori didn't know what was happening, but the hair on his neck stood up as he looked at the young man in front of him. He felt danger from every aspect of him.

"Apology accepted. Now, let's begin the training."

A small plant appeared in front of the cross-legged man, floating silently.

"Tell me the names of this plant, 3 characteristics, 3 main uses, and how it was discovered."

Tori's mind seemed to subconsciously react to the floating plant as he answered,

"Two-Leafed Rombone. It has two large leaves, is completely green, and grows in most regions. Mainly used for small recovery pills, weak strength pills, and many common illnesses. Was discovered by Furious Ron when he adventured into uncharted cave systems and spread the plant all across the continent."

Tori responded without hesitating in his sentences, his eyes glowed as he spoke. The young man continued smiling as he praised Tori.

"Very good. Next."

A small tree appeared in the air.


Tori didn't know how many herbs he had explained or how long he spent doing so, but he felt it had been dozens of decades. He and his Master never changed positions, both sitting calmly.

"That was the last one."

A small red and purple iridescent flower vanished from existence as his Master spoke. Tori didn't speak, but his eyes glimmered with a hint of disappointment.

He already felt as though he would never see his Master again. He had tried initiating conversations, but his Master smoothly avoided them. Without even noticing it, he had grown fond of the young man.

'Are my emotions really so malleable?'

He didn't ponder it for long as his Master spoke again.

"Goodbye, my disciple."

His vision distorted again as the darkness around him engulfed itself.


Tori's eyes opened as he adjusted to the sudden brightness.

He was in his room, in his bed, alone.

His Master was gone, probably forever.

He touched where his heart was as he pondered the subject.


One hour earlier...

"Please stop! Please don't hurt him!"

Mary screamed as she was held back by two guards, watching as Nug repeatedly kicked Tori.

"Just fucking die already, slave!"

Nug was extremely unhappy when he found out that a kid had a stroke in his garden, but was glad when he finally had a reason to torture Tori. He immediately went over to punish him, but Tori didn't wake up!

He finally had enough of the boy and decided to kill him, but found out that he couldn't!


Nug grunted as he kicked Tori one more time in the back, sending him flying into a large Spiritual Tree. The bark splintered, but only Tori's clothes were harmed.

"Enough! Send that slave to his room, and when he wakes up, bring him to me! The rest of you slaves, do your fucking job!"

Nug yelled in a final outburst before stomping into the mansion, Mary discreetly slipped past him as she took care of Tori once again.


When a patrolling guard walked past Tori's open door and noticed he woke up, the guard immediately informed nearby guards before bringing Tori into the hallway.

Another guard seamlessly joined along the way as Tori was pushed in front until they eventually stopped him in front of a large gold-detailed door.

One guard knocked on the door as a deflated voice responded,


The same guard opened the door for Tori before closing it, leaving Tori alone with his "master", Nug.

Nug stared at him for a few seconds before motioning for him to sit in a chair parallel to him, a desk dividing them.

"Slave, you will tell me what happened in MY garden, on MY work hours, with MY slave!"

He emphasized the 'my's as he demanded an explanation.

"So noisy." He itched his ear as he frowned.

Tori disliked Nug's loud voice, and he was going to do something about it.

"What did you say, slave!?"

Nug was dumbfounded at first, but he immediately roared like a drunk bull with no reasoning, further increasing Tori's dissatisfaction.

"I'm going to kill you now."

Tori spoke quietly yet firmly, his childish voice scratching at Nug's eardrums.

Nug was too shocked to say anything, but Tori didn't waste time and jumped up, throwing an ink quill at Nug's throat that he grabbed from the desk!

Nug hurriedly slapped the quill away with his hands as he jumped up to counterattack, but he would never get the chance to!

Tori seized the distraction's opportunity and jumped onto the desk before slamming his knee into Nug's face, obliterating his nose as his jaw dislocated!

Nug's woeful cry resonated within the mansion as chipped teeth bounced on the polished wooden desk beneath Tori's feet.

Tori wanted to end this as fast as possible and suddenly stabbed a dagger into Nug's heart, sealing his fate.

Nug's eyes nearly popped out as he stared in utter disbelief, but he managed to squeeze out his dying words to Tori.


"The dead don't need to know."

Tori responded quickly and coldly, not giving Nug a tinge of understanding as to why his life had abruptly ended.

Since Tori had been building his image among the slaves, he could easily ask a favor from the various maids in the mansion. He could have also bribed a guard with some stolen herbs, but that was too risky for something he didn't completely need.

A maid had "forgotten" to put a kitchen knife back after cooking the meals for all of the slaves, but the maid stated that she seemed to have "misplaced" it.

Although most of the maids would have kept their mouths tightly sealed if they did know, Tori didn't want to create so many factors in his improvised takeover.

Tori put the knife in one of the few books he had in his room and discreetly took it out when the guard turned around to signal the others.

Back in Nug's office, Tori was waiting for the guards to quickly come and investigate the screams as he wiped his knife on Nug's gray robes, staining the previously clean fabric.

'I want a robe... maybe black. Or red.'

Tori slumped Nug's corpse onto the floor as he plopped onto his chair, already panning his rule over the mansion.


I finished this in a hurry, so please comment on any errors!

Also, should Tori's robe be red or black?