
Trevor advanced against the tsunami!

'What are you doing? We're going to die!' Aicanhir rubbed his black paws against his head and muzzle. His eyes were closed, seeing what his partner was doing was too much for his heart.

110 meters.

'Shut up! Help me find a log that looks like this and we can maybe get out of this alive! Trevor wasted no more time on words and just sent the mental image of the log he was referring to.

100 meters.

'Very well! Let's really kill ourselves then!' The Golden Sun of Dawn didn't want to waste any more time either and started looking around to see anything resembling what Trevor had informed him.

90 meters.

Everything was chaotic. Huge animals that had been hiding both underground and among the many gnarled trees emerged, emerging from their nests and burrows like angry ants from an anthill that had been poked.

80 meters.

'Where is it? Where is it?' Trevor's heart sank into the abyss, this time, the abyss was as cold as the Extreme South Sea. Every time his heart circulated blood through his body and irrigated his limbs with oxygen, Trevor felt his anxiety rising.

70 meters.

Many of the gnarled branches and dead leaves on the ground had already been lifted, and still many more were about to be constantly lifted into the air because of the pressure the tsunami was putting on the air: compressing it into something that could be described as a barrier of air.

60 meters.

Most of the flying animals were still in their nests, believing they were exempt from this calamity because they knew how to fly. The land animals on the ground, meanwhile, showed nothing but a determined performance in saving their lives: one that would make any professional runner in the pre-Cataclysm era feel ashamed.

50 meters.

'Here it is!' Trevor only smiled with his eyes, for fear of opening his mouth and some leaf or similar light material entering it. Inside the mini-dimension, the Golden Sun of Dawn didn't show the same joy: his hands were still over his long nose.

40 meters.

In front of Trevor, something that could be described as an old gray log emerged. Trevor didn't stop his movements, and managed to hurriedly get closer to that dead plant organism. There was another important detail in this equation: the small hole that lay in its gray body.

30 meters.

Trevor didn't have time. He took up his poison spear and brandished it against the small hole: splinters of dry and brittle wood were the results of his act. Even though some of those splinters almost fell into his eyes, Trevor just smiled at that. Without further ado, he took out the lighter that was in his mouth and ignited the tip of his spear!

30 meters.

The roar of the coming storm was loud, making Trevor's ears ring with its enormous pressure on his head. The young man was not intimidated, his flaming spear would not last long: every second of his actions was valuable. What followed was simple, Trevor brandishing his weapon against the interior of the gray hull, causing the many insects and worms within it to escape for their miserable lives.

20 meters.

Trevor went inside the dead trunk in sequence, the flames had burned the oxygen inside it to stay lit: making Trevor have difficulty breathing here. There was no easy solution, the black-haired youth threw his spear away along with the items in his makeshift bag.

10 meters.

Trevor adjusted himself in the trunk and tucked the lighter along with the maps into his tight shirt. The young man then lifted his nose and flared his nostrils in a hurry: sucking in the last of the remaining oxygen that was outside before bracing himself for the fierce impact!

The tsunami came in full force!

'It's over!' Aicanhir cried, wishing for the thousandth time that they had superpowers.

The water didn't stop for nothing, hitting the gray hull like a warhammer!

Trevor gritted his teeth, blood running down both sides of his lips!

'Hahaha!' Trevor's crazed laugh then echoed out of a sudden!

Aicanhir's opened his eyes saw something surprising!

The water did not enter the trunk!

'Wh-' His surprise was such that his red tongue was sticking out, making several drops of saliva fall from it like he was thirsty. Saliva fell from his mouth to the ground like rain, with no signs of stopping for anything.

Trevor didn't say anything during these moments. His concentration was all on holding himself firmly inside this trunk and holding his breath as long as possible: just thinking would make him expend his precious oxygen on useless brain activities.

The items he wished to preserve Trevor had already been stored in a better place: between his legs. There was no better place than this to keep his items, as any other region wouldn't have the necessary ledges to ensure the items didn't fly away.

Inside this big, thick trunk, Trevor rubbed the rest of the torn cloth against its rough interiors as he withstood the strong currents of water. Even being inside such a place, it was still relatively cramped to be there: the lack of an arm in this situation was not only harmful. If not for the lack of such limb, the young man would not have been able to enter this small opening.

The skies outside were already dark as the night itself. The huge wall of water acted and gave Trevor the immersion of what it was like to be under the sea. What had actually happened was quite simple: Trevor made use of the simple principle that two bodies cannot occupy the same point in space and time.

There was no genius behind his actions when acquiring this improvised submarine: just logic and much, much luck. The air inside the gray trunk was thin, making the veins in Trevor's neck pop out.

His face turned red like the red earths of the Central Plateau, but the young man couldn't afford to pass out. Losing consciousness here, in the best case scenario, would only cause him to suffocate. In the worst case scenario, he would be sent into this tsunami never to be seen again.

'You…' The guara didn't even know what to say in this situation. It was embarrassing, to say the least. However, the Great Golden Sun of the Immortal Blazing Dawn did not give up so easily: pride was stuck in his bones like toxic heavy metal!

'Well, to tell you the truth, I was expecting this. It's no surprise, considering you managed to overcome the sea of ​​dark waters. Oh human, don't be too surprised, this big one here was just doing another little test.' Aicanhir lifted his head up proudly.


Trevor didn't say anything. His eyes remained closed, with each passing second, the more the young man felt the effects generated by the lack of oxygenation. If the hydrogen potential in his blood was measured, someone with a basic knowledge of biology would understand that Trevor's blood was getting acidic.

The more he expended his energy, the more he increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in his blood.

This could not be avoided, making the young man have to concentrate hard to avoid falling unconscious. Still, the feeling of his blood turning acid was awful: the tightness he felt in his chest grew tighter.

Trevor not only felt his chest constrict in agony, but also other parts of his body that were in the chest region. The young man with the green eyes was like a mad anatomical scientist: causing pain in his own body to feel the inner workings of them. The difference between them was that Trevor didn't want to be doing any masochistic experiments!

The agony was such that Trevor opened his eyes to distract himself.

What he didn't expect was how much he would be distracted by it!

'What is this thing?!' Aicanhir also had his eyes wide open.

Above their heads, visible through the small hole, a long shadow moved in the depths of those waters. The thing had several jagged tentacles, skin gray as mercury, and pale blue patches all over its body that decorated its skin.

The monster was gigantic, just the size of one of its tentacles was more than enough to crush the gray trunk with ease. Trevor didn't expect to have to deal with such a thing: there were no more contingency plans in his mind.

Suddenly, another part of the memories came back to seeing this creature.

Trevor's expression turned grim like burned charcoal.

'What bad luck…' The green-eyed youth wanted to shake his head, but didn't dare waste his precious oxygen on these foolish actions. Aicanhir was also able to hear Trevor's thoughts, as the latter no longer had the necessary mental strength to hide his thoughts from the former.

'Do you know what this thing is?' The Golden Sun of Dawn didn't miss the expression on his partner's face: Trevor had squinted his eyes for a few moments. This simple gesture took on an entirely different meaning when combined with Trevor's earlier phrase!

'Yeah, that thing is a buero….' Trevor sighed in his mind.

Before the cataclysm, many monsters existed only in people's imaginations. However, after the arrival of the same, these same monsters began to come to life. Not because the disaster caused these monsters to materialize out of nowhere, but because of the people who managed to survive the disaster: which had their own beliefs and myths.

When these survivors encountered a fierce monster, their first instinct would be to run. If the act were to succeed in the end, the second instinct would be to brag about it. And what was the best way to brag about having survived a monster's attack?

Was it inventing an unknown name full of scientific jargon or comparing the creature to mythological monsters from the legends? It was much nicer to say you survived the onslaught of a legendary titan with a pompous name than to say you survived a strange muscular humanoid creature!

The buero in front of Trevor was the same. As far as the black haired boy remembered, this name was derived from another very famous monster in the Western Mountain Ranges: the legendary cuero! His knowledge about the etymology of this famous name ended there, but this didn't stop Trevor from trying to guess the rest.

'Buero?' Aicanhir blinked. 'What a wonderful thing be able to know the name of this living calamity. Tell me, do you also know what this thing can do besides slaughter us into many minced meats?' The guara had his head turned towards the said living calamity as he spoke.

The monstrous buero paid no attention to these two goofies.

The creature's dozens of eyes swam along with the currents, moving in several different directions quite often: investigating this chaotic environment like surveillance cameras in a maximum security prison.

In the deep waters of this tsunami, something invisible was shimmering. Such a thing was as big as multistory buildings, but as mobile as the leaves of an old bush in light winds.

The buero roared under the tsunami waters when he saw such a thing.

Waves spread across the aquatic environment, bringing with them the monster's rage.

Trevor felt his right hand go numb, his feet nearly slipped and he was flung forward. Despite never having gone into space, Trevor felt like a miserable astronaut about to be ejected into the void! He swore he wasn't guilty, but the other crew on that hypothetical ship wouldn't listen and kicked him out anyway!

That invisible thing in the depths of the tsunami also stirred at the roar. The monster's body appeared for the first time: it had the body of a snake, but with the difference that there were two arms with several sharp claws in its hands.

Trevor kept his eyes narrowed, while Aicanhir wore a grim expression.

The two monsters roared!

The two monsters moved!

The two monsters clashed!