First Kiss

Mummy told daddy everything. I'll stop there and spare you the details, but crucifixion might have been preferable to what my parents did to me. Not because it would hurt any less physically, but because I would be able to dissociate from it mentally. That rage wouldn't stay with me, looking for something to hate. To tare to pieces.

But some things are different now. Now, whenever I think of me and Rachel in each other's arms, the rage seems to cool. The more I recall that feeling, the stronger I feel. I want to feel her again with every part of my being.

Today is a bright Monday morning. One of the brightest I've seen in a long time. I almost wanted to call out and thank it – but I didn't, of course – because there wasn't a speck in the clear blue sky. Humming a little to myself, some lullaby from when I lived with my grandparents. I turned into the dark alley up to there the bars were. This is Rachel's house.

Suddenly, there is a bark. I jump, but not nearly as much as before. "G-good boy."

I tried to pet it, but the dog just tried to bite my hand. Is it overprotective or just hungry?

"Down boy." Said a familiar voice. Rachel ran over and jumped over the fence. Although she always wears a long skirt, I was able to see her underwear for a moment. Rachel yawned a little when she landed as if that stunt was nothing and walked down the alley with me close behind her.

When we got out into the opening, Rachel walked over to the fence as she had done before, but then stopped and turned, fanning her skirt. "Come on, I'll give you a leg up."

I felt my face crease up, these past two days I wanted her to see her God knows how badly. I had almost forgotten how to make different facial expressions, but I am happy now and smiling, at least if my face still remembers what that is. My heart raced, and I found the courage to run towards her and kiss her in the lips.

I kissed her. I kissed Rachel and her lips were soft. Now, I know why they liken girl's lips to rose petals. They are so, so soft that they to almost fall away from yours and smooth too, but warm. I felt so much warmth inside that it felt like we were kissing in the heat of summer.

I moved back, breaking the kiss. I realized that I had kept my eyes shut the entire time that I kissed her and didn't look at her expression; Rachel had coloured to her bright ears.

I stood ready to be reprimanded. If she is angry, I am prepared to take on any punishment. For that kiss, I couldn't have held back. Not even a moment longer. "I-I missed Rachel."

Rachel looked around for a moment, her fingers touching her lips. Then she leaned towards me and cupped one of her hands to my ear. "I missed you too, Linda."